Homosexuality is a disease
Why do 2 boys kissing make Sup Forums so butthurt?
this new homosex spread is fucking cancer
it doesn't even have good music like it had in the 80's with frankie goes to hollywood and the likes
becase they're christcucks
its not natural
what a terrible argument
>you are unnatural
You're not natural
why do you give it views? kill yourself, especially if you are posting your own stuff.
Just send it to the Westborough Baptist church and move on.
Why are you seeking out gay propaganda on the internet?
It was on the fucking trending page.
>some guy calls a girl fat
>Sup Forumss reaction is "lol free speech faggot stop being so triggered over tiny shit"
>gay people kiss on youtube
>Sup Forumss reaction instead of simply not looking for gay people kissing online
2 sides of the same coin eh?
Get the fuck out and never return
Sodomy is antithetical to any sort of right wing or redpilled movement
>reciting Jewish scriptures
>claims to be redpilled
ok shlomo
Yeah raping angels will do that
I'm going to be 100% honest, I don't have a problem with gay people at all. However, people like that "GayGod" guy who shove their sexuality in others faces make me wanna fucking puke.
>everytime you dont subscribe a gay baby turns straight
Thats 60 babies per minute assuming that clicking subscribe takes a second (it probably takes much less time).
86400 gay babies turned straight every day because I'm not subscribing. I deserve a medal.
So you do have a problem with them. I don't have a problem with straights. Only when I know they're straight. Which is all the fucken time
No it was in your recommended page. Latent homo much? Are you to scared to embrace your katapikos history? Gayreeeeeeeeeek.
I'm gonna unsubscribe that 7 billion times.
Have you taken your brain meds today?
Honestly it just makes me physically ill.
And you'll still be a Moortuguese
my trending page doesnt have gay people kissing...is there anything you might want to tell us?
This. You can be a faggot without being gay and you can be gay without being a faggot.
nice argument
Sensitive menstruation cramping. I suggest Midol
as if I needed another reason to fill my heart with contempt
thanks grease
No, I don't have a problem with gay people, I just have a problem with faggots who shove it in others faces, in the same way I don't care if you're vegan, but will tell you to fuck off if you can't go 8 minutes without saying you're vegan.
Homossexuality is forbidden in Islamic Countries
Instead I clicked the link and saw it has 5 million views now I'm sick and depressed.
>America will fall during your lifetime
Fatness is bad for humanity, gayness is bad for Humanity.
Germany is bad for humanity
>be greek
>not being a homo
The behavior is terribly unnatural. A normal animal's base instinct is to continue it's genetic lineage so that it doesn't truly die out.
For people who tend to be atheistic and trust science above all else they sure like to throw out anything they emotionally disagree with.
what exactly means shoving it in your face? making videos online shouldnt count because you have to search out these types of videos
Then stop letting anybody know your own preferences. You think you're better than them. That they can't display their gifts and differences. But you can. Then you cry about it all day. You make no sense. You lash out. You're not happy. Blue pilled squares. What can we do. Nothing. These are the worst threads on this board. Penis threads? 800 literal instant replies
Can you give me a screencap of atleast 7 Sup Forums anons defending a landwhale's fatness?
Animals are gay. Humans use surrogates. Xq28 gene
The problem is flamers.
People are videos like the OP.
They hate the obnoxious cunts.
Average men who just fuck other men on the side aren't going to be noticed because they're just that, men. They'd only come off obnoxious if they intentionally show this shit off with some narcissistic pride, like OP.
This idiot again "lol I get off to people who hate me"
Sick fucking masochist
>All white
i probably could open up a sneak thicc thread somewhere around here and this shit would get 300+ replies
>Fueling the flames like a retard
Instead of getting angry, just basically call him out and mock him for entertainment rather then insult him. Let him know he's basically nothing. Soon enough he'll go hang himself.
yup fags behavior is so inatural. You would never find it in nature. Pretty sure that's why the flock of birds I saw this morning were gathering for mass to thank god for creating them out of nothing.
Reported on youtube.
>Soon enough he'll go hang himself.
Every little shot at him brings him closer to that ya Dingo
Now, user. We don't throw around random, indirect quotes that don't exist.
You should understand that thicc threads are a meme.
Is this you fampai?
Find me any instance which doesn't lead to that genetic line dying off and I'll concede that it's just as healthy, mentally and physically, to be gay.
>animals are ghey 2!
