Why is there so much Muslim sympathy despite how many people they kill?

Why is there so much Muslim sympathy despite how many people they kill?

They don't kill anyone you fucking xenophobic piece of shit.

Only mentally unstable people kill people.

Fuck you.

Who did GW defend America from?

So this is what Khan does on the weekends.

ok, then why are Muslims so mentally unstable?

Slimy limeys.

2 and 3 are true of both. Nuns are oppressed and the founding fathers were labeled the terrorists of their day.

And no one equates beard with extremist. Just weirdo, like jews who have curley things in their hair

>Implying Islam isn't a mental disorder.

>nun vs average citizen
>why are people defending those who killed our people labeled as terrorists
rlly mks u tnk

Fuck you you mentally ableist shitlord

Muslims are not mentally unstable.

They follow the true path as set out in the Holy Qur'an, spoken through Mohammed (PBUH).

Difference is a nun wont have acid thrown in her face if she takes her habit off.

Every Christian woman isn't a Nun and George Washington was a rebellious traitor who should have been hanged.

Because of liberalism and people not giving a shit anymore about Christianity.

If the West wouldn't have been so harsh on Christianity , Islam wouldn't never had the power to infiltrate in Europe.

>Mentally stable
>Follow the teachings of a violent paedophile.
Pick one.

Peanut Butter Uber Hallal??

>Nuns are oppressed and the founding fathers were labeled the terrorists of their day.

The person who created this pic must be awful in arithmetic. Ignoring the concept of ratios and proportions is a typical trait of leftards.

Because sex is scarce and shit tier quality

>People caring about beards.

>nuns being stoned to death for taking off her veil

>george washington walking into british parliament with a bomb vest.

I'll take things that never happen for 100, Alex.

daily reminder that Mohammed fucked a 9 year old girl.

Daily reminder that your prophet is a disgusting piece of shit pedophile.

>invasion solicitors

we respect you choices.

Fucking die. There is no peace with your cocksucking, degenerate, inbred false demon god. I will peel your fucking skin off and wipe the blade clean with your worthless fucking book

usually its the extremists that cause the terror. Not all Muslims are terrorists, its just more common that they are, due to their faith and believes.

Washington never killed innocent civilians.

Because progressives (who control the media and academia) ignore facts unless they're convenient for their cause. In order to fulfill their dream they have to live in fantasyland because it would come crashing down the moment they let in even a bit of real life.

Even the lefty cunt who made that pic is distinguishing between "person" and "muslim", and yet they feel the need to pretend that different treatment for the two isn't justified?

So driving a truck into a crowd in a country where you were taken in as a refugee is called defending your country.

Top kek.

a combination of misinformation, shelter from reality, and misguided good intentions

just in the way that a parent treats another person's child much more delicately than their own

>Washington never killed innocent civilians.

AHAHAHAHAHAH Those indians would like a word


wew roach

Very well, lets analyze this retarded meme, shall we?
No one gives a fuck.


Nuns choose to do it.

Muslims are born into it, and are beaten (or stoned) if they choose not to.


George Washington fougth for independance and rigths, repelling the british.

Muslims are picking figths no one would give a shit about, and infiltrate the country to kill, rape, and blow themselves up to kill as much civilians as possible in order to instill fear, or because they are savages, whichever the case. They figth, ultimately, to brign about Sharia law everywhere, a law has been proven time and time again to be nothing more than the psicotic ramblings of a desert warlord trying to justify his idiotic, pretentious megalomania with religion.

I like how this image implies that Muslims aren't people.

Because liberal western women want the brown cock, but they don't want to admit that they're giving up on their civilization's future by fucking the invading Muslim men. So they have to create a media narrative that - no, seriously you guys, Muslims aren't that bad!

Liberal men echo the narrative because they're so wrapped up in self-loathing that they want cultural suicide.

>Those indians would like a whiskey sour

raise a hand whatever nation who has not soiled its hands on innocent people's blood

>Why is there so much Muslim sympathy despite how many people they kill?

media, ignorance, christian values.

It's all about legitimization. If a human can legitimize an action for himself, no matter how dumb it is, he will do it. Now if it is in favor of "God" everybody who has been indoctrined with that religion will be easy susceptible to do things in favor of god. Specially if they see the behaviour in the west that goes against their values.

Now take all the immigrants that are flooding europe. young 20-30 year old "army" men. They don't have any future here besides living on welfare, besides some liberal sluts and retarded girls they won't get a gf. they won't get a proper job because they will never learn german. It will create a dead-end situation for them and they will realize how worthless they are. So they turn to "jihad" to make their lifes "worth" something.

Liberal policies will propose to help them date native girls, help them learn german, help them get jobs. But its just a time waste to integrate this human scum. even if the 5% of those who they try to integrate with these methods succeed. they will start to impose their cultural laws by abusing political correctness and tolerance. The only way to get rid of this problem is to send them ALL back.

well killing people IS a important part of their disqusting faith

Was gonna say this.
Muslims are not persons it seems.

since when are nuns required to wear their UNIFORM outside of church or the nunnery?

And since when are all muslim women employed by the islamic faith?


That's all those terrorist attacks are! I didn't know!

That's a very racist request, roaches don't have hands you bigot. Not that he could raise them if he had any.

cause more muslims have died because of western bombs then westerns have died because of muslim bombs

They're not mentally unstable, just idiots

This pic is beyond dump

Its because muslims usually don't make their own weaponry. They are just hopelessly outclassed by western technology anyway.


Nuns have a choice. That's the difference.