Have you ever met a Hillary supporter in real life?
If so, what were they like?
Have you ever met a Hillary supporter in real life?
If so, what were they like?
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He's a gay middle-aged American History teacher for a high school.
I know a family of vegans that do
total denial.
ignores the fact that the dnc was rigged.
admires sarah silverman
Only Two, out of roughly a dozen people I talk politics with. One is an older jewess (go figure) total feminazi who would eat out Hillary's nasty box if given the opportunity. The other, sadly, is my GF who is kinda dumb and totally bluepilled and literally only voting for Hillary because she's a woman. But hopefully she forgets to register to vote in time and it won't matter either way. But tbqh fambily, she's getting on my last damn nerve.
before we move on, I'd like to state that I don't know anybody voting for Hillary. Nobody.
I live in florida and i have never met anyone to this day who likes or supports Hillary. Im convinced her campaign is rigged and if she wins then the 1% control everything everywhere.
He just supported her because "Trump is racist".
Unloved cat lady that wants to keep up the delusion that being a childless woman isn't a depressing existence by fulling immersing herself in shitlib politics all her other peers gave up.
The Hillary supporter I know accidently let his car run out of gas last week. They are not the brightest most aware people.
My brother in law...
His excuse is that Bill is going to run the show for her and thst everything is going to be like with Obama
was he a gay kid in Michigan? He might have cried to me about not having money for gas
My girl and I are. You people are fucking strange, I have never met a vocal trump supporter in my life
Nope I live in CA
Some of my pals from AP (institution directly responding to Putin and in charge of overall internal and international politics) are huge fans of her and even arranged some donations from our oligarchs to her foundation.
One. It was back in 2015, one person said that they were shocked that the US could even consider a madman like Trump and then she said "They should go for Hillary. They need a female president."
My grandmother who owns two passports.
Sort of redpilled, but says people have to vote for Hillary because with her in office America will continue to weaken, whereas Trump would have an opposite effect.
I live in Jacksonville, of the prob 30+ people I talk politics with, only 1 said they prefer Hillary over Trump and even she probably won't vote.
My family they are extremly left leaning treat donald like the devil and think the corruption stuff is a joke and doesnt matter if it were truw because only racists and people listening to hia fear mongering will listen to him
Are they not getting with the program, or is the meme about Putin covertly supporting Trump just that: a meme.
>your girl
So you treat her like a piece of meat like filthy Muslims do. Get you don't own her.
I know several Hillary voters. The one thread linking all of them is that they're low information voters. They just don't follow politics closely. In their eyes, Trump is a buffoon, and Hillary is a seasoned pro and/or a woman and so that's all that matters to them. The educated, professional, family and house in the suburbs ones seem to really, really put a lot of stock in the experience factor. It means a great deal to them and they don't seem to care about the concept that experience does not equal desirable results. They dismiss that notion out of hand.
Honestly, they shouldn't be permitted to vote. They don't know enough to handle the responsibility and put no effort into learning more.
My dad is one. Because he believes that Clinton gave easier access of medicaid to NYer's. He nearly went blind 9 years back and is grateful for that.
I honestly don't know if there's any truth to that at all.
Lesbian. 50 years old. fat
no joke
A few.
One agreeing with her policies more than the other candidates, but at least don't scream at everyone else so that's something.
One's hispanic and despite being legal along with their family they're against Trump completely because they think if we deport illegals we'll get carried away and legals will be deported too. He wanted Bernie though so it's more "never trump"
Another one is literally a nutcase, like stands in line at starbucks too long then snaps and punches the guy ahead of her in the back of the head as he's ordering because he didn't get out of line for her. Pretty sure she's literally convinced men will be demoted to slaves the moment Hillary is in office if she wins and all her "give me anything I want" dreams will be true.
Then a nigger who I'm confident has had a dozen abortions and never seen the potential fathers again.
The list goes on but only like 1/10 even resemble real people in my experience
Happened 2 weekends ago.
>Go to party, beer olympics
>sign up for team America, because fuck yea 'murica
>dress up with my trump hat, wear a tank top with "Back to Back WORLD WAR CHAMPS" on it, an America themed mask, 10 American flags attached to me (used a belt and some attached to my...) MAGA hat, and some necklaces and red white and blue glow sticks and bands
>i was fucking decked out in merica (yes, unofficially I won the best costume)
>go to party, people loving the costume
>start playing the beer olympic games
>first game against Mexico
>fucking crushing it
>murica wins, murica wins, fucking murica wins again!
