republican logic:
> you cannot have an abortion for any reason including health problems with the fetus
> oh and we are cutting healthcare too so we cant help you with your retarded kid we forced you to have
wtf I hate republicans now!!!
republican logic:
> you cannot have an abortion for any reason including health problems with the fetus
> oh and we are cutting healthcare too so we cant help you with your retarded kid we forced you to have
wtf I hate republicans now!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Democrat logic
>pay for my shit.
> forced you to have
So republicans are now for mandatory semen injections?
Wtf I love George Soros now
Retard logic:
>having unprotected sex because "lol sex is fun"
>wtf i hate babies now why do i have one i dont want it
Trump supports all that
mhm forcing people to have kids then cutting off support so they are kept in poverty. brilliant plan
How can republicans "force" you to have babies?
democrat logic:
>you can have abortion anytime so fuck condoms and any kind of ocntraceptives
>oh and if you also decide to have kids we will magic money outta nowhere to add to our debt so you don't have to pay for your mistakes
also you memed it wrong.
No one is forcing you to have sex
Getting pregnant is one of the consequences of having sex
Stop being a whore and you don't have to worry about abortion
That said I still think abortion should be legal, but immensly frowned upon
>implying republicans magically cause democraps to rape each other.
>Republican logic:
Spare those without sin, kill those with sin
>Democrat Logic
Kill those without sin, spare those with sin.
Pretty simple desu
The American dream is having a retarded child and working until you die caring for it.
Trump is pro-choice if the health of the mother is in danger.
>1 post by this ID
Oh, never mind then.
liberal logic
>I should have no responsibility or consequences for being a degenerate.
Or just abort the kid if it's retarded since both democrats and republicans support abortion in such cases.
Republican logic
>Hmm these people are starving because of our policies, hopefully they dont steal to survive and just die like rational people
>wtf why is crime so high in poor areas, it must be their skin color
A few shills is an understatement, their a fucking plague at this point
Buy condoms or stop having sex.
For fuck sakes the poor are completely fucking useless.
condoms still fail 98% of the time you fucking retard
Liberal logic:
Death is a preferable alternative to life
>not taking responsibility for your own actions and preparing yourself for children
>need to be taken care of by gubment
Nigger logic.
Only if you don't read the fucking directions
Do we need to start handing out pamphlets?
Where is your source.
And women can take birth control. Obamacare makes that shit free now so don't bitch about that being expensive.
>condoms still fail 98% of the time you fucking retard
But seriously where the fuck do you get your condoms? The milk dud wrapper factory? only one time has a condom ever failed for me, and it was my fault for putting it on wrong (I was 15 at the time.)
Basically, you're a fucking retard.
Worst is when they shut down planned parenthood and offer no women's health services in return. The sooner the country becomes completely Democrat the better. Hope Hillary wins and gives citizenship to all illegal immigrants.
>why are all these teenagers coming in with internal bleeding after getting illegal abortions?1
>whats happening!? why are all these people in the ER that don't have insurance ? HELP
I guess you shouldn't be having sex if you aren't prepared for the consequences
"The death of a human life is preferable to having to take responsibility for my actions and not engage in promiscuity"
>thinks the retard problem is because of lack of abortions
You just wish you weren't ever born.
>couldn't possibly be the lack of discipline and morality in the culture goy. >Keep fucking and give me more baby souls for moloch
>implying I'm responcible for others breaking the law.
>kill the disabled
yore pretty liberal arent you?
Repubshit logic: "we should not do anything at all when people are going to get pregnant regardless of our telling them to not have sex
>why are all these people continuing to have sex when we told them not to!? IT'S SO MIND BOGGLING
>Republicans made it illegal to give Tyrone's baby up for adoption, didn't they?
>Clearly I'm stuck with it forever.
>A Jewish comedian told a joke about it, so it must be true!
Poorest white areas have drastically lower crime than even rich nigger areas
Yeah, this is it right here.
