Sup Forums used to be a open and welcoming place for all political ideologies. but recently a infestation of Trump shills has infested this board. they tried to make bernie bros and hillary supporters fight eachother. now that hillary is the nominee it's time to unite Sup Forums against those shills supporting the russian agenda and trying to turn this board into RT the online forum. let's all unite and show them that HRC is the queen of Sup Forums.
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Sup Forums used to be a open and welcoming place for all political ideologies
gtfo of my board
go back to moscau you putin plant. HILLARY 2016
Merkel wants to destroy America like it did Europe
Merkel is a great leader and poof that women are capable leaders. she got us trough the financial crisis well and reacted to the greatest humanitarian crisis of our century with compassion. the only people on this board are paid shills from russia who hate the sanctions and baltic energy independence.
keep talking, im getting 30 roubles per post :)
wtf i hate Russia now!
your empire will fall. hillary is gonna wreck you guys first day in office. you'll be split to be greater mongolia and urkaine.
wow that really made me think
you convinced me OP,
now i am #mentallyhill
good arugments OP, that really fired up my neurons
now i am #cruizhill
CTR was made up by neo nazis, just look at their logo.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
it used to be until putin page for the trump zombies
>Sup Forums revisionists
i'd wager that that you came here in 2015 didn't you?
Shillary cant ever replace Bernie. She's a corporate whore.
Guys remember when Sup Forums was happy and helped everyone. Give me karma if you remember the good ol days where Sup Forums donated to charities and wasn't homophobic
do you remember the one time Sup Forums doxxed the iranian father who's children were killed in a drone strike and every one sent him money and clothes?
How much Putin's shills get paid? Maybe I should leave CTR for Putin? Send me some info on second e-mail address at pic related
putin pays around 50ct per (You) for this fuckers. they were trained by the 50ct brigade.
>Destroyed the Roman Empire
>Destroyed Western Europe
>Will destroy Western Civilization
hope you enjoy that putin dick up your tight anus. trump is a paid meme. the russians are serious threat to the progressive and inclusive integrity of Sup Forums.
Russia wants Hillary because they sell weapons in 3rd world shitholes and stands to gain enormous amounts of money if she starts another eternal war in Syria. The US and Russia are going to keep doing this forever.
Okay nevermind, this is a shill thread filled with subhumans. I only argue with humans, i.e. not liberal livestock.
Can confirm. We got out of hand.
russia should be banned from ever posting on this board.
You should be gassed for ruining Europe.
Kys, OP.
>My Wife's Son: The Thread
Saged and hidden.
Has any German ever been right about anything that did not lend itself to precision? As soon as a German tries to talk about law, rights, ideology, or art, they go from being the smartest guy in the room to being incoherent.
thank you for correcting the record
>trump shills
gtfo. Hillary has ACTUAL shills you shit bag