Ask an active member of the SAS anything (within reason chaps)...
Pic related, some US and UK members of Task Force Black circa 2006.
Ask an active member of the SAS anything (within reason chaps)...
Pic related, some US and UK members of Task Force Black circa 2006.
Why do you lie on the Internet? Faggot
What's the colour of the boathouse in Hereford?
Why are you a poofter in real life? Poofter.
Why do i not believe you at all?
why do you collect thumbnails?
>google images
Lol i gotta hear this one. Go on OP
does the government let you guys have guns?
Ask an active astronaut anything (within reason guys)...
Pic related, me and planet earth and shit circa 2011.
You LARPing faggot.
Fucking kill yourself.
Great thumbnail you got there user
We are allowed to use our own guns. If not our personal guns we pretty much have access to anything you can think of. Ranging from UK weapons like SA80's etc. (which no one does as they are shite) to Belgian FN2000's if that floats yer boat.
> "I did something cool and manly once! AMA."
Welcome to the club, Chap.
Answer this you faggot
Ask an active US President anything (within reason my fellow Americans)
Pic related, me in the oval office circa 2008
why are you such a bunch of regressive, islamophobic pigs, user?
At what age did you turn into a nigger?
Where's your SA80 m8?
What was your torture session like?
Have you met Captain Price?
Your tears are delicious. You are also still a lying faggot. Faggot.
Here's a Gif of you and your faggot mates.
oh wow, obama is that you? for real?
Slide thread. Sage.
There is no boathouse you cunt.
How long do you microwave a burrito?
Sure OP, I'm actually Nigel Farrage, AMA.
Ask an active member of the SA anything (within reason kameraden)!!!
Pic related me and my bro boycotting Jewish shops circa 1932.
Oh well, this didn't go as well as our last session in 08.
This place has really gone downhill since then.
Goodbye you fucking cunts.
Why were you so blatantly incompetent in our JTF naval special warfare exercise in 2014? MARSOC MEU here, worked with SAS and SASR twice and you fuckers held us up. KSK and ROKN/UDT shits on you.
Fuck you, LARP faggot.
Kill yourself.
Yeah, nah, you're a fake cunt. Take it from some in the ADF who actually knows what the social media regs are. You are probably some low level greaser cunt who thinks hes flash. Pull your head in cunt.
I got a "Wolf" badge in Cub Scouts so there's that.
Fuck off you retard, nobody cares about your obvious RP
You can do the same LARP autist
There is no boathouse in Hereford
What's the colour of the bathhouse in Hereford?
Redpill me on Libya.
why are you all in blackface? isn't that a bit racist?
also what is your favourite meal?
what did you have for brekkie?
Holy fuck you are so much of a liar that i cant even believe you havent been clinically diagnosed yet
point shooting, yes or no?
Dick pick or you're a fake
The fuck is that?
A boat, In the SAS base in Hereford.
Which means there most be a boat house.
lost it
What a coincidence! Your photo appears on this website:
It's also on the first page of a Google Image search for 'SAS'
Fucking slit your wrists OP
>Sup Forums
Where is the body of water?
>LARPing this hard
kys crazy mythomaniac
What's it like to be known as the first cuckold in space?
too bad I didn't see this thread earlier. Bye dude.
Why IS MARSOC shit on by the entire SOF community?
Nice MASCAL you had back in 2008 by walking into a complex IED field and repeatedly getting yourself blown up.
About 60km away
hahaha faggot. back to r.eddit with your AMA
Do you always aim for center of mass no matter what?
Try give a non-bullshit answer if you want to be taken seriously. What helmets, plate carriers and weapons are standard issue?
Can you tell us anything juicy? Like some serious shit?
How about hand to hand combat? Any stories?
Do you get any vacation time?
How often.
/k/tards are literally nuts m8
How many people have you killed?
Do you often get women throwing themselves at you while out in uniform? Or are things different in the SAS in that the uniform is not a sure fire pussy magnet?