What's some drowning kino?

What's some drowning kino?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Abyss.

>12 feet deep
>47 meters down
>both releasing this year

In the west they pump their sons full of estrogen then cut off their dicks.

xd kino :)

the entire black race could learn a thing or two from this

In china being rebellious means making a B on a test or skinning animals alive.

>entire black race could learn a thing or two
I doubt that.


The Leftovers

what about dogs



based pusyposter

true, at least the dad is present to drown his son

Minority Report

Being adventurous in China is BASE jumping off the Foxxcon building.

>black race

Like how to swim.


Daring synthesis

one way to get kids in shape, parents shoulda done that to me



Little mexican kids drown in collapsing tunnels in this film.




I bet his son stopped being rebellious after that.

>he thinks they are capable of learning


I wish my dad would come back and tell me to get a job while doing that

Mean Creek, featuring a drowning Josh from Nickelodeon's seminal series Drake & Josh

>save image
>rename it "IMG_1510.jpg"

more parents need to do this
kids these days have no manners or respect

Don't British people invite millions of Muslims into their country to rape and blow up little girls and then imprison people who speak out against it? Glass houses.



Chimps learn faster


Was it necessary to pull her pants down?

what's Sup Forumss obsession with black people. I can't imagine hating something but still constantly talking about it every chance I got


fuck you boy

You do understand that "rebelling" can be a positive thing like "dad i don't want to be a farmer, i want to be a lawyer". In fact your situation is probably not because of rebelling but not rebelling enough and instead of following your worthless but fun dreams you struggled to get average grades in school and suffocated your soul in the process.

Post the link then

It's like you hate something but you're forced to be around it every single day and can't say anything about it without severe repercussions. It's like hating dogs but being a slave in a pound.

They have some sexual fetish for them. No one posts that much BBC porn 'ironically'.


trigged nigg alert

the absolute state of niggers


I think everyone in the world agrees that Chinese people are fucking retarded.

Why hate all black people?



>tfw black

No idea why they are so obsessed with us, maybe it's the whole nigger thing


maybe it's the whole "ruining culture and committing disproportionate amounts of crime regardless of which country they are in" thing

They're triggered because you guys like white women as much as they do.

>According to reports, the boy was said to have been performing poorly at school. He had been accused of stealing and getting into fights.

>The father decided to scare his son into seeing sense.

>In the footage, the son can be heard shouting ‘I’ll change! I’ll change!’

It worked.

Your stats don't reflect reality

t. someone who's been outside

Based father, a lot of kids in the US seriously need this type of shit.

will probably just harbor a resentment of his dad that festers until he kills his whole famalam

>b-but muh anecdotal evidence!!

>7% white intermarry
There's hope yet.


>eye witnesses don't count

Only in the court of (You)

t. wh*te guy

Your limited perception doesn't reflect reality.

Blacks intermarry a lot, so do Asians. It's getting more and more common with time.

die die
die die

fuck off aznpride

fucking scum of the earth, fucking slant eyed melon man fucking shrimp nose cuck fucking penny pinching hill hider


You were saying?

Well, yeah, eye witness testimony is notoriously unreliable and while statistical analysis can have its own biases, they tend to be fewer than something as bullshit as personal experience.

Is that supposed to prove something?

>eye witness testimony is not allowed
>but only when it works against me

You're agreeing with what I'm saying then? Even socially conservative places like Russia now have interracial relationships with blacks.

Stats literally reflect reality. That is the point they try to achieve.
>Stats are wrong because I say they're wrong
>My personal opinion trumps academic merit
Kill yourself, underage trash.

Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would tie a man to a ladder before throwing him into a river

>You're agreeing with what I'm saying then?

I can't. I know for a fact it's wrong
It's your drawings/photoshops vs. my eyes

Sorry that upsets you

what is this nigger on about?

gonna need sauce on this