>tell them to build the wall, they lol. most of the people are pro-trump so they loved my wall and illegal immigrant jokes
>get to elimination flip cup against Ireland
>team is actually losing this one
>guy on Ireland team says "If I puke, I'm puking all over you and your hat"
>we win
>i say, "Get this Trump hater outta here!"
>guy nods and says, "Okay, I deserve that."
>time goes on, party slows down a bit, guy who we eliminated asks "Do you really support Trump?"
>i just give him a look and point at my hat
>he says, "Well, yeah, but do you REALLY support him?"
>keep pointing at my hat. Say, "I paid for it... of course I do."
>"Wow man, why?"
>here we go...
>"Because I believe he's the less corrupt candidate, he truly wants to unite the country, I like his issues on immigration, and his ideas for foreign trade are good."
>"I mean, I get that... but I just can't support him. He's just so full of hate."
>"Hate? Can you explain?"
>the guys does this hand gesture like he's praying and points his hands toward my chest
>"I understand what you're saying... but"
>says this probably 30-40 times throughout our conversation btw
>"but I'm just picking the lesser of two evils. And Trump is just so full of hate!"
>"Hate? What do you mean by "hate"? Can you explain?"
My grandfather. He's 82, classic NY liberal.
I work with a crazy guy at work who likes her. He literally goes on weird rants and conspiracy theories all the time, is bad at his job, and nobody really likes him.
Online I know a bunch of Hillary supporters, that are all super-feminazis, low-information voters, and/or are beta males.
A leftist in denial.
They first wanted Bernie.
Despite his supercharged cucking, they said something like "I would rather brand the bill of rights onto my back than to vote for Trump"
At which point I thought hmm.. Maybe you would understand that it doesn't apply to non citizens of you did that
>family of vegans
Holy shit I can't wait till Trump gets elected and it finally becomes child abuse to force your children to be low T manlet otter mode bodies pasty skinned low IQ no amino acid cucks
>unlike trump voters and his perfectly logical and complex "believe me" arguments
"I Just Hear Things, And I Just Feel It"
- D Trump
Well out in the suburbs where I live majority of people are either Trump or a Bernout.
Once you hit the city limits though.......especially in Lansing Michigan it's rough
I've noticed several "I'm with Her" bumper stickers on several cars just the other day. Fucking city kikes need to stop fucking over real Americans.
She was a total bitch. When I told her I didn't support Hillary, she got mad at me and told me to "keep my opinion to myself". What a dumbass cunt.
But user, she has a daughter...
I don't know any Hillary supporters. 1 or 2 people that I don't take politics with but I suspect that they'd be supporters of her. They're very cucked and uninformed.
My mom has told me about 1 guy she knows that is a staunch Shillary fan. What's sad is he's White, male, and a veteran. I told her he sounds like a pussy that should be gassed.
I live in Kansas, I have never met one shillary supporter other than some friends that believe trump is the fucking devil. And also my mother who literally believes ANYTHING MSNBC tells her... ANYTHING. It's like she has been brainwashed or something and every time I try to red pill her she denies me as a foolish kid.
My roommate was.
My roommate is a 55 year old lady. She's really nice, really cool... But pretty dumb.
Hated Trump for the exact reason everyone else did: durrr he so mean and racist.
Then I showed her all the awful shit Hillary has done, said, and funded. Her anti gay rights campaigns. The way she refers to inner city kids as super predators.
Now she wants to MAGA.
Hillary won't win.
My girlfriend is Mexican and a Trump supporter hahahaha
I saw a WHITE FUCKING MALE with a Hillary bumper sticker.
Never met one in Florida. Plenty of Bernouts in Miami but no Hillary which I find odd since it is liberal as fuck here.
You guys have a serious nog problem.
My mom, she does nothing but watch MSM.
I don't believe you.
Got in a couple of Facebook arguments. I tried to talk about how rigging an election is wrong and they all reverted to calling me a fucking white male
saw a fridge-bodied, 4'4" illegal Mexican with a Hillary pin hobble off the bus in Los Feliz yesterday afternoon
Never. Every liberal that I know was a crazed Bernie supporter. Ever since he dropped out, they've all gone silent.
Delusional, stupid, out of touch, basically all of the stereotypes are true.
No. Not an American one any way.
All Hilary supporters I've met are women and their reasoning always boils down to "I support Hilary because Trump is an idiot and also vagina." It's sad because I know some smart women that have to go through such high levels of cognitive dissonance to hold these views.
