Fake and gay

fake and gay

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Do blacks fear the alien?

Enhanced fight or flight instincts, in the jungles of Africa you cant see much so your reflexes have to be fast to avoid a sudden ambush from a predator, its the same reason niggers will attack you if you tap them once as well.

But really, what was that?

True, there is something primal in those people, something that we whites lost long time ago.


Not so fast, Serboturk.

Meteorite breaking up in the atmosphere

Nothing to see here move along

>something that we whites lost long time ago.
Yh thing user sneak up on a guy and see if she doesnt swing his fist by reflex at you unconsiously.


Because their brains can't process things fast enough.

It's like when you sneak up on a bird or squirrel at a bird feeder. They're sitting there, eating their seed peaceful and happy, then you startle them and they chimpout and run around frantically to get away from you.

>Meteorite breaking up in the atmosphere

I wonder who is that behind that post...


Im laughing because the modern day situation that you described is a nigger walking down concrete streets and avoiding ambush by a guy wearing a synthetic alien costume.

because they have the mentality of an 8 year old.

>huge the moving glowing plasma ball
>nothing unusual, just ball lightning

An alien device comprised of an immense number of connected nanoprobes.
Upon entering the atmosphere of a planet the nanoprobes detach and begin occupying all areas of every region where they observe and examine all aspects life.

Oh shut the fuck up. White people lack melanin and calcified pineal glands. Their reactions are slower. Black people have quicker reactions because their brains process things FASTER. It's like you white people think of any excuse to put black people down. It's common sense. Coordination is your body following your BRAIN. If black peoples minds couldn't process things fast enough then they would freak out and run straight into the ground or fall or something

Last time i checked im not black, if i did i would be fucking your girl as we speak, chicks like big black dicks, shame im average european. Blacks are stronger than us phisicaly, you basicaly have no sport team that doesnt have majority of them or at least 3-4.

So much for the untermenchen theory.


>claims nigger brains process things faster.
>claims it's "common sense" so he doesn't have to post real evidence backing this claim.

This video still hasn't been topped in my opinion.

It is. Black people excel at improvisation. And Do you know what physical coordination is? Hand eye coordination?

No fucking way


user a lion can kill you a in split second while its 9 feet away from you, you really dont have no time to register what the fuck is coming near you. Blacks avoid animals because animals are still their mortal enemies in Africa, phobias are basically genetic self preservation instincts against a specific danger. All the black that were buddy with dogs and felines are dead while the ones who are scared of them are still alive.

nigger dick bennimax cuck analysis


I thought Americans are dumbest people on earth, then came the internet and smartphones, so i have realised the hard way that we have those fucking pea for brain idiots in my country too, 8 years of elementary school 4 years of highschool and people still belive in weather machines, chem trails and all those paranoid stuff, they even demolished antenna for mobile phones network here, thinking its weather machine device, kill me please...

Jupiter's reflection in high altitude helium gas




You are simply wrong, East-Asians wins again. There is a correlation between IQ and reaction time.

You are not the average European if you are Serb, Serbs are a mixed race Turko-Slav breed. If that is the average European, well then I don't want to be European anymore.

That chart actually proves nothing .. Lmao. White lies at it again

go get some bolts and catch it

Yes. And the mutant and the heretic.

in the future there is only race war now

You know shit about history, first of all Turks werent allowed to mix with conquered population that was absolute haram, women who were pregnant from raping fests were killed before they could give birht, there are many scripts about this, you can also look up on Armenian genocide. They needed full blood Slavs to fill up their Janissary military units.



ancestral memory

Oh yeah? Where's your evidence of that proving nothing?
For those of you who don't know, you want a smaller number for your reaction time, just like any other race

Where's your evidence that it does? The fuck? Am I supposed to believe that chart? Japanese people have the highest reaction times? Cmon man. Hows the reaction time even measured? How's the iq measured, why are there only 4 countries even being studied?


Looks like a power line fucking up judging by the flashes and powerline poles.


why does AYYY LMAO have shit on his hands?

sample sizes are too small for any concrete conclusion to be drawn there
>those standard deviations
ayylmao those figures are basically useless
i mean cool as a reference for future studies but that is really really really far from conclusive

Even the dumbest Americans are smarter than your average citizen, monkey.

It's hilarious how many of you foreign faggots laugh about Americans all day on Sup Forums when you simply don't matter. You don't matter. Your country doesn't matter. Your posts don't matter.

Their subconscious emotional reaction to any thing that they don't know about or fear.


>t. Diego Gonzales

They are incredibly stupid and gullible.