What's Sup Forumss opinion on Nihilism?

What's Sup Forumss opinion on Nihilism?

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>muh spooks

You have to be a cool person to get it.

Fuck it, I don't care

No such thing as nothing. They're delusional crypto-anarchist attention whores who brains haven't fully developed or has been damaged by drugs, mainly weed.

a bit too edgy for me

As Nietzsche said nihilism is a necessary step in order to separate yourself from traditional and dogmatism to make your own opinion.

nihilists aren't supposed to be this triggered

It's inevitable

The more you redpill yourself the more you realize how fucked beyond repair the world is

Is just a meme

>nietzsche thought that because certain beliefs were established by forces and actors around your life that you couldn't possibly have formed your own opinion on them without resorting to nihilism first

that's pretty dumb

It really is this yea.

Nihilism is not meant to be a perpetuate state to live in.

Its supposed to be a state where you can destroy thoughts that are not working anymore. And replace them with other thoughts that do work.

So to a certain degree, everyone has nihilism in them. Say you believe that Sally has 10 dollars with her, so you could buy an ice cream together.

But then she says to you "well I only have 2 bucks, sorry user". You can continue to believe that she has 10 bucks and get on ice cream. Or you can demolish your old thought and go home to get some cash yourself.

This anology may seem ridiculous to you to apply to grander things but the same mechanism is at work here. Its only difficult for things that are more metaphysical. Like friendships, employment, food, money etc.

Many people have these bad thoughts that do not work with them. And I dont mean turning full psychopath even. I mean thoughts like

>"all drug addicts can be cured, they just need more help"
>proceeds then to just waste time on that person instead, even though he will never get cured

>"today I will certainly win in that lottery!"
>proceeds to waste 1000 bucks each year without winning anything for the rest of his life.

Small things like that really.

The more IQ you have, the higher up you can go in the thoughts that most would think are natural, base instincts.

But the marshmallow test on kids is exactly the opposite proof of that.

>hates nihilists
>posts one

The black pill is the true red-pill.

Schopenhaur is the only type of nihilism that's worth it.

Also most nihilist are just atheist fags who assume not believing a god=nihilism. It doesn't

The most logical philosophy.

this. I'm not a nihilist but it makes the most since

....since what?

The root of all degeneracy

No human hedonistic instincts causes degeneracy.

beta fuckboys who can't argue for shit

>"they cant argue!"
>doesnt make a point

stay Sup Forums, never change.

are you retarded?

Nope. Is this your argument?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little cuck?
I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in The_Donald edgelording, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret brigades, and I have over 300 reposts. I am trained in shitty logic and I’m the top shitposter in the entire dompire. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will meme you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this website, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, cuck. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of NAMBLA navigators across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the pepes, leftard. The memes that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outmeme you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my shitty dank memes. Not only am I extensively trained in hating muslims, homosexuals, transsexuals, leftists, black people, asian people, mexicans, veterans, women, and anybody who isn't a straight white male, but I have access to the entire crew of the United States Alt Right and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the internet, you little sjw. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cuck. I will post shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

My first post had the argument in it. Why are you cuckpedaling?

opinion =/= argument

my opinion is you're a failed abortion and your mother should have tried to birth you in her asshole cavity. Do you have an actual argument against it or?

Nihilists ARE beta fuckboys who can't argue, this is a known fact. Stop cuckpedaling, m'virgin :^)

He won't ever have an actual argument against it because he's just a shitposting retard


This is far from fact, and i just had sex about three hours ago. Your argument is invalid. Ill show you a good argument.

Nihilism is more viable in society over religion because it doesn't have to utilize a false god with horrid morals and a book that contradicts itself every potential turn, and instead takes a more applicable approach on the real world.

See how thats an actual argument, Sup Forums?

> nihilists having sex

top kek

tell me, does the fedora come off during wank-sessions or does it stay?

>dodging the argument
>sticking with silly beta ad hom

buddy, you're the only beta virgin here. Either shitpost correctly or argue the point.

> nihilism is far more viable in society

Nice opinion there, permavirgin. I'd like to have a list of all successful nihilistic societies.


When are you fucking off back to r/atheism, where you'll be free from those pesky ad hominems and people calling you out on being a crusty zit-ridden turbovirgin?

Yeah man, because no morals and having no drive in life because its meaningless is so much better than believing what you do on Earth has an impact later.

So much better than the belief that you should strive to be the best you can be on Earth.

If life is meaningless do us all a favor and end it cuck boy.

It's fucking retarded.

Read Nietzche and you'll hop off that shit fast.

Yes, unintelligent people need something to believe in so they dont go on killing sprees. Unfortunately, your inability to understand the concepts of what religion entails shows how fucking meaningless your opinion is. The amount of contradicting and hypocritical shit coming out of religion is laughable, and if you're stupid enough to think its correct then i have a bridge to sell you.

>im not a nihilist.
the argument was nihilism > religion

>mainly weed

Your shitposting is hilariously awful and you should feel bad.

For real though, does it feel shitty to know you're not intelligent enough to put forward an argument and discuss it? I couldn't imagine.

It's way too easy to smack them about, and the fact that they have to argue against the low-hanging fruit of religion, just proves how pathetic they are.

Not only did Jesus (a very well documented historical figure) never ask anyone to join child-molesting clubs, the nihilist is probably too fucking stupid to tell the difference between evangelion and religion.

Everyone should just do everyone else a favor and complete shit on every nihilist they see, because "fuck morals".

> i'm intelligent

You're obviously not intelligent enough, to know that humans need control.