Mine too. Pretty much voting Hillary because they both have vaginas
Best friend is a Hill supporter
>he's gay, teacher, pro Hillary since before Obama
>quotes low info talking points
>he really is just that infatuated with the woman even when confronted with evidence of her corruption
>'Trump is a racist, Republicans hate gays, etc...'
>He does point out logical inconsistencies with Trump from time to time, so he isn't 100% illogical, however; speaks of his evidence as a foregone conclusion instead of being objective
>we both troll the shit out of each other on a daily basis
Other person I know is a 'dude weed lmao' that changed his mind when shown Trump vs. Hillary weed stance, then changed back to 'dude Trump's racist lmao.' He may be Green party now, but I'm pretty sure he won't even vote because 'it doesn't matter mannn'
I know a couple. They're all young white men who like to tell people on Facebook that if you don't vote for her then you're a racist. She's got the guilt complex ridden, college-educated, upper-middle-class Defenders of Diversity vote in the bag.
It's the actual minorities that might threaten her. I totally understand why she's pandering to the blacks so hard; I live in a low-income area with a large black population, and the majority of them don't like her. They're not going to vote for Trump, but she's obviously scared of the possibility that they might just not vote for anyone and damage her chances of winning.
It's hilarious to watch the SJWs tell the kangz to vote in their best interests, some of the best social media popcorn material I've witnessed in person.
Some of us actually read the policies on his website, I know it's hard not having the media shovel shit into your head for you leaf.
t. If I kill my enemies I win
i never met a hillary supporter irl
I'm not talking about Trump's platform or thought process, I'm talking about the thought process of the Hillary voters I know, which is paper thin. As for me, Hillary has had three major professional opportunities in or near the halls of power to prove her mettle, and has failed each and every time. Experience that produces undesirable results is of less value to me than lack therefore that may, even if it's just a possibility, produce positive results. We can debate all day over what it positive and negative, but there is no reasonable debate to be had about Hillary's own track record, which is utterly abysmal. That's the job she does when she is given a job to do: Terrible. I'm not inclined to promote her.
Yes. My mom.
She's doing what black voters did in 2008. Right down to the
>it's time
>I won't keep repeating how many times I had to ask him what he meant by hate, but it easily hit into the double digits
>eventually the conversation moves onto Russia and Trump asking Russia to hack hillary
>"He never told Russia to hack hillary."
>"Yes he did! He specifically told Russia to hack hillary in a tweet."
>whip out phone and factcheck his ass
>show him the tweet
>"Okay, where does it say 'hack'?"
>"Uh, okay, he never SAID hack but he meant it. It's a national security risk."
>"If hillary isn't hiding top secret info on her emails, how is it a national security risk?"
>silent for about a few seconds
>"Well, he's just enticing hatred and etc"
>here he goes again
>conversation goes into his lack of experience as a government official
>"So you think experience as a political figure makes you a better president?"
>"Of course it does!"
>"So you liked G W Bush?"
>"That's different!"
>"How? Doesn't experience make you better?"
>"I mean, it depends on the kind of experience."
>just laugh, "okay, man"
>he brings up Trumps relationship with china
>says "I bet that hat was even made in china"
>tell him it wasn't
>"What the fuck, man? You let the flags hit the ground. That's disrespectful as fuck, dude."
>ignores me
>ask him to pick them up
>he kinda looks at me and does so
>goes back to fumbling through my hat
>"I bet you it says China right he- oh... Nevermind."
>"I told you man. What the fuck. Just grabbing my hat?"
>ignores it, gives me the flags back with the hat
>"Well, I've seen some!"
>"of course you have. there are vendors that sell off brand stuff to make money. I don't think any candidate has sold anything not made in the US."
>goes back to saying hate stuff
>keeps pointing at my chest with his hands pointed
>crowd gathers a bit
scared of Trump, for childish reasons
I don't know about any facts of Russian support for Trump.
In general, there's opinion that corrupt and insane bitch is more preferable than dark horse with very volatile rhetoric. One day he says he would order attacking russian planes and ships if they ever get close to usa assets in international waters, other day he says we should be friends, but most likely he will do what's better for USA and that means keeping same anti-russia shit in west europe and middle east.
I know two.
1. My grandma, 82 years old, always been liberal. Doesn't give me any reasons why I should vote for her other than she's "not that idiot Trump."
I can see where she's coming from 100%, she grew up in a time where she never thought a woman becoming president was even possible. This means a lot to her and other people in her boat.
2. A Laotian refugee who came here illegally 20 years ago. We asked him why and he said, "You're kidding right?!" He's voting for Stein as of a month ago, and last I talked to him he's voting for Johnson.
