Sup Forums BTFO!!!
Discredit this, former skinhead posted this on JewBook, I need a simple counter argument.
Sup Forums BTFO!!!
Discredit this, former skinhead posted this on JewBook, I need a simple counter argument.
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But they constantly infight.
>stop letting your TV tell you who to hate
Liberal media is overwhelmingly pro-islam, even going so far as to try to not mention it when there's a terrorist attack.
Their dramatic reproduction rates are enough to scare me
If we allow them in without limit, they WILL outbreed us, they WILL replace us, and our free western societies WILL become Islamic
أنا شخ في الفم والدك
the tv tells me to love shitskins
idk who writes those propaganda pieces, but they are clearly stupid af.
one billion of the population of the world is fighting itself, along with the other 5 billion. Doesn't take a genius to figure out why we're still here.
Is liberalism just one great big subversive lie? I can count the times I've been "told" to hate Islam on one hand, and the times to be "accepting" would require the hands of me and all the woman I've never fucked.
This is all you'll ever need senpai
reverse logic, if whites were so evil and mean they would have been exterminated by now.
Seems about right
Sure thing. They're outnumbered 1 to 6.
We a re peaceful. But remember: you could be dead if you oppose us.
Great argument
There, have two.
>every muslim majority or even 20%+ muslim area is a wartorn, unsafe shithole full of rape, murder, mutilation, and acid attacks
>all vehemently anti-woman, rape and maim them without mercy on a whim
>all regressive towards science, technology, economy, personal freedom, any type of diversity especially diversity of faith or political opinion
>all extremely dangerous to travel to
>all have random jihads, bombings, knifings, stonings, mob attacks, rapes, gang rapes, acid attacks, and murders
>stop letting your tv tell you who to hate
Oh, splendid, when will you stop your hatred and exclusion of whites, males, straights, normal-genders, christians, right wings, southerners, americans, and combinations of the above?
Ask him if he wants to live in the muslim countries that execute gays, apostates, arrest women for being raped or have no protections for free speech or the press. And since he's a skinhead, ask him which muslim country he would like to be a jew in.
That's not the argument...
Pretty sure pic related is what's stopping them from killing us all
wtf i love muslims now
here is quiz: do you know WHY they are pro islam?
not so much as the nuclear deterrent
you give them too much credit
Aggrivated-conversion, hyper-reproduction and emmigration is a form of warfare if you frame it in the following context.
If you convert enough majority, eventually, the remaining get squeezed out.
Send em this.
Globalist jews who want to destabilize the near east and grab up land there.
Just because jews also hate them doesn't change the fact that muslims are piles of walking feces that need to be removed from this planet. There is enough hatred in my heart and bullets in my gun for both.
If 1.6 billion muslims attacked we would nuke them and fight back. Killing them down to the single digits.
That's the plan
>dubs decide
>not so much as the nuclear deterrent
There's nuclear bombs (B61 and B83) on those Nimitz-class and the Hornets and Spirit can carry nukes.
the left loves islam because islam is the arch enemy of the devil to the left's devil: traditional conservative christian white men and their establishment
1. they fear USA/NATO and since the industrial revolution they don't have the logistics for a military invasion.
2. this billion of muslims is the recruitment base for ISIS, which resulted in tens of thousands of fighters.
3. there are non-stop wars in the muslim world, which shows that they are not peaceful at all.
Iran's pretty chill
Ayatollah even has the schools teach evolution along with 25m$ funding in Stem Cell research.
Assuming that the religion, islam, is violent, this picture assumes that every muslim which is apart of the billions of muslim actually follow the religion as it is, which is violent.
Sounds like you and the other user said the same thing.
There are 200 million white people in america
If white privilege was real you would all be dead by now
1 > 7
I don't get it. The TV tells me to hate white men.
Just fucking quote the Koran. Islam isn't "just" about violence, it's also about fucking underage teen girls (virgins) in heaven after you slay heretics and apostates on this planet.
Religion indicts itself. Ever heard of Chris Hitchens?
But amerotards literally think thru FOX JEWS NEWS
Fairly and honestly, they are jewish golems.
