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>fucking leaf



Info on recent polls

reminder that if the leftist media says that trump is winning slightly, it means he's winning by massive fucking double digits


>mfw Milo was killed by Hillary



(((Breitbart))) is far from leftist, senpai.

Clinton only has a 3% lead atm OAN reports.

How can this happen? You would think she spent the last few months blaming white males for the USA's problems or something.

People murdered by clinton summer 2016

Victor Thorn
Researcher and author of "The Clinton Trilogy"

Shawn Lucas
Served the lawsuit against DNC and DWS for campign fraud (against BernieSanders in the primary)

Seth Rich
DNC staffer
Meant to testify against Hillary in suit for campaign fraud.

I have a message for all of you

The only landslide happening hear is steaming horse shit

breitbart aside

i always wondered why trump has higher numbers in social media but is appearently 10 points down. doesn't make any sense to me.

sauce on text in pic?

Being a cuck isn't normal, even among leftists. Jim Webb would have been a poplar candidate among white male Democrats

Holy shit Trumpfags, what the fuck are these sources? Stop being so fucking paranoid, poll are not rigged. If last 4 polls before the election show Hillary winning with 3 or more points its over. If its less than 3 points Trump still has a chance, but polls are NOT rigged.

0.04 corrections have been added to your record.


You really can't really go anywhere right now without people talking about him. Even if its not all good, people are openly discussing his policies etc and the whole HES HITLER thing isn't working like it used to. The media is fucking retarded over saturating him in the media like this, he will win because of it.


Many polls showed Remain winning by 3 or more points before the EU referendum.

can it be rigged in the end?

Except it doesn't say that. There are polls that have Shillary with double digit leads and the more biased, conservatives ones only have her with a slight lead.

I think even bernie sanders with his kill all white males rhetoric would have been better. He controls the cuck vote atleast haha.


Trying to find it, but there are so many articles about that specific topic.

Except the polls are rigged, and it has been proven multiple times. They objectively undersampled Republicans and Independents.

The Democrats believe this too, internal polling has shown a far darker picture for them. You're literally doubting the people Trump is running AGAINST when you repeat the media's bullshit.

Can you explain? They didn't include millennials or what?

When the media calls Trump the new hitler and more and more people are agreeing and siding with Trump isn't the media making Adolf look good?

The media confirmed for anti semetic

More people watching the angry monkey doesn't equate to more people being impressed by the angry monkey.

1) A small number of people can make a lot of noise on social media. Particularly when you factor in 'community' angle - ie by scanning Sup Forums you'd think Trump was overwhelmingly popular, but Sup Forums isn't reflective of the real world: it's predominantly white, male and alt-right leaning, which isn't what the average american voter will be.

2) People discussing him isn't hte same as supporting him.

>trying to derive voter numbers by comparing online fanbases
what the fuck is this shit lol
you guys are genuinely retarded if you think facebook likes and number of voters are proportional

man i cant wait till the elections, trumpniggers are gonna be so shocked when hillary wins a landslide victory

Large rallies are meaningless: Sanders filled stadiums as well yet still lost by 3 million votes.

Clinton supporters aren't as rabid as Trump's are, but that doesn't matter because she's got a lot more of them.

you have no idea how many libtards accidentally redpilled themselves by coming to Sup Forums

Yes, and that skewed the results.



>winning the election

You can't be serious can you? Trump has proven time and time again that he will sperg out and go full autist any time he's in the lead. He was doing fine before he attacked that sandnigger, and in his defense, he was in the right considering the shitskin attacked him, but he has to know by now that the kikes will paint any situation where he even opens his mouth in a negative light.


Hillary just went 5D on Trump. She knew that the sandnigger would goad Trump into making a comment that could be easily spun against him. She set up a perfect headline for the Jews to run with.

Trump has failed. He never had the possibility of winning anyway considering that the entire strength of organized Jewry has been arrayed against him. Prepare your angus for gorillions of spics and sandniggers and the inevitable war with Russia and Iran. The GOP will never be able to win another election again after the Demogibs Party loads the Southwest with spics.

your skin looks like poo


Okay faggots, this is how it will be in November. You can say that i know nothing about US politics but i believe that i know far more than some delusional Trump supporters, and i trust polls.