Why is PP predominantly in niggerhood?
Democrap logic
>fuck people over, then claim you have the cure.
Tobacco company 101. Get then addicted and they are customers for life. Lazy shits.
>implying societies aren't judged by how they treat their weakest in society.
>implying I give a fuck
>implying "judgement" isn't used to gain a strategic advantage.
We shouldn't. We should just defend welfare and leave them to their own devices.
Don't want a kid, don't be a fucking whore. It's pretty simple.
>>implying I give a fuck
You're a swede aren't you?
Richest black city has a higher crime rate than the poorest white city.
Not in America. If you're poor it's your fault you lazy leech.
>le just-world meme
Why do you think people should pay for your healthcare? Especially considering poor people pay a lot of taxes already? How can democrats claim to be for poor people if they want government expending to grow so citzens (including the poor) will have to sustain that system with their tax dollars. If you are for the poor, why are you not in favor of keep the government away from people lives and let the poor keep the money from their own labor and not give it to a bunch of burocrats in DC.
Third generation American.
>I had a child I can't afford
>here you pay for it lol
>Obamacare makes that shit free now so don't bitch about that being expensive.
AAAAAAAAAAND we're back at square one because Republicans WANT TO CUT OBAMACARE
At the end of the day, someones paying for it and if the mother is irresponsible then the child is raised in a shithole or goes to an orphanage which is paid by someone else regardless.
No one is forcing you to have kids.
Wear a fucking condom or take birth control. It's not complicated.
>I had a child I can't afford
>here you pay for it lol
Republican logic: I won't let you use my tax dollars to have a cheap one-time abortion, but when you have your child you won't get my tax dollars to help support the child I forced you to have in the first place by not giving you the option of an abortion! Why? Because it's icky and I'm a man and I can't handle icky things!
In both those scenarios there's still a retarded pregnant woman though. How about just don't get knocked up in the first place?
>all Republicans have the same beliefs
Really showing your ignorance here. We believe in the "big tent" philosophy of Reagan, it's not a monolithic party like the Democrats.
You don't want abortion because you feel you are protecting the life of the child yet completely against trying to help the child after they are born.
Please explain how that makes sense?
At the end of the day, they will get knocked up. Whats your solution for it other than nothing?
Crime os high in poor areas. Poverty comes with big government. The bigger the government, including when the government tries to take care of health care, more taxes need to be paid. Taxes and regulations keep the private sector out. Jobs go away and poverty comes in. People start being dependend on a broke government for their free paycheck since private investment in gone. Do you think is it a coincindence that every poor place has been run for leftists for decades? From latin america to black areas in the united states. Socialists/communists in latin america and democrats in black people areas in the US. Leftists see government as a savior (free college, more public jobs everyone, free healthcare, free stuff everyone!) and government grows in such way that tax and regulations become so high that business are nowhere to be seen and jobs are gone with them. People become delendent of government freebies and lefties have the people in their hands for elections to come.
>forcing people to have kids
You mean forcing people to pay for the irresponsibility of other people? I have no moral impetus against abortion, I just don't want to be forced to pay for it. Republicans don't believe in forced collectivization, how horrible!
>I forced you to have in the first place by not giving you the option of an abortion!
NO ONE is demanding that you start having sex. Getting pregnant is a consequence of sex, and you have to deal with the repercussions.
The problem is that society is completely obsessed with sex. The only way to really stop people from becoming pregnant is to somehow give everyone autism, then everyone will be playing video games and shitposting on Sup Forums instead of having sex.
Good job putting words in my mouth. I am not against abortion, I am simply for personal responsibility and not being charged for other people's mistakes.
If I get a girl pregnant and have no money it's no one else's fault but my own, why do you feel like it's society's duty to pay for your lack of foresight?
Pretty sure you can have sex without having kids. There's this really cool stuff called birth control nowadays.