She's the daughter of a Dixiecrat. She's a massive hypocrite in virtually every aspect of her life. She's holier than thou and refuses to accept reality despite evidence proving her what she believed wrong. She will then later say she was always right and try to turn the tables on you, saying you were the one who was wrong, flip flopping the entire scenario around (what she believed/what was wrong is what you believed and what you told her was right is now what she believes).
She's a Jew without being Jewish. She's everything wrong with southern women. She's also my grandma. I love her to death but you cannot argue with that kind of insanity.
Florida here
I know many Hillary supporters. Mostly Brazilian spics and spiggers who are afraid Trump will deport them if elected because that's the message that's being spammed on spic tv and in huehuehue media.
Dude this is the weirdest part of all my liberal friends, they quote comedians like they are messiahs. What the absolute fuck is wrong with someone who can't come up with their own opinions first of all, then to get them from a fucking comedian?
As far as on topic though, none of my liberal friends have anything other than the racist/literally Hitler argument. Hearing their delusion was one of the main reasons i have become so interested this cycle.
>for USA and that means keeping same anti-russia shit in west europe and middle east.
That's not really in the real interest of the USA and nobody thinks that unless they're stupid enough to think that Russia would be an aggressor in Western Europe, but okay.
eh, most Russians I have talked to prefer Trump's stated policies which hint at increased isolationism.
She was pleasant, black, overweight to be honest, and well spoken. I fucked her in the ass.
A young college liberal woman dating a black guy. Go figure.
Yeah, three losers I used to go to private school with support $hillary. I found out watching Fox News and seeing footage of them directly behind the Queen of Corruption holding "I'm with Her" signs.
They're all massive nerds and never were considered cool, pretty certain none of them have girlfriends either.
One is a stick thin self-hating white male who is a proud homosexual.
One is a violin playing Indian dude who's sweetheart I used to bang.
One is an admittedly good basketball playing "Black Lives Matter" negro.
Fuck, I can't wait for President Trump.
My buddy's grandparents are burgers, total Clinton-can-do-no-wrong types with a religious following of CNN/msm kikery. Apparently they got all pissy when they found out my buddy's a Trump supporter.
had a similar experience with an old acquaintance, he started off like a typical smug leaf and it ended with me basically calling him a moron for swallowing whatever the CBC prints. It was around the time when Lewandowski "assaulted" that kike whore (((reporter))). Haven't seen him since.
My uncle in California, he's a really jolly guy nicest person you will ever meet so much so his daughter walks all over him and he's just to happy of a guy to lay down the line to her.
Being a Hillary Supporter tho is straight up backwards thinks
Trump = Evil corporate idiot
Hillary = Saint goddess hero
He is clueless about the email leaks and my Dad had to send links to him to show how corrupt she really is. I've not asked how hes responded to it.
I've only met two people that were excited for her. One is a community college professor that constantly posts retarded articles (e.g. when Wikileaks dropped, she started posting about how assange is supposedly a rapist.) The other is some super rich white chick that goes to Europe all the time.
Now, I've met plenty of people who don't like her but are voting for her because muh lesser of two evils. But that's different from being actually excited about that demon.
>getting annoyed with his shit
>"Dude, just tell me what you mean by hate."
>buddy who was listening in on the conversation interjects and says, "Yeah you never really explained what you mean by that."
>does his hand gesture again
>"He wants to kick out all muslims"
>"What are you talking about, man? When did he say he wants to kick them out??"
>"He has always said that. He's so full of anger and hate and he wants to kick out muslims."
>"Dude, just show me a single tweet or something that shows that he wants to KICK THEM OUT?"
>guy pats me on the shoulder
>"Look. This conversation isn't going to go anywhere. Have a good night."
>walks away
>walks over to his girlfriend
>walks with her and him into another room and closes the door for a few minutes
>dude literally runs away from an argument he started just to rant to his gf about it
>my buddy and I start making fun of him, laughing our asses off
>other bystanders kinda giggle
>"What the fuck, man? He starts an argument and just runs away? How ridiculous."
>comes back a few minutes later
>completely avoids me like the plague
>won't look near me
>won't talk to me
>time fast forwards
>Ireland and US are tied 7-2
>beer pong to win the night
>we fucking win
>we cheer
>I yell "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" while staring at the guy and cheering
All and all it was a good night. It really pissed me off that he just didn't give a fuck that he let the flags hit the ground. He couldn't have cared less.
How was it rigged?