And this is the best possible scenario for Trump. Screencap this.

the number of people showing up at rallies isn't correlated with the number of voters

sanders rallies regularly got tens of thousands more people than clintons, yet he still lost hard

Creepy af

Going to be hard to produce a landslide win without Virginia.

funny meme

> $0.02 has been deposited into your account. Thanks for correcting the record!

But Hillary is leading with millennials? What is the point of that? If they included them she would have bigger lead because young cucks are supporting her.

>Trump can't win.

Jesus Christ, fags on Sup Forums actually believe this.

And millennials won't vote for trump anyways. The GOP hasn't had the youth vote in ages.

This. They come to troll. They stay when they realize they have much to learn.

Nope. You have been ignored, AND you will not be remembered.
Trump's going to win PA btw.

>Going to be hard to produce a landslide win without Virginia.

Read that as Going to be hard to produce a landslide win without Vagina

>best possible
>no great lake states swing
clearly you don't understand what best possible means

Has a brexit vibe to me.

Remainers still think the campaigns had something to do with it.

Truth is leavers were locked and loaded to vote "out" thirty years ago. Since then they may well have voted Labour and given all kinds of polling answers.

I think Trump has a constituency that has always wanted to vote for someone like him, what they've done in the past when the option wasn't available isn't relevant.

"Sleeper voters" who are unaffected by campaigns but have shown no prior clues aren't captured by polling techniques.


do you understand how polling works



me included.

i came here years ago after reading an article in about Sup Forums. Found my way to Sup Forums and got Sup Forumsitized.

'Troit is going trump this year




You realize that was nearly exclusively because of voter fraud, right?

Ask people in NY.

TONS of americans dont have landlines. Its 2016

None of that matters. The question was whether or not there was rigging. There obviously was.

Plus, all of these came out after the DNC. A lot of the youth vote was with Bernie, and they conveniently kept out that group in the polls. I would be surprised to see Hillary win the youth vote anyway. Lots of people my age have a big problem with blatant hypocrisy and different laws for different people. And before you bring them up, SJWs are not a dominant force among the young. Everyone hates those loud mouthed retards.

exactly what I was thinking
I went into brexit being convinced like most people that we would lose
but the media didn't account properly for the working class, or at least tried to ignore them

Also I was wondering if trump does so well on social media mostly due to right wingers increasingly being 'inside types' to be kind
and the left wing are mostly normies

>Trump's going to win PA btw.

I'm really hoping there's a mass suicide of Trump voters in November. The sheer ignorance of reality paired with this strange evangelical love of him is going to lead to sheer devastation when he's slaughtered like a fat pig at the electoral college.

He won't win a single state more than Romney, and if the polling keeps getting worse he's likely going to lose a lot more states to the democrats.

muh polling

read the autopsy on the Brexit and General Election 2015 polling.

Polling sure predicted Brexit, didn't it?

le funny matrix pill maymay

the only people who would believe a word of the conspiracy theory shit that gets spewed on this board are 15 year old edgelords or mentally ill neets

Kek i am not even American and i know that Philly and Pittsburgh always fuck up the rest of the state. And you are not worried that 3 out of 4 voting machine companies are Clinton foundation donors?

>Clinton supporters aren't as rabid as Trump's are, but that doesn't matter because she's got a lot more of them.

What is voter turnout.

All these dumps showed is that there is a bias in the DNC, which isn't the same as being rigged.

Millennials won't ever vote for Trump, and you're a utter fool if you think that less than 95% of Sanders' supporters WON't vote for Clinton.

So will Trump. You do realize that the Clinton Foundation has financial Ties to the companies that manufacture Voting Booth machines right? Trumpfags are cancer.

Also trump voters are much more passionate

It's a lot more likely you will go out and vote for revolution and change, rather than maintaining the status quo I think

Stopped reading there. Don't tell me you guys still read this right wing shill?


This. I am actually a Trump supporters but this fucking delusion here since he started losing in polls is funny.

