Good evening, Sup Forums...

Good evening, Sup Forums. I started a thread late last night trying to drum up some interest in a webcomic that I like and then I had to go to "things" other than post stupid shit on Sup Forums for a while...

Well, I'm back. Let's see if I can finish, tonight.

Here's the archived thread of what I've posted already. I'll be picking up from there.




















































So I gotta go poop and do a couple things. Bump this for me, would ya? I'll finish when I get back.

Get it?




The comic should end right there, this is the best page written in the history of humanity.



















Op, just wanted to let you know that your doing is very appreciated


I just want people to talk about a thing that I like, is all.



Why not just read the comic on its site and support the creators?

It's zero cost and arguably more convenient than reading a storytime.

Love Back so far tho


You see, what I'm doing is called "spoon feeding".

I could have just made a thread with a link and said "Hey, fuckers. Go read this." Hardly anyone would, though.

I'm making it as easy as possible to get into this comic. If I'm lucky, the comic will pick up enough regular readers here that there will be some sort of discussion on this board when it updates each week.


















