Why doesn't somebody just shoot her?

why doesn't somebody just shoot her?

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They love her that's why shes in power.

If you kill your enemies they win.

I cant see a history where she isnt assassinated.

She is a puppet. The jews will just place a new one. The people must stand up for themselves.

form your lips to GODs ears

no. if we just let them ruin the whole continent as they please they win.

>If you kill your enemies they win.
Are you fucking retarded?

Germans are too servile to overthrow their government.

welcome to Sup Forums
please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times

Are you fucking new?

Why are you guys so fucking delusional, i know this is Sup Forums and that evryone here is idealist cunt living in his own imaginary world, but Germans are talking shit only on this website, in Germany on streets they are all fucking cucks "peace love and diversity" hippies, some of them dont feel that way, but they are sure as hell aware of consequneces they will face for being racist and shit.

You brought that to yourself so now eat your shit and shut up, this isnt Angelas first mandate you reelected her you cunts! Go act big in Germany dont talk shit on the internet, you are like Serbian nationals, all talk big, but our PMs party always winning elections!

Only the French are good at chimping out.

Why didn't they just use the eagles to fly to mordor?

Germans secretly love her, being cuckolds is a big fetish for them.

Firearms are forbidden in Germany, therefore you can't operate a gun.

Why would a bunch of Muslims kill their leader?

Crime is forbidden also, are you gonna tell me you dont have criminals? Your jails are empty and you disbanded police force?

Guns are forbidden here also, we are still second country in the world with guns per capita. Stop being a little faggot.

>are you gonna tell me you dont have criminals
only the ones from balkans




They cant do shit ever since they adopted white flag as national flag

We can't forget about the lovely tanned Germans.

I can belive that, 5 years ago we have 10.5 milion people, now somehing less than 7.1milion. So you can safely tell that 3 million of people, some of them total shit tier from rural parts of Serbia are roaming through Europe, some of them are in Germany illegaly for 10 years or more, you might step up on your imigration control, you suck, we piilage your countries like in fucking medival times. Tho Spanish managed to finaly catch these nerds.


She does a good job.

how embarrassing

she has comrades, and she just becomes martyr or some kind of magical liberal unicorn

Because if you kill the bitch she'll become a martyr and Germans bring in even more shitskins.Trudeau is right this time, if you kill Merkel she wins.

They didn't want to even though the entire known world was about to go to hell if things went to shit.

How new are you?

>mein neger