8th of November will be glorious day for shitposting my leaf friend. And yes, i believe there will be a lot of suicides here because people actually think that polls are rigged.

where are the evidences

polls are carried out via mobile too nowadays

election 2015 polls were pretty accurate

the brexit polls were only wrong by a small margin, and it was largely due to a lot of remainers believing that there was no way leave could win and so not bothering to show up and vote

Clinton has built the most extensive network of grassroots networks in the county's electoral history. She learned that lesson the hard way losing to Obama in 2008. it's these grassroots networks that physically get people to the polls: they go door knocking on elector day, they organizing buses to drive people to the polling stations.

Trump has a bear bones campaign and thinks that by getting a lot of retweets, it means people will show up on election day.


Well of course, we see through all this ctr shit, in fact it has not bothered me in the slightest the shit happened before brexit election day in the UK.

They are tucked it was prophesised to start in Britain, the fall of the last empire.

>social media patterns
jesus christ you people are getting desperate now.

Killary is going to lose PA,Michigan,Wisconsin,Maine CD2 She can't even hold onto former Dem strongholds.

Listen niggers, I want Trump to win, very very badly so. You can accuse me of being a shill all you fucking want but it doesn't change reality. He'll be lucky if he holds down what Romney did in 2012 but a victory is literally impossible. Too many cucked whites who don't want to vote in their interest despite making up the majority of literally every fucking state in the country.

They don't care how much of a piece of shit Hillary is. They don't care if she got people killed. They don't care if she sold weapons to ISIS. They don't care if she rigged the primaries against Bernie. They don't care if she put national security at risk with her fucking emails. All they care about is the fact that Trump said mean things. All they care about is having the world know how not racist they are.

If whites had any amount of gumption and pride, Trump would win every single motherfucking state. But they don't, and when you compound the millions of spics, chinks, shitskins and niggers all solidly voting for Clinton on top of that, the GOP is fucking destroyed.

As much as I hate to admit it, it's ogre. Being a "racist" is the worst thing you can be in this kike-dominated world, and Trump has been effectively branded one.

The polls are demonstrably rigged. It's not delusional you can just look at the methodologies for the evidence. It's not hard to be deceptive with polls.

You didn't have to read this in middle school like I did, I'd guess.

Trump supporter*

The Millennial 18-34 group is not going to Trump, what a joke. LMAO

If anything, leaving out millennials actually hurts Clinton's numbers..

About that.

And she's been doing a pretty great job of getting absolutely nobody to show up at her rallies. Clinton's nobody, her support is all top-level.

t. Correct le Record xD

Breitbart is right leaning but they're far less biased than any of the left wing sites of media networks. The left wing sites will very rarely publish anything that looks bad for Hillary, Breitbart publishes regardless of its good or bad for Trump, they just report what's actually happening. Breitbart is the only publication that reports ALL of the news, good or bad. And also if you knew about the history of the site and the guy who created it I doubt you would call it "right wing". He was doing lots of investigative journalism about Bush too, but then Obama came along.

CNN and the pro status quo MSM think they have Trump on the ropes. The people will overcome the Globalists and Cronyists agenda's. TRUMP WILL PREVAIL!
Watch :

>leaf etc etc
The leaks showed up that the DNC was paying MSM for coverage.

You can not deny that it was convenient for them to leave out the bernie demographic after they had been bitch slapped by their party. They did it because they knew bernie voters would go Trump. You need to work on your shitpost technique. The 95% gave you away.

>small margin, and it was largely due to a lot of remainers believing that there was no way leave could win and so not bothering to show up and vote

And what the fuck do you think we will see on election day?

The landslide. It's coming. Any day now.

You idiots thought the same exact thing in 2012 and you were wrong. When are you going to learn your lesson that pollsters know more about polling than you do?

>the brexit polls were only wrong by a small margin, and it was largely due to a lot of remainers believing that there was no way leave could win and so not bothering to show up and vote

And the large fuckin lightning storm that occurred in remains largest county. Kek XD

But if fucking Fox new poll and Rasmussen poll show her winning maybe Hillary is actually winning?