Wow great argument creatures that mostly can't even understand the concepts of self and wiping their ass are surely something to compare to.
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? :^)
obesity and faggotry
both are bad?
You're both possessed. Also it comes across as a meme image. He whom posts it never replies. Just like milo. There to get you to hate and divide and conquer. Stop liking what I don't like. But with penises. Faaaantastic, you zygotes
yeah but people still fap to thicc girls dont they? there is a reason why people enjoy that bunnie from zoophilia
Supporting individual rights? Also a little iron coming from the country whose modern day culture is cocaine, hookers, and weed
No straight people have died off. Too bad eve and cain fucked us eh
You are a idiot if you think that. I'm homosexual myself and I've been around thousands of the dutch bloke's types and OP. They feed on idiots like you. You're pretty much just sheep to slaughter. These niggers are attention parasites, a person like Milo Yiannopolous is a great example. You stop giving them ammunition and they'll eventually run and die. It's really as simple as that.
Can you stop talking in scribbles mate? You sound like a crazy fucking homeless person. You lack any coherency. Get Good.
>be purely homosexual
>100% chance your lineage ends with you
How is this so difficult to understand?
Fuck right off you drunken abo convict
I didn't ask for your life story faggot
No. Type like a human. You sound like a drunk half abo.
No. Type like a human. You sound like a drunk half abo.
Hey you can jump into the mincer and kill yourself but don't blame me when these guys win and you're whimpering in the corner realizing you should have listened.
You're an illiterate retard whom can say rather than a generalised Muppet tactic, that which he actually specifically finds confusing. But you won't do that. You saw I was right. You try and write off the whole thing with generalised cock and balls
>everytime you don't subscribe a (((gay))) baby turns straight
how is this a bad thing
You made a really good society eh
for real? If two girls were kissing ya'll would find it "hot" and have no problem with it at all. However, when two guys kiss ya'll find it disgusting and are suddenly against homosexuality.
jesus christ dude, get your shit together
This guy just won't quit it with the social commentary, and posting the same post twice
But alas, I shouldn't expect any different from a Fag with this Flag
Whom is the singular. You are one person. I hate it when cavemen don't understand proper syntax and words like zygote. Crack another Fosters you moron. I don't fucking care if your derp liar ass doesn't understand nor if the entire fucking world or board doesn't understand
>You're an illiterate retard whom can say rather than a generalised Muppet tactic
> that which he actually specifically finds confusing. But you won't do that. You saw I was right. You try and write off the whole thing with generalised cock and balls
"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like"
You don't realize that I'd advocate punching pridefaggots as well you dumb cunt, that's why I'm telling you to stop feeding the attention seekers.
You've got a illiterate canadian aboriginal, and another who's so far up his arse all he can hear is his own gas passing.
There are people who fap to BBW and Necrophilia/Gore, I don't see what's your point.
You could say what specifically confused you. That's what that which means. Which comes after a comma. That comes any other time. No commas there. Read the whole thing and try and tell me it makes no sense. Me man. Me fuck poosee. Me lie bout it. You stoopid. That is you.
Are you genuinely autistic?
Serious question.
You're a fucking moron. Nobody knows cursive. Nobody reads any fucking books. I've always written at at least a twelfth-grade-level. Get your fœtal-alcohol-syndrome ass outta here
>stop feeding the attention seekers.
Heh, looks who's talking
Now off to the gym. user it's been fun!
>everytime you dont subscribe a gay baby turns straight
*repeatedly doesnt subscribe*
>12th Grade
>Pic related
Alright man, I was genuinely warning you but okay.
Every time, leaf.
% chance your lineage ends with you
>im beyond retarded and have never heard of surrogate mothers before
stop posting
I really care about all your opinions
This magical post removes all the hypocrisy to which I was referring. A fucking space farts and prison bars
>Can't even into sarcasm properly
Jesus I mean you've got the joker in the throne but has your shitty little igloo nation really spawned this wave of autism? This dude legitimately rights like some child who has aspergers, full stops everywhere and random insults and assumptions which don't even correlate to the topic in hand. I feel sorry for you leafs.
France is currently falling
>in the throne
>'which' when needed to be 'that'
Shit man, you caught me out. That one spelling error in a sentence which is actually more coherent and digestable then your verbal diarrhea
When will a second civil war start? I wanna laugh at you dumb asses.
genetically unfit =/ unnatural
stop using buzzwords and just say what you mean
No you don't speak our language. You write like a plebeian commoner from 450 years ago