/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: Cody
Veto: Alex
Nominations: jillian, alex

Temptation:josh got the golden apple (safe for the week)
Temptation #2 : Paul won the fan vote and is safe for 3 weeks. Hasn't told the other HGs

previously on /bb/ megan self evicted


How do you watch without paying for the All Access shit

It's like $6 bucks a month, that doesn't even cut that much into NEETbux.

Kevin is lucid right now

dont spoonfeed

It's 6$ for a month. No one is that poor


somebody pleeease post some tiddy

whats a shinebox

It should be the same kind of picture every time
The autist meanmug of doom

You can literally just abuse the week free trial by making fake emails


I'd pay, but this doesn't seem to let people outside of USA sign up.

Who has killed more people, Cody through weaponized autism? or Kevin through the mob?

This is the golden way
It takes a bit of time but just devote an hour or so into making a bunch of fake emails and just cheat the system that way

Josh through the Cuban drug trade

no napping and 10pm sleep time has the potential to fuck BBAD over

You have to use credit card info

Sup Forums is an American image board. Why are you here? Doesn't your country have it's own message boards?

>Give everyone an allergy pill, on me

Don't be dumb. Nice trips though.

t. underage virgin

Why won't Xmas get a face lift

Josh couldn't even talk shit to a tumblrina without crying


Pao Pao says we're racist for saying she looks like Alex.


Seriously though I'm sick of stupid foreigners baiting political arguments on Sup Forums For a country they don't even live in

If Sup Forums had flags there would be no more political baiting because we would discredit Australians, Canadians, and south Americans immediately

its not that she looks like her... they have similar mannerisms. og pao pao was clearly better looking at the time

Asian girls hate themselves and want to look white
Never compare them to each other

T. Dumb fuck non American


Come on !

calm your tits, fag

Get a free VPN to watch and use a gift card/credit card that you can add money to to pay

Is this old weirdo seriously upset that an nbomb/fbomb combo is rubbing xmas's grrl muscles and showing off her glorious pits?

How do you guys call Kevin your guy? He clearly is upset that Ramses is showcasing the pits to us.

You know how much coke fits in that stretched butthole?

How is this a political argument? I'm literally just trying to watch Big Brother. How do you have computer access in the insane asylum?

It's just a culture shock

Cody always flosses. He's Johnny Mac approved.

> 12 year old Trump autists thinks everyone they see likes trump when majority of country dislike him

Sup Forums would be a glorious place without greasy foreigners. Go to any game/show thread on Sup Forums or Sup Forums and there is some mongoloid non American begging for a stream, too incompetent to figure anything out themselves


watch out, you're going to trigger a trumptard.

Brazilian detected

pao pao or alex?

does raven fart or snort?


good one mate

Gee I wonder what these flags are

I don't think they even care about BBAD. anymore. There was a signal loss message in the first five minutes tonight

based joey rodriguez

>Matt saying he couldn't beat a 100lb Asian girl at stacking stars (in the veto), Elena says "that's racist" and they all laugh. Jessica says "that was gold" and Elena goes "maybe more yellow..."


they have a contract with poptv and pop is showing ads

they are going to be pissed if everyone is sleeping every night between 10-12


>jump through 36 hoops and you can gib us money

Fuck CBS, more like JEW


this Sup Forums discussion

you have to go back, lads

Except I can afford 6$ a month and here you are begging for something a school child can figure out

yessica is annoying

The fuck are you on about? Who are you even talking to?

I can afford 6 a month but I'm Canadian feels bad man

>mummy and mark are cuddling and we can't see any of it

The dumb foreigner shitting up our glorious American Sup Forums

Dominique is pretty cute
Anyone get any shots of her in that onesie?

You think those kittens already got adopted?

>A leaf
>triggered about Sup Forums


Some stupid fbomb from South Africa

josh really wants to fuck

Don't you mean selfie?

?? That was my first post here

>it's a loud and annoying roasties bark over each other episode

This trio of hot girls is getting on my nerves
Elena especially, such a tryhard

>I was only pretending to be retarded


Can a fellow AMERICAN help a brother out and link me to a stream?

Where are the tits what is this shit?

Cody is like the Sasuke of the house

also in the final days of last season poptv started sending them gifts and activities so they would stay away during bbad


jessica and ramses are so randum xD :3

jess crawling on all 4's super hot

this jessica ramses relationship is cute

More of her I love her

>Kevin says it is fantastic they will all go to sleep before midnight
But I wanna watch :(


Is it just me or did they cast a bunch of women with super high sex drives this year



Who is that sitting next to Alex?

oh its not just you buddy....

captcha swallow ross

Kevin looking like the next Saudi king.


It was so funny watching him get BTFO first


did elena just say desu?

Hi, reddit here ;)