You, fat gullible goym from JEWmerica are really like shit.
1. Infighting
2. They have no infrastructure or organization; all of their weapons and such come from white nations or the Chinese. They can't attack us openly, en masse, without losing the logistical support they need to continue their slow erosion of the non-Muslim world.
3. Only a small portion of that 1 billion are able to fight: old people, kids, women, etc. can be used for the occasional suicide bombing, but aren't exactly fit for mass shootings or sand hording countries unlucky enough to border ISIS territory.
4. If they have a large portion pretend to be peaceful, it makes them look less dangerous while allowing the destructive minority to operate unimpeded.
5. Not 100% of Muslims have to be dangerous to make it bad to associate with Muslims or admit them into your country. Ask your friends: "Imagine I have a barrel with 10 apples in it. One of them is deadly poison, and the other 9 are fine--would you risk eating an apple from that barrel?"
>Globalist jews who want to destabilize the near east and grab up land there.
thats separate
>doesn't change the fact that muslims are piles of walking feces
yeah i never meant that, im on your side
how did you get that from those 2 posts?
If you live among those 1 billion muslims then Sharia applies.
That means you are born a muslim and they kill you if you leave. Its required by Sharia law.
So yes. I would be killed. I know this is bait but normies dont seem to know this simple shit.
Muslims are smarter than blacks but susceptible to thought control. That makes them highly desirable for cheap labor. MSM is the mouth piece of the rich.
No conspiracy. Just money and greed.
This is a classic example of the Political Logical Fallacy known as 'The Silent Majority Fallacy'. Think about this: NotAllNazis is just as valid as NotAllMuslims according to the liberal argument. Their position regarding this fallacy is also a fallacy; a Coincidentia Oppositorum.
The muslims who stand by and allow their peers to be terrorists are enabling the terrorists. Do you understand? If they were truly moderate then they would condemn these terror activities, they would condemn Taqiyyah, they would condemn Taharrush, and they would push for the Reformation of Islam into a peaceful religion. Islam has never been reformed, unlike occidental religions which have undergone dozens of reformations. Be warned that liberals do not learn theology, they honestly believe that christianity only experienced one reformation (the protestant reformation). Aside from the protestant reformation which took almost a hundred years, there is the anabaptist reformation, the vermigli reformation, the council of trent counter-reformation, the tudor reformation, the huegenot reformation, The Heidelberg Catechism.
It's also worth it to note that according to liberal academics, there is no such thing as a Political Fallacy. Liberal Academics will always make this assertion. Good luck.
Here is a free red pill regarding the fallacy, also pic related most muslims are radicals:
6 billion of us vs 1 billion of them.
but i dont really care about the fact that we would slaughter them.
i care more about those dirty kikes causing all the problems.
>globalist jews doing X
>globalist jews destabilizing anything Christian
I dunno, just seemed somewhat similar.
Problem is, what can we do? I honestly believe that things are already fucked beyond repair, and all we can really do is give up and let them enjoy their world that would be torn apart by sectarian warfare and religious lunacy.
>tv tells you to love shitskins and hate Trump
>image says islam is peaceful and to not let the media tell you who to hate
This is retarded af.
> hillary in the lead
Let the TV tell you who to vote for!
> trump in the lead
To cause fear and infighting over this so we don't focus on the assholes amassing all the money.
Can you moronic lot just focus and actually tackle the question at hand ?
What's the biggest muslim country in the world at the moment ? Indonesia. How many Indonesian terrorists in the west ? Nought
Consider Iran, sizeable population, but zero terrorists as well.
Gather the data, and you can see the turmoil mainly comes from the Arabs. Saudis in the planes, tunisian in the truck, moroccans with guns.. Include a few misguided pakis in GB's case, you now actually have a case to assess and explain what's going on.
Or is it the brand of islam that this particular ethnic group preaches that's creating turmoil ?
I can't be bothered to look further into it, but if any of you mouth-breathers are so passionate about this whole thing, maybe you'd take a second to consider that pidgeonholing and posturing aren't arguments and will make you look like a massive retard in a.. """facebook argument"""..
