Why are blacks so violent?
Why are blacks so violent?
A black man would knock her ass out, collect his money and walk off
A white man would knock her ass out, collect his money and buy the granny good hospital treatment and a comfy home somewhere
after all, he's got 14 billion
A white wouldn't do it on risk of fucking killing her, Achmed.
Don't be all high and mighty there burger.
You'd have to be a retard not to do it.
If you had 14 billion you could spend money to prolong the old ladys life giving her a better quality of life all for a little smack to the head. Plus you have 13 .9 billion left over for yourself.
If you don't do it however. Old lady continues on her way. Goes home. Has a stroke. Chokes on her vomit for 12 hours. You're still piss poor and kill yourself
Because their 85-average-I.Q. shit for brains aren't wired to feel empathy for others on the same level as the caucasoid brain; their violent crime epidemic proves this. Their massive deadbeat dad rate proves this. Their joyous schadenfreude whenever a lot of white people die proves this. They're a race of natural, borderline psychopaths.
I'm white as fuck and I would strangle her staring into her eyes. I'd hold her down while an entire prison ran a train on her. I'd slit her throat and watch the air bubble up.
I don't think there is an act I wouldn't do for $14 billion outside of hurting my close family. Fuck some random old woman, she's lived her life.
>censoring the names
Id knock her ass out for free.
>le IQ meme
>le niggers don't le have le empathy because I read it in a book from 1960 meme
>implying you need medical treatment from being gently choked into passing out
Only a beat would hit a woman (in a non sexual circumstance)
It's one of the things the Mormons got right. They have the Mark of Cain.
>Mitt Romney had to defeat a black man named Cain in 2012
Yes, but I'd give her world-class medical treatment and a new mobile scooter afterwards.
high testosterone low iq
14 billion dollars is a quite a bit of money though...
Whores literally get shit on by Arabs and fuck dogs for just a million dollars, and all I have to do is slug an old lady?
That's easy money.
>le IQ meme
the whole world wishes it was a meme
I'd straight out kill a person for 14 billion if I knew I could get away with it. Wouldn't feel good about it but a stable future, best healthcare, great house and tons of sex are more than enough to offset it.
if you wouldn't do it then you're either a liar or have an iq of 45
Think of it like an RPG stat sheet.
Blacks have lower intellect,charisma and wisdom and racial ability like Orcs.
Orcs are niggers.
It's a proven fact, my carpet-headed friend. Now don't you have some cotton to pick?
Can they fucking make a post on the internet without that fucking emoticon? If it's not that it's "100"
How can they be so stupid?
Only with her consent
Well why not ask her and then split the money?
Im sure she has grandkids or somethung that could benefit from the inheritance
I would do it for 20$
Despite the EDGE, I agree with general sentiment.
I would fuck her in the stomach with a steak knife for 5 million if the offer was made to me.
As a black person reading this, you're right. Sure I may be an exception to this childish, superficial groupthink, but at the cost of this? I'm good
14 billion what?
Smells fishy.
>letting anonymous people on the internet have even remote clues as to who you are
Bluepilled desu
Idk... I only like black women the men can go fuck themselves
I would unironically rape, waterboard and kill her for 1 million, probably for less
Don't kid yourself Achmed, you'd do it just for that 90 year old pussy.
Her first mistake was relaxing around a nigger.
My friend once asked if i'd be mad if in a hypothetical situation he shot me in the leg to get 5 million dollars. I told him that i'd ask him to shoot me twice and we'd split the money.
So basically yeah i'd punch granny in the face for 14 billion, wouldn't even think twice.
This, the solution was pretty obvious and would benefit everyone but I'm also not a nigger
I would fucking eat her cold dead body for 14 billion.
That super loose "I-don't-give-a-shit" posture when he walks in is really fucking triggering
I'd do it for free, old fucking roastie bitch.
Anyone who says they wouldn't is a dirty liar.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™ on race.
>around blacks
ya blew it
Fun fact: Niggers make up 13% of the US population but are responsible for nearly 40% of all violent crime (murder, rape, etc.)
Fun fact: Spics and niggers have nearly identical poverty rates, yet spics commit violent crime at one-half the nigger rate.
Fun fact: There are more whites living in poverty than niggers and spics combined, yet account for less violent crime (murder, rape, etc.) than niggers.
I went to an almost all black school in Florida well growing up. This is absolutely spot on.
but why .... he could still get and split the money with one shot as long as you agreed.
This is why racial profiling exists.
Oh Jew!
I know how you feel.
If I was a girl growing up in this shithole, I'd refuse to go to school.