Sex is going to happen whether you like it or not, but if poor people can't get abortions, then you WILL be paying for the baby via welfare for the next 18 years.
Anti-abortion is pro-nigger.
Niggers have 5x more abortions per capita than white women, and hispanic women have 3x more per capita.
79% of abortion clinincs in the USA are conveniently located within walking distance of black and hispanic neighborhoods.
Planned parenthood is a pro-white government funded eugenics program.
The Democrats have expertly convinced the lesser races to support policies that are diametrically opposed to their own advancement, such as welfare and maximizing access to abortion, which is why I vote for them.
If poor people can't get abortions, then maybe that will be some incentive to, I dunno, not get fucking pregnant or even crazier, get a job (gasp). Also abortions don't even cost that much to begin.
begin with*
>pay my own premium
>fundies think they can tell me what is and isn't covered
Democratic party pays niggers just for living
Democratic party pays niggers to have abortions
Idc senpai, i want my money not going to a nigger either way
>He doesn't know how Obamacare works
You guys are the ones who wanted the government involved in healthcare, and now you're mad that the government has a say in your healthcare? That's why we're against it in the first place, people should be able to make their own decisions regarding their own healthcare. If someone wants to get an abortion from a private facility, fine, just don't make me pay for it with force through planned parenthood.
>He doesn't know how Obamacare works
thats you
You know abortions are performed for reasons other than rape and "accidental" pregnancy, right? Forcing someone to give birth to a baby which will have obvious defects (thus causing huge healthcare bills) is idiotic.
Get a job?
>implying money is nearly as relevant as culture
Have safe sex slut, no abortion would be needed. Don't make this a I didn't know this could happen argument. We all know American education is fucked but if it's that bad, stop having sex! Do us all a favor.
What about using a fucking condom you inbred retarded nigger?
Why should anyone pay for your stupidity?
You are not working? Then fucking starve.
Liberals will just move too : "Then it must be racism that causes crime!"
My boss honest to god said to me "I think the next terrorist attack will occur in Virginia"
Me: "why?"
Boss: "Because of how racist they are there, it creates the environment for radicalization"
They believe it isn't coming from a culture where you can legally open your daughter's throat in the street for honor. They believe, they truly believe it's white racist southerners, which cause the thousand year old social occurrence of Jihad.
But his whole political sphere of thought mostly revolves are not being his parents.
Investing in abortion clinics gives excellent returns in terms of reducing nigger birthrate
Investing in welfare ensures that the vast majority of niggers are perpetually trapped in poverty-stricken ghettoes
The Democrats haven't had to do a damn thing for them in 40-50 years, but they vote 95% for this party in every election anyway
If you look at how little it actually costs it's a small price to pay relative to the benefits of promoting self-destructive behavior among the black population
>legal, but immensely frowned upon
glad someone else thinks this too
I support abortions because it means less niggers and mexicans. Now, if only welfare didn't pay for their creatures when they actually do decide to have a kid.
Wrongo buddy.
Abortion clinics, coupled with gang violence, help make black population more sustainable and grow more in the long run.
Think about it. It is black males which experience most risk of early death and benefit the least from gibbedats. Black women (The most important in reproduction) largely don't fuck with gang shit and get the most gibbes.
It's like culling out male chicks when you are raising chickens. You only need a few males to breed. Males don't shit eggs and they end up fighting and injuring shit when there are too many.
You get rid of the males as soon as they have bred. This is why so many old black dudes (as long as their brain isn't rotted from drugs, become redpilled. They don't survive long enough to reach the reflective stage and relise "Holy fuck, my people's culture is utter bullshit. I didn't fuck with any gang bullshit and now I have a house and I got called an uncle tom, more than I got called a nigger. My people are basically live stock which produce democratic votes."
As long as father figures are rare, clinics just keep sustainability. They will have just enough abortions too have like 3-4 kids, but not go crazy under the weight of like 8 kids.