The largest youtuber Pewdiepie is a closet (maybe not as closet) Trump supporter and is secretly redpilled. I've had doubts for a while, some of his recent videos have had multiple references to Trump, now he's gone full-blown MAGA and is wearing a MAGA hat. All the shit happening in Sweden probably turned him into a nationalist
Pewdiepie is hiding his power level
Other urls found in this thread:
Also the Hitler references in two of his most latest videos and thumbnails, even though the videos have nothing to do with Hitler
I think he's speaking to us, Sup Forums
He's bretty redpill but can't show do to his way of living
I wonder if some trump supporters actually don't see through this brickwall of irony
He's made Trump references in almost a dozen videos, and has really stepped it up in his recent ones, it's too overplayed to be ironic
i kekd. The japenese anime music with the word adolf hitler got me.
If he doesn't name the Jew he is a traitor to Sweden and Scandinavia in general. And all of us who share is genetic profile.
no, it's definitely ironic. I doubt pewdiepie actually supports Hitler and gassing Jews
Either he supports gassing the Jews or he supports the demographic genocide and cultural suicide of Sweden.
Also, I'm enjoying this video even though typically pewdiepie videos are dumb.
Pay attention to the comments. Viewers are confused as fuck. In denial, mostly
I've seen his videos before to learn why is he successfull. But now, he's going all out. He's uterly bashing youtube, he prolongs his videos to 10 minutes just for more revenue but in rebelious way.
Red pilled or not, he's fighting establishment.
Are we gonna have a Sup Forums styled eceleb thread now?
holy shit im fucking confused if this is ironic/satire or not
really fucking confused
but its probably too beatiful to be true, in his next video he'll probably make some explanation/apology for the confusion
and from reading the comments, im not the only one
Did you even see the beginning of the video? He is almost comparing Trump with Hitler.
I really like the outro of that vid btw
His videos still suck ass, granted I havent watched that shit since I was young but I'm not about to start watching now.
Nay, he IS comparing them. After all that nazi stuff, he shows up with a MAGA hat, making fun of Trump voters and making them out to be nazis.
Another super degenerate claiming to be "redpilled" and "conservative". Why don't we just call Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson and John Lennon and Jack Black conservative and "redpilled"?
More reason to hate Trump.
>I doubt pewdiepie actually supports Hitler and gassing Jews
it's such a common sentiment though, you naive hillbilly.
he started out on Sup Forums after all
>Panders to right wingers with the hat and constant hitler references, making them believe he's red pilled.
>Panders to leftist cucks by making them believe he's doing it ironically.
He's doing it for views
too bad none of his viewers can vote
He is even more annoying than I imagined. How the fuck can you watch this shit?
Yeah its most likely non sequitor humor. Hitler there for nor eason with japanese music.
However, he could also be subliminally getting his normy userbase minds used to the idea of seeing Hitler in funny lighthearted everyday experiences.
Subliminally this comes off as 'not so bad' instead of 'the devil'.
Its mostly 10-20 year olds and girls who think he's cute.
Dude, it's fucking sarcasm. Both Shittypie and his brain-dead drooling chimpanzee fans are libshits. I mean, he's a fucking S*ede, how can you expect anything else.
his fans are children.
E-celebs are part of the cancer killing Sup Forums
Step 1: It's inappropriate.
Step 2: It's funny because it's inappropriate.
Step 3: It's funny.
Step 4: It's funny because it's true.
Step 5: It's true.
>I mean, he's a fucking S*ede
He left Sweden and moved to UK. I don't think he likes the current situation in Sweden
He advertised his videos there yeah.
He apologised for making rape jokes and stopped doing it because of complaints by feminists. He's a bluepilled cuck.
>Trump supporter
>red pilled
He is literally a puppet to uphold the illusion of democracy you fucking retards. The fact that you think voting matters is the most blue-pilled shit I can think of.
He wouldn't even be making rape jokes if he were a blue pilled cuck
>He left Sweden and moved to UK
Right, because the United Cuckdom is so much different than S*eden.
>The end card
Damn, that really fired up my Vote Hillary neurons.
>a puppet to uphold the illusion of democracy
Or it could be that he is making fun of drama alert.
keemstar wears the trump hat, and this video is a parody of drama alert.
