How was life during the 50's?
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Nobody here experienced it, silly.
What went wrong?
Shit if you weren't a white anglo-saxon protestant
you did taco nigger
My Italian-American family had no complaints.
Because they were told by propaganda it was their rightful place. Italians were HIGHLY discriminated then and they weren't even allowed to use the same bathroom as whites.
Just wondering North Italian or South because if North they could have lied and said they were English or something
>. Italians were HIGHLY discriminated
Not in the fifties.
>North Italian or South because
South and they were dark. Darker than you'd imagine. They clearly looked European but they were very dark in skin tone. Kinda looked like they spent their lives out in the sun.
How the fuck would anyone here know
>not in the fifties
oh fuck yes in the 50s considering only 10 years ago they were interned for being "enemy aliens"
>South and they were dark. Darker than you'd imagine. They clearly looked European but they were very dark in skin tone. Kinda looked like they spent their lives out in the sun.
Then they wouldn't of even been able to use the same toliet as whites, or drink from the same fountain, and they had to sit on the back of the buss which was humilating at the time.
Shut up with this baiting. And my mom grew up in the South in the 1950s. Distinctly remembers the segregated drinking fountains around town
desu in the 50s you'd probably look back at the 20s as the hallmark of purity... by the 50s you already had shitty fast food, teens having degenerate hedonistic sex and mass sex cult indoctrination via pop music.. not to mention the soviets had the bomb and we had lost to china...
>Shut up with this baiting. And my mom grew up in the South in the 1950s. Distinctly remembers the segregated drinking fountains around town
Yeah and if she was Italian she wouldn't of been able to use the "white" drinking fountains.
She had a VERY dark skinned white friend who had no problems being discriminated against
>teens having degenerate hedonistic sex
That was the 1960s
>mass sex cult indoctrination via pop music
What the fuck? Tell me what songs or music vids in the 50s you are talking about.
Why would you be in a white anglo-saxon protestant country then?
>oh fuck yes in the 50s
Negative. Jesus, I even have their journals. Mentions nothing of the sort.
>10 years ago they were interned for being "enemy aliens"
Only recent immigrants who had only Italian citizenship.
>Then they wouldn't of even been able to use the same toliet as whites, or drink from the same fountain, and they had to sit on the back of the buss which was humilating at the time.
Nope. They had no problem.
I'd give the the turn of the century absolutely. But not the 50s.
I don't know, I was born in the 70's.
She was discriminated against but was just told thats her natural place
Because America and Canada aren't white anglo-saxon protestant countries. They just happen to be the majority.
H-How old are you, m8? Do you have a family?
>What the fuck? Tell me what songs or music vids in the 50s you are talking about.
Elvis? Rock and roll was the first genre that really acquired an entire generation of viewers, and of course its nigger sex music.
>That was the 1960s
Well, and it was even worse in the 1970s.. the point is by the 1950s it was already significant. People think that was a degenerate free time that still had most modern technology, but the fact is its modern technology that causes degeneracy. By that point all the kids would be talking about is what they hear on the radio, and more and more about what they see on TV... Plus shitty public education systems...
Nah. He's right. Italians were more or less accepted after the war, because they fought and proved their worth. They got called wops and shit still but that's just itsy bitsy nonsense that shitskins complain about today because they are pussies. Nothing to be upset over.
I don't count name calling as discrimination, tb h. Only if it's done habitually. If everywhere you go you get called faggot then sure. If it's one guy on the bus it doesn't count.
The 1950's were pretty comfy, except for the large scale atmospheric nuclear testing.
good, expect all that racism and misogyny, you know
Television became common in the 1950's. Decades of propaganda gave us the sewer we have now.
I don't understand.
I did. It was an amazing time to be alive.
Just watch this
segregated, thus peaceful
fuck off pussy
>Decades of propaganda gave us the sewer we have now
probably innocent, where a man could be poor and white and still raise a good family
According to my dad it was pretty awesome.
USA was at it's greatest (dad was an old-school conservative so he liked Eisenhower), the Swedish economy was expanding like crazy and things were just plain getting visibly better all over the board.
Also, no niggers or arabs.
Hell, even the Soviets were getting more sensible once Stalin kicked the bucket.
Better, no #BLM or SJW crap, niggers were niggers and white people were white!
>tfw a lazy abnormal
Reminder BLM only exists because of the war on drugs. Thank hillary 1.0 AKA nixon
allahu ackbar you lying sack of shit
You user are a retard.
>Reminder BLM only exists because of the war on drugs.
Yes because blacks were upstanding and peaceful citizens before that.
Oh wait:
>Long hot summer refers to the summer of 1967, which began a year in which 159 race riots erupted across the United States
>cant get a good job, blame on race becuase of it
you silly burgers, fucking poor fags you make me sick, just by the way you think, i can tell you will be a loser your whole life lmao
goodluck working for me your whole life
It couldn't have been that great because the boomers rebelled so hard they all my became hippy atheist fucktoys and ruined western civilization forever.
>Tfw you take so many redpills you can't even enjoy Elvis because he played "nigger sex music"
>average salary: $9k
>average home: $6k