Kindly fuck off back to your cuckshed and never post here again, kiddo.

I totally agree, it's incredible how many people think that because something worked in the past then it will work in the future.

It can seems obvious that the world is changing all the time and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow but unfortunately a lot of people still justify futures actions because of the past.

But we can't as a species carry on with this logic.
If we don't stop burning coal and oil by saying "We always did it in the past and it didn't cause any problem" well we go head in the wall. This logic also apply to irrational movement such as BLM that justify current action by long past ones.

Anti nihilist are stupid hedonistic monkeys that can comprehend reality without meaning WITHOUT PLEASURE, its no use argueing with them.

Watch this video then, you cuck.

Literally everything in your argument is an opinion and thus isn't an argument, ill go to my previous point.

End it.

They're cowards donny

Yes, unintelligent people DO need control. You clearly have none, and look at how shitty of an individual you are. Thanks for making a solid anecdotal point for me.

It was, but i understand you don't want to discuss the points i've made that clarify my position.

>end it

im not a nihilist. again.

Nihilism is basically true but since we're here we may as well build on it and find meaning instead of wallowing around crying about how pointless everything is.

Listen up you mental four, a ten is talking. The main failure of philosophy education is that they teach these histories of logic that include theories that have been so utterly, unquestionably discredited, that it's laughable that ANYONE with two brain cells to rub together would consider them. But they forget the the people they are teaching are so completely empty and void of self awareness that they actually do latch onto things like dualism.

BUT THERE IS A GREATER IDIOT that hears about nihilism and doesn't realize it was created as a straw man/slur for philosophers to insult each other. Instead they think it's some edgy atheist surrogate that wears small black sunglasses. This is a meme and it is good to use it to identify retards. Congratulations, you played yourself.

nihilism works as a cleansing fire to burn off inherited beliefs and ideas that someone might not believe actually believe in. there are plenty of vestigial beliefs we all hold but haven't examined consciously. Like Nietzsche said, nihilism is not an end, but a means to an end. It's part of the creation/destruction narrative throughout his works. like in zarathustra "i have brought my ashes to the mountain but now bring my fire to the valley."

i was pretty nihilistic last year, but it was just a part of the process of doing an entire reevaluation of what I actually believe.

So can it also be considered a mechanism to combat fear?

Yea, its nice to see that there are others who somehow understand scientific nihilism.

Well nihilism can have varied results. It will bring out the nature of a person more so than any other ideology. Because thoughts can imprison a person.

But with nihilism, on each cycle you can cut down the bloat of bad thoughts. Thus in a way become closer to your true self.

Some people become worse people, start abusing drugs and getting herpes from fucking many sluts.

But the thing is, conservatism lies in the nature of people as well.

So if a person like me, who grows up in a liberal society gets nihilism. He becomes his true self again.

But a shitty person who was imprisoned for his own good by thoughts, like religious ones to do less bad, will become a worse person.

and to what you are saying, yea a person could consider himself to be a "nihilist" if he keeps on destroying his thoughts a lot. If that is his main mode of operation.

Personally though I would agree more with targeted nihilism. Meaning that if something was proven to be untrue, no matter how ugly and difficult. You stop believing in that.

Though I guess, if you have a lot of time, you could also do shrooms and initiate a manual, brute force nihilism that severs your neurons from eachother and may allow you to see subtle things that do not work anymore.

>thinks he's anywhere on an intellectual scale
>still assuming i agree with nihilism, and not putting it in contrast towards religion

I thought you were going to pose some valid points when you started out with the whole first line. Because i agreed with you after that point, up until where you said "i played myself. None of what you said played against me, just nihilism.

A lot of steam for such a non-argument. lmao

Nihilism can be considered to be part of every human, its part of the neurology, of the functioning of the brain.

Its basically the "forget" function. Because every thought in your brain is inside a neuron cluster (like on a hard drive). When you forget something, your brain simply removes it from the neuron cluster, often to be replaced by something else.

You can do this automatically by simply forgetting irrelevant information that you do not use. You can also do it manually by the virtue of collecting proof, evidence. Perhaps like I who goes to /fit/ who then collects evidence on how to eat cleanly. If I had old ideas of how to eat properly, but they were dismissed with proper evidence. I will say to myself "well my old thoughts were wrong and I will use this new method"

Which means that I wont be using the old thoughts anymore, and eventually they will be brought to the back of the bus, where they will eventually fall off.

Or you can use the super brute force way of using shrooms, who sever connections randomly and return you to a state of childlike brain things. Which often helps with addictions, trauma's and other things that you cannot simply manually remove.

Say what you will about the tenants of National Socialism, at least it's an ethos

>Listen up you mental four, a ten is talking

there is no fedora big enough

your pic sums up my thoughts pretty well.

Are these the Nazis, Walther?

It is not a philosophy in itself. It is a counter-philosophy that you test your ideas against.

It's pretty dank

>I was just pretending to be retarded! But you should still argue against my retarded point! But since I don't agree with my own retarded point, no matter how you argue, I WIN LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Congrats. You're cool.

>debating someone on politics
>clearly and objectively win the debate
>"oh it doesn't matter cos i'm a nihilist anyway"

Literally the worst people

>didnt understand the argument, or didnt read it
>assumed i was a nihilist anyways, because why not

Yes, keep showing people how fucking stupid you are, you silly goose.

I wouldn't be nihilist if my life didn't suck so much as it is, but the reason is probably because I have always been apathetic towards society and always took a neutral stance to everything.

Nihilists tend to be people who've never heard of Evola or are too stupid or cucked to grasp his philosophies.