If the average IQ of your country is lower than 100, you may not post in this thread

if the average IQ of your country is lower than 100, you may not post in this thread.

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Bad map OP

>China has highest population
>China has highest IQ
Looks like the word's in good hands pol.

Fake, why isn't Canada green like the other Asian countries?

Bad map OP

too bad they are a bunch of human-androids who only care about producing

idk, but yours is still tolerable

You think if you kill your enemies they win

Feels good senpai


Why are European so stupid?

They're basically 3rd worlders

>north korean iq
>higher than 100
its shit

They managed to make their own nukes despite being deprived of food and what not

That more than Africans and Spic has ever done

I have an IQ of 130. Ask me anything.

What's the integral and the derivative of e^-x



You cheated.

>IQ maps
>implying there any reliable studies of IQs of countries that actually use representative samples

Never understood why Lithuania is shown as lower than Latvia when both are balts.

>inb4 Lithuania is more muh inferior slav.

But Latvia has a far higher percentage of Russians and even if Lithuanians are more mixed with Poles that wouldn't mean much, as Poles are with high IQ.

I don't get it.

Does this prove Ireland isn't white?

Retard detected

Slavs are obviously superior to balts

Ah, a fellow Italianon

No, it proves alcohol is bad for your brain

my ik äs 42

you'd have to be really fucking dumb to believe these graphs

90 IQ is borderline retarded, probably too stupid even for manual labor


Any other theories?

Gingers maybe?

Yeah but Chinese are cheaters so they should just be disqualified.

>mfw my IQ is 106 but because the average Sup Forums IQ is somewhere in the low 70's I can decimate anons like a devilish evil genius

Life's good.

derivative: -x*e

integral: (e^-2x)/-2x

average Belgian IQ is 99 bro..

>106 IQ

Is this why Canada is shitposting capital?

If you're not at least one standard deviation above 100 you're not even human. You're emergency food supplies in case of economic collapse.

>this is what every person thinks on this board
your not a special snowflake

why is Europe and Portugal drink so much? hmm

Low IQ mongrels need not reply.


diff: -x*e^(-x-1)
integral: -e^-x

Our high IQ is why we shitpost. Same with our Straya brothers.

>probably too stupid even for manual labor
Seems about right though doesn't it?

I have an IQ of 157 hence why I am one of the greatest thinkers of our generation. If your IQ is below 120, don't even both talking to me.

This, we're so amused with toying with you other insignificant braindead countries.

Sure is high IQ in here.

>the average african is mentally retarded

>don't even both talking to me.
retard alert
if you skip words most likely means you have autism you dyslexic with less than 100 iq

>mongolia is top tier
away with you and your meme-maps retard

>too bad they are a bunch of human-androids who only care about producing
and the West is not? (no hate on the West but we are just as unethical as the chinks in many ways)
Because we do other things than sit in a class room 90 % of our life playing soduko

> Monaco
> Liechstenstein

> Borderline retarded

What the fuck?

shit forgot that the derivative of euler's number was itself.

I shorten words because I am so intelligent. It allows me to preserve as much of my valuable time as possible and thus I can contribute more to the world. A single second of my lifetime is worth about an entire day of yours. You need to realise who you are talking to.

>taking this map seriously

I don't care about your opinions, I'm posting in this thread.

Also check these fucking sick dubs kid. You think this is a coincidence? No, it isn't.

there's so much autism on 4chins i can't even tell if this is ironic

You spent entire years on Sup Forums. Congratulations.

Some relevant info

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

but wouldn't the differential of e^-x be e^-x?

can mexican post? we smart

No it would be -e^-x you fat fuck

>tfw nigs and jihads bring down western nations

Wtf euros

Derivative and integral of e^-x are both the same

It's -e^-x

This is the easiest equation ever

What the fuck do they teach you over there

I'm literally retarded

Chinaman seems to disagree with you, Brit.

I really hope he's just baiting

Is there an Australian in UK?

He just literally gave the exact same answer

>Danish education

Niggers and spics aren't Americans so my country's average IQ is at least 105.

>i have an IQ of 157, thus i waste my time on Sup Forums

my sides just got nuked senpai

-e^-x +C

Too bad we are a bunch of unhuman cogs that only care about consuming.

Best weather in the world
Lots of vineyards
Best nightlife
High unemployment

Also derivative is -e^-x

Good boy, but I already gave the answer.

Atleast you're better than those stupid euros

>implying they measure a random sample of their population

If nigs were removed it would be tied with Japan.

it doesn't surprise me that you think of life that way, brainwashed burgerbro

your kike overlord is proud of you

You didn't specify the variable you are derivating / ingegrating. The Swedish calculated d/de e^-x, you calculated d/dx e^-x. You're both retards.

Alright then, what is the triangular area between vector A (3,2) and vector B (6,-1)?

Because niggers and muslims (which Japan, China and South Korea don't have, and the UK lied)

What is India

you didn't shade in Alaska

North and South Koreans are literally the same genetically. Therefore their IQs are likely extremely similar

ciao, mio amico

how is the slime problem over by you? i hear sicily is in critical condition

>UK and Italy average IQ higher than Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Canada

>the fuck do they teach you over there

They teach us equality and diversity and how hitler was the most evil man ever to live.

I wish I was joking.

It's common to use x though

Yes, but I just wanted to call him a retard, so I had to make something up.

I think they should do the US by state.

I don't live there, but i guess it's pretty bad. not as bad as other countries, but still.

i'm sorry jengis, not always truth is comfortable :^)

Well Irish make up a huge proportion of American whites so I think that speaks for itself.

Yuo are of asssburgers ebin :DDDDD

Yeah sorry there is no way in fuck that the UK has a higher IQ average than Finland, Denmark, or even Sweden.

yes my intellectual friend we post here we good brain

IQ does not apply to African nations because the tests are biased towards the white male.

I don't believe this statistic in the slightest.

and why would that be?

Really? No one answered my question? Guess the Danish education system is good after all.

That's true. It's actually easier for a white man to solve maths problems than it is for a black man. Thus, even maths is racist. I fucking hate the patriarchy.


Holy fuck how retarded are you?