Look at the Canadians in this video. Notice anything?
Look at the Canadians in this video. Notice anything?
The only person I really noticed was the kids that I didn't notice shit about and the main woman who looked like an Eskimo type person or some Asian type shit. If she's who your talking about still not certain what the point is except they don't look Caucasian.
That it's about a smart successful asian woman growing in Canada? Seems pretty accurate to me.
Every hour I get down on the floor and complete 10 push ups. This only fuels my motivation. My body is ready
You need better training program. With this you will remain Mr. Skellington mode.
Looks like something from Nunavut
Am actually doing this. Can't wait to get YUGE
i hate this country
That is much better
Same here bud
They probably just didn't want to bother getting 4 different Caucasian actors who look like each other.
i'm pretty sure the air canada safety video before take off has a gay couple in it.
Yeah, I saw that. And I was triggered.
>the world needs more canada
>1/3 non white
Your country is lost bud.
Canadians are masters of indoctrination that's how you assimilate immigrants unlike Americucks.
They are running this ad non-stop.
Wussiest ad I have ever seen - and these days they are all wussy!
I hate this country so much yet I love how it works.
This country would be fine if we only allowed white immigration, God it would be a place in paradise.
Also better the healthcare ya cunts.
t. leaf
25% of the youth is Muslim and growing
lmaoing @ ur life
Who cares they show Marrakech in the ad.
Thanks Air Canada.