Tl;dr I'm a genius you're not
Is that a threat?
People can only hurt you if you let them.
Not all Nazis were soldiers or had a violent nature yet people today consider their ideology to be genocidal.
Prophet Muhammad was in any case the first Jihadi as he waged war against heathens and conquered, slaughtered and forced the conversion to Islam of the Meccans (who were originally pagan), his descendants did the same for centuries.
> islam is about peace
there's literally a happening every fucking day about some sand nigger doing something violent.
CTR shills still here?
There are well over a billion etc etc
If "moderates" wanted islamists gone, they'd be gone.
Rape is up 500% in Sweden since 2013. Swimming pools are now separated by gender, women wear "don't touch me" bracelets and a curfew for women has been suggested for women to prevent them from being raped all this year alone.
Here's 300 Muslims matching through Germany calling for the conquering of the country.
You could also find Muslims torching the US flag a day after Sadiq Khan became mayor of London.
I've opened the eyes of a half dozen friends with the Germany video alone, it's fucking unbelievable but your progressive friends will likely pivot cold hard facts and statistics.
It's worth remembering too that even if Islam was reformed, they'd still have a mass-murdering pedophile as their prophet and his insane ramblings, the Koran, as their book along with the Hadith to try and explain it.
You can't take the insane death cult out of Islam because that is at the heart of all Islam regardless of faction.
Uh... What? The Muslims are literally trying their best to wipe us out, we're just way, way better at fighting than they are.
I'd avoid anything german related if you're going for redpills, it's too easy for them to sweep it under the rug with
>it's karma for the holocaust :^)
>former skinhead posted this on JewBook
>now he has anti-fa leanings
this guy is just a moron, isn't he?
Yes I agree. Muhammad is a problem. It would require multiple reformations over time just to get to the point where you could Reform Islam into a denomination that disavows him as a false prophet, and disavow pedophilia. I'm not sure how to navigate that particular hurdle and I absolutely agree with you.
However reformation is the best option IMHO.
Luckily the idea of a reformation always appeals to modern worshippers, because it implies that the current generation is more enlightened than the past and that it is their duty or privilege to bring their religion into the 21st century, to see the light. Don't they want to make their religion more prosperous, more respected? Reformations are divine work. You can rope narcissists right into it. It could be a viable psyop, and they could get there with the right political moves. I think it's possible to do this. I also think introducing the idea of reform to normies is great because we can argue that all other religions have gone through this process as they adjust to the changing cultural climate, and that if most muslims are truly moderate they will unite to reform their faith. They can put their money where their mouth is, so to speak.
That sequence will not go unchecked.
How many children have been harmed as a direct result of immigration? How many is too many?
>1.5 billion Muslims try to fight 6 billion non-Muslims
>they think they'd win
Muslims truly are retarded.
there are a lot more than a billion bullets
>Stop letting your tv tell you who to hate
Unless they're telling us to hate white people. then we should listen, right?
When you laid all their flaws out, it made me think you were describing the Legion from Fallout New Vegas.
Hah. Good luck getting through the wall.
No, Christianity is a religion of peace. That's why Muslims continue to exist.
>implying we wouldn't all be dead if they had better weapons
>Discredit this
Muslims can't fight well, if straight up war then they would be extinct.
lol I imagined every single muslim consirping to just explode simultanously.
An American made ICBM can deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on earth in approximately 30 minutes. There doesn't have to be over a billion Muslims in the world half an hour from now.
>do you know why they're doing it
>yes jews
>no, but close, it was jews.
That was pretty much your answer.
Iran can shred the hell out of the US
>If muslims wanted to change their opinions, they could just kill everyone.
Well, that's reassuring.
You cannot discredit the truth kid, pol is not your army, they're not anyone's army due to morbid obesity nor is stormmoan, but I'm sure they got some cherry-picked lies=dank memes you can counter that generic statement meme with
There are well over a billion monkeys in the world.
If monkeys were really about violence you'd all be dead by now
Stop letting your TV tell you who to hate.
They can't hurt us because we are technologically superior.