Any country that doesn't suck on the USA's teet will benefit by us not meddling anymore. All the ones that do are scared for their livelihood.
Literally or Metaphorically? :o
I saw a Toyota Prius with a Hillary Bumper Sticker once...
Don't cloud the issue with facts. The anti-Hillarys are on a roll.
Hillary could knock over a liquor store in broad daylight and she'd STILL be a more competent President than Comrade Trumpski.
Be me
>Sister Supports Hillary
>Says Trump is sadist
>I Say all the things Hillary did wrong, Emails, and such, while saying the flaws Trump also has
>Sister says " Well where did you get that source "
>I State them
>Sister repeats question, thinking she is slick that she won by supposedly asking the question again and again, not saying a thing about politics
>Sister turns away and goes to snapchat, showing my face, me saying no, she sends video to friends
The only ones I've met are ex-Bernout, 19-year-old girls who don't know shit about anything. Apolitical dumbasses with "Free Tibet" stickers on their wall, right next to "I'm With Her," (a woman funded by the Chinese.)
I have never seen one in my life
It's so cute when DNC shills try to subliminally signal that Trump is somehow, what, a communist agent? Comrade? Russia's not communist anymore, friend. Certainly not because of Democrats, either, who every step of the way through the Cold War made excuses for the Soviets and obstructed Republicans from fighting communism. Remember McCarthy? I think he was a great patriot. What about you?
Fucking hypocrite. You had a literal marxist-leninist in your party running neck and neck with Hillary just months ago!
Only ones i know are pro-abortion 3rd wave feminazis and their cucked white knight groupies who think it will get them laid
My friend.
"I'd only vote for her because I don't like Trumps immigration policy"
"People like me would possibly be deported"
He's half arab who's an atheist, hates Islam, hates Jews, and is Pro gun.
The guy confuses the fuck outta me.
Nope. Every single liberal I know supported Bernie, Most seem totally apathetic.
No. I've only ever seen a sticker on some crappy car saying I'm with her. I think my mom might have been thinking about supporting her because of the women thing, but she was disgusted by the corruption and I convinved her Trump would be much better with ISIS so she is on the Trump train. Ivankas speech helped more than we realize with women
My entire fucking family.
Kill me
They never have any sentiment for money, a total failures.
I meet them here in Oregon
99% of the time they are lesbians. The fat stubby dyke kind with short haircuts.
My family voted for Bernie, my teachers/professors voted for Bernie, every vehicle in my town has a Bernie sticker and I didn't even know what Hillary's logo was until I saw it online.
Only my Aunt who moved to NYC a few years ago and went full feminist. I don't know anybody else though, even my gay friend who is usually pretty liberal told me that he is voting for Trump.
Everyone black at my job. They're like what you would expect.
Every Mexican at my work, because "Trump hates muh people, this state used to be Mexico, etc. etc."
Hijab-wearing Muslim at my job also has a Hillary bumper sticker on her car.
But the first generation Asian immigrants there like Trump, and they're conservative Christians.
My younger brother has let college turn him into Carl the cuck
They were like, "oh my god, Hillary is like so awesome".
I've met tons of Trump supporters, and many people who do not want to vote for Trump, but the people who don't like Trump at least say they won't be voting for Hillary either. I've seen literally one hillary bumper sticker here in south Florida while seeing multiple Trump stickers a day plus many signs in people's yards. The only Hillary supporters I've ever encountered are token women online who know literally nothing about politics and have such a shallow understanding of the current political climate.
I've noticed the anti-trump people are extremely terrible at forming arguments against him. Like they will just keep repeating "HE'S RACIST!!" over and over without providing any reason as to why.
All I say to these people is that Muslim and Mexican are not racial catagories and they break down into stuttering. Anti-trump people could be making much better arguments such as "Trump's rhetoric against Muslims and Mexicans is callous and generalizes these subgroups harshly", but they aren't even smart enough enough to make a defensible argument. It shows how absolutely retarded most leftists are.
They exist
No. Everyone I know hates both candidates. Some hate Trump more. Some hate Hillary more. No one supports either.
Yes, a gay man living in Miami. He supports her because Dems are his team vs the big bad GOP.
Not a single fucks given about policies, if Trump were a Dem he'd vote for him.
I've never understood why the LGBT/minority communities have been attracted to Hillary. What about the fact that she was opposed to gay marriage until 2013? What about the "super predator" incident during the 90s? What about the racist crime laws she advocated for? Why would they back her, and not the man who marched with MLK?
Has the moron seen footage of bill lately? He's a few steps away from being a vegetable
You're my hero user