really makes you think huh ?
Really makes you think huh ?
not really, its pretty obvious there is no virtue left in western women
All I see is two degenerate phone whores
but johnny all girls are like that in 2016
I don't want to date a woman who believes in the fantasy known as 'organized religion'. Plus I bet lefty is hellafun in the sack.
> Use your phone to send aid to doctors without borders while you're micro-managing a daycare for puppies from your cellphone
> This somehow makes me a degenerate
>Duuuuurrrr unwrapped candy hurrrr
the red head covering says please notice me
I just watched Pearl Harbor Cuck Edition,
The white women women were dressed decently, what went wrong pol?
I want them both in a threesome. Does that make me degenerate?
it's true though
I would like it if women in Europe were veiled, and they had head veils in the past
they are degenerate whores instead
>fantasy land
They are browsing tinder, facebook and juggling texts between 5 desperate dudes.
Basically the perfect picture to show Stockholm.
What I see in this is that technology transcends culture. The destiny of humans is to become transhman and to give birth to an artificial intelligence that will transcend us and make us extinct (hopefully).
Women are whores, this is what happens you let them chose their clothing, they dress as almost nude as possible to attract potential mates, in reality most women would like to walk around completely naked thats why everywhere you look women seem to be wearing really freaking short skirts or pants.
Girl in the hijab would be a whore if she was allowed and in fact because shes forced to repress all of her urges the chances of her becoming a huge slut are even greater.
You have to teach women WHY they shouldnt slut around, you cant just force them or they will eventually rebel. They are exactly like children
This is now a dubs thread.
>implying they're not catching Magikarp because they're oh so close to getting that Gyarados.
Honestly makes one ponder.
How can I live with my degenerate pseudo-pagan nation now?
>right women all covered up can't get any type of lust for the eye all I can see is the face
>right side immediately eyes glues to dem legs sexual thoughts began to arise
This is why women are covered on more alpha male countries because thye know how much sway a women can have over men by her simple body, this is what betas in western countries will never understand and why they are so effeminate and dominated by women.
>hellafun in the sack
Wow I remember this shitpost from over a year ago.
Talk about repost.
This. I am in my 30's now but I still have fond memories of fucking catholic teenagers as a young lad.
Hun you fucked up. We should do as the roach says, remember Suleyman?
The good times of conservative modest chaste society can only be brought by a truly non-degenerate religion.
living in middle east, the women judge each other pretty harshly, and covering up is only way for them to feel comfortable around each other. They dont need to show skin or hair to attract men.
Really makes you think huh?
id go for the left one, fuck you
Kill yoursel ahmed mudslime women are huge whores and coal burners.
Such a powerful image
Your life is yours to create anons, it's likebeing born in this world with a box of crayons, you might get the 8 pack, the 16 pack, or even the 64 pack; but in the end what matters is what you draw/do with the crayons. You don't even need to keep it within the paper, just draw outside; I'd even recommend it, life is how you make it yah know.. just don't go vandalizing other people's drawings then you're cool yah know?
I know which one should be searched
Tbh I like the one on tbe left more
Trump is right. Whenever have these yellow bellied slitty eyed bastards helped us. Time to throw away your waifu and anime degeneracy and board the trump train.
the difference is that women are a reflection of society.
Just hang yourself and stream it on kikebook
I'm on my phone a lot too, browsing this stupid fucking site
About what? They're both probably sluts, young Muslim girls are notoriously promiscuous here
Nylons are so sexy, i just want to kiss her legs.
sad part is that i have to agree with this
maybe 20 years ago.
Muslim chicks are easy fucks these days. The only catch is you'll most likely be doing anal. Since she wants to remain a pure virgin for her husband, kek
third post best post
Ente men fen?
Really makes me think I want to fuck the one on the left.
Hell I'd probably fuck the Muzzie too.
wtf I want to be muslim now.
>Muslim chicks are easy fucks these days. The only catch is you'll most likely be doing anal. Since she wants to remain a pure virgin for her husband, kek
except anal is haram
they dont do anal i think, but any of these girls will jerk you off which i guess is better than nothing.
the fuck seriously? kek that's hilarioius
bitches don't even know
if you had to marry one of them, would ANYONE chose the one of the left?
When are you gonna return to your roots and replace arabic with coptic as your national language?
Kek. Just noticed that this is the Stockholm metro. Why am I not surprised?
How about you go to your roots and replace these numbers with roman numerals?
she doesnt look swedish tho
*tips fedora*
What is that picture about?
He thinks the pig on the left is attractive, he's past the fedora point. He's a desperate numale.
>implying every muslim worries about what is and isn't haram
>unironically using that word
Oh, hello, achmed. If someone hasn't already told you today, go back to your shithole.
one will be the death of the traditional west, with it's advancement and tolerance. So will the other.
What does it make me think? We've problems here of our own, you keep the fuck out of the west.
At least the one on the left won't behead me and commit jihad.
Blankets are signs of religious oriented mental issues.
>unacompanied by a male family member
I don't bloody think sharia allows this.
but on attractiveness level and general happiness alone, which manner of dress is better? veil or short shorts and skirts?
you should be asking that to the women, not to shut-in neets on Sup Forums
I have a veil fetish big time so the veil. I don't know why but when bitches dress conservative it turns me on. I hate Muslims but their women can be pretty sexy.
My first serious gf was a bank teller so maybe that's why, she dressed nice as hell.
Women will pick slutty, why even ask?
Headscarf girl's brothers will soon be raping stocking girl, because she's an immodest infidel. If headscarf girl looks at the wrong guy, her brothers will choke the fucking life out of her.
Yup. Makes me think.
>not wearing a veil/burka is slutty
You have to go outside more. wtf is this reasoning.
and theres nothing wrong with that. im not even an islamist but i would at least grope the stocking girl.
This meme looks like Gerard Depardieu with tiny boobs & a vagina. And she sucks Jewish cock. Such a shame to her father.
You still get white children out of the left one, while you're throwing away tens of thousands of years of your lineage with the one on the right.
Also this. Is everyone secretly a muslim on here or what the fuck?
>Implying that muslim whore isnt but naked under that bed sheet just creaming for some western cock
>tfw no pure arab gf
why do you think the veil fetish even exists? is that how it all began, society went from topless to covered because we developed fetishes but lied to ourselves and called it modesty?
You deserve cancer if you marry the shit skin. You ancestors would be disgusted that your destroying their bloodline.
real muslims are not allowed to use make-up, this is haram.
One is trained in aesthetics and its pleasent to look at. The other is a walking laundry basket.
it makes me ponder really.
think, think, to what end?
actually funny Achmed
Bahamas, that was not very Bahama of you
that pic, hnnnnng
How can I get an Arab/Muslim gf? If I converted would I get a wife?
I would be so much more okay with Islam if they would just drop the fucking burqas
Stop covering up all the qt brown girls you fucking desert monkeys
>jew noises
that mooslim on the right is hot af srs
5/7 would integrate into western society
hijabs are great though. they're literally my fetish
>tfw you're the only person in the world who will see her beautiful hair
it's a priceless feeling. no wonder westerners are such cucks
One destroys from within, the other from without.
The right is very hygienic, draping her coat thing on the floor.
> now kiss
>Girl in the hijab would be a whore if she was allowed
You mean like all women? Isn't supression of whoreness then a good thing?
>shes forced to repress all of her urges the chances of her becoming a huge slut are even greater.
So she should be a slut like the girl on the left because if she isn't, then she will become a huge slut?
What kind of logic is this?
Their go-to nonsense comparing a human being to confectionery kek
fucking this. I'd rather see that than some fat slut dressing like a whore