He's mocking a guy called Keemstar who is actually a Trump supporter and has occasionally wore a MAGA hat in some of his videos.
well, he is a FUCKING WHITE MALE, after all
>this is the most popular youtuber in the world and he makes millions of dollars acting like this
Swedes aren't white.
the price of a MAGA hat has been deposited into Trump's account then
i still think pewd is redpilled
I said voting doesn't matter, can't you read?
Fuck you sure told me. You'll see that Hillary will win no matter how many times you get repeating digits in a Kek thread.
This. Thank you for correcting the record.
I can't wait for an alt-YouTube to get popular
You sort of have to if you want to cater to the lowest common denominator
>and gassing Jews
Kinda hard to support a myth.
What is the audio right at the end of the video? At 9:52. Sounds like reversed speech.
>Fuck you sure told me.
Tell you what? I didn't say anything.
Isn't this the same guy that said homophobia is a mental illness?
sweet gif, what subreddit did you get it from :3
look at the end of the fucking video it literally says feminists are rapists lmao
Watch his lastest stuff and compare. He's evolving, Hans.
You made this thread a few hours ago
He's making fun of Keemstar in this video. Keemstar is unironically supporting Trump.
>he's a drumpf supporter goys xd
He's not american, he can't vote. Doesn't fucking matter.
doesn't he live in Sweden?
Isn't illegal to have nationalist beiliefs?
this entire thread
>moving the goalposts this hard
At least you realize you're not saying shit by posting an overused meme. Next time just don't post at all.
Are you fuckers delusional?
he lives in Los Angeles, London, and sometimes lives in Italy
You're sort of right. It's illegal to have nationalistic beliefs but that's because he lives in the UK.
It could almost be said that you... Corrected the record
And I wonder if most Hillary supporters don't see through Trump's wall of irony too.
He lives in Brighton. Pretty much everyone in Brighton is a complete degenerate
it looks like he's trying to go for that idubbbz demographic
Watch pewdiepie slowly redpill his entire fanbase. You'll have a bunch of kids telling their parents they want Trump. Will the parents listen to their kids?
PewDiePie is a fucking kike jew you retards
He doesn't support Hitler nor Trump
Dislike all his shitty videos
It's a parody of DramaAlert, Keemstar had a Make America Great Again sticker on his laptop. Pewdiepie isn't a closet trump supporter lol.
>gather tons of sub and follower
>redpill people
He's fucked.
>kike jew
Oh shit!
Felix (((Kjellberg))), poo in the loo is right!
t. Zionist collaborator (Norwegian)
He often submits covers to No Agenda show. He has to be redpilled to a certain degree.
bro its satire. even the fucking quality of he video and editing is showing that.
i want Trump to win (just for the KEK factor) but you trumpsters are incredibly retarded
Sweet emoticon, what aids ridden faggot hole did you get it from?
More like he's losing his core audience and needs a fresh flock of sheep to milk shekels from. Looks like it's working perfectly.
do you know how Nordic names work? No? Fuck off poo, you have no idea what you are talking about
Berg is common in Christian Scandinavian last names you fucking retards.
Jews aren't the fucking problem.
It's our politicians and Muslims.
>hiding power level
>wearing MAGA hat
At least he can use his extreme fame for good, that's nice to see, for once. Even if it's just "le irony", he's still promoting Trump.
Stop forcing the "redpill=supporting Trump" you braindead fucks
It's a shame none of his 46 Million subscribers are old enough to vote
He's clearly joking around when talking about Trump. For all I know, he might support Trump, but he only references him to joke around, he's clearly not serious.
I've never watched this guy but it made me laugh a little
I for once support leaving. kek-
>smelly cheese
Calm down Jamal, I know subhumans are prone to unprovoked rage but there's nothing to be upset about here
>become the most successful in your medium
>start brainwashing little kids
I wonder where he got that idea from
All publicity is good publicity you mong. If it's satire MOST people are too retarded to tell, or care. Note the confusion in the comment section.
He is just a bit, and really only a bit, politically incorrect.
I've seen a bit of his content and I'm fine with it, it is probably a bit limite for kids sometimes but at least it isn't SJW bullshit.