If you were wondering why you didn't see more of her
Jill Stein calls to end funding of Israel
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This. Hillary and Trump are both pro-Israel.
shills will try to derail this thread
Aren't the real shills Sup Forums, who shun every thread that isn't pro-Trump?
wtf i love jill stein now.
>wanting to defund our only ally in the middle east
What a retard.
Jill Stein should've been the Sup Forums candidate but redditfags invaded and took over
Wtf I love jews now
Green Party becomes more attractive as the Libertarian party becomes less... won't matter come November
breddy much. Its all leading up to some insane booty blasting this Nov. can't wait!
she isn't the Sup Forums candidate because she doesn't stand a chance in hell
We're literally paying them absurd amounts of money for no reason at all.
Ron Paul didn't stand a chance either.
i hate that way of thinking, if everyone thought that way you'll be stuck in a hillary clinton presidency loop forever
>American Jewish presidential candidate calling out Israels Jewry
Let's call the Green Party for what it really is...the RED Party
P based for a Jew
>Jill Stein
>not Gary "The Weed Man" Johnson
Israel hates us bro.
Typical controlled opposition. Have Jews that criticize Israel but still get away with all their shit because of all the ones that won't.
I would finger her in a dark ally but never vote for her.
And also for forced interracial breeding grounds and completely open borders.
Thank you, Jill (((((((Stein)))))))))
No u suck saudi arabia cock as well .
There's a nonzero chance I will vote for her in November
>she gave lip service to defunding Israel
>end wars
>she's not Killary Killton
>is a kike
>is a green
>is a kike
>promotes white genocide
>is a kike
>supports DREAM act
>is a kike
>promotes illegal immigration
>is a kike
>promotes demographic replacement of burguers by mud-tiers in various sectors
>is a kike
>anti-2nd amendment
>is a kike
>wants government running economy and another New Deal
>is a kike
>loves fag marriage
>is a kike
>wants "free" college, free healthcare which is a redistribution of wealth and another free shit from whites to mud-tiers
>is a kike
>wants to shut down charter schools
>is a kike
>thinks professors shouldn't be held responsible for their shit performance
>is a kike
>wants to lower educational standards to let more muds attend college
>is a kike
Conclusion, Bernie with a cunt, the only chance to be a reasonable candidate if only had she, Killary Killton ad another cuckservative rep like iJeb!
Holy shit, she's actually much more based than Trump on the Israel Question.
Hmm, if he doesn't correct his fucking stance on Israel he will lose lots of voters to Jill for this reason alone.
nice quads
Lol a literal Jew calling for ending Israeli funding. Now I have seen it all.
>you will never bantz with GILF Stein about Trump after she sucks your peepee and makes you pancakes
a Jew jewing the Jews??
Hey guys! Let's defund the only beacon of democracy and true ally in the Middle East!
Why? The Jew meme!!!!
>in b4 le shill
She's actually pretty damn reasonable in answering those questions.
For a Green politician she doesn't come across as batshit insane.
This. Every Israeli I have ever met has a condescending attitude towards the US. Why do we keep sending these nasty fuckers money and supporting their bad behavior?
what did he mean by this?
Just saw a thread disappear about how Israel LEGISLATES Asian contract workers to not have sex with Israeli nationals including prostitutes.
Aren't you the champions of race mixing fucking hypocrites??
>Israel getting 8 million per day for free from USA
Well if i got 8 million per day for free i would be chosen and 400 IQ too.
She is pro BLM though.
I do not trust that anti white kike.
Is that where she plans on getting the money to pay reparations?
quads can't lie
Did we meme the wrong candidate Sup Forums
They do it on here, they do it in the media, they do it to my country as well.
My guess? They have leverage on the West, they have something that can do some serious damage because most nations would not tolerate the crap that Israel has pulled off in the last 50 years.
So easy to win the "spot the Jew" game.
You should try a little harder
Jill Stein is a Putin-shill.
YES Rand Paul was there and you turned your back on liberty
obama already approved a deal which gives them over 5 billion in aid
If you listen to the other shit she wants to do she is just as bad as any other liberal candidate. She kinda reminds me of those old hag woman psychologists who think they know everything and worship Buddha in their late husbands house. I personally can't stand those kinds of woman so I wouldn't vote for this bitch under almost any circumstances. Post about this bitch on reddit and get them to vote for her. Might take some votes away from Shillary.
How does she not think open borders will be just as expensive and harmful as helping Kikesrael?
Jesus, you talk like a fucking faggot. Die.
She vehemently supports reparations
So no
You guys aren't even trying anymore. Transparent as fuck.
>putin is bad in any way shape or form
fuck the american petrodollar
fuck ukrainian and crimean independence
Literal Putin-shill.
Other political parties than the eternal 2 democrats and republicans don't have enough air time to come anywhere.
In fact Hillary and Trump try to argue to the jewish lobby who is more pro-israel. Trump's daughter even married and had a child with a jewish man. Yet, anti-semitic Sup Forums seems to love Trump regardless. It's like hating broccoli with all your being and then voting for someone who wants to subsidize broccoli farming.
>i hate putin
Amerifat lover
>green party bitch literally named (((stein)))
>Sup Forums candidate
You could at least make somewhat of an effort
Disgusting traitor whore eating from the enemies table.
If you are a Christian, you must love Israel.
I love Israel.
>America is made of cotton
> RT overtly acts as state media
> every single major western media institution COVERTLY acts as the media arm of the plutocrats that run the west.
Showing up to a dinner for a newspaper doesn't mean you're in Putins pocket.
shill for jill so bernie bro's can vote with their convenience.
Kikes never play both side, goys
When war is on the horizon, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. This is how all nations that have won major wars have operated all throughout history.
>every single major western media institution COVERTLY acts as the media arm of the plutocrats that run the west
That's more accurate than you think.
Give more money to based Israeli muslim-slayers, I say
I use a shovel to dig a hole. Did I dig the hole or did the shovel?
wrong. America funded terrorism to beat the soviets in afganistan.
imagine if you had fucked off and let the russian take afganistan?
no 9/11 because Osama never got his funding.
No taliban becasue the russians killed them all
you always fuck EVERYTHING up. fuck you
the soviets were good guys. you ruined the world.
bring me the deportation form
If you are Christian, you must support reinstating the kingdom of Jerusalem
Jews are allowed to lie, you know.
>Why? The Jew meme!!!!
Or because they're a controlling shithole that steals money from our government, openly despises the US and actively betrays and works against us.
Also, they destroyed one of our fucking ships on purpose
Israel should be a crater
There's no reason we should be sending them aid in the first place, but you don't win the presidency unless you shill for the 6gorillian
didn't sheklstan reject out most recent aid offering because it was too small?
Jill is a GILF
They already get enough, and they haven't lifted a finger against ISIS.
Cut them loose, and we'll get to see them fighting for their lives.
Why did I think she was a leftist lib cuck? I'm still going to have to vote for Trump but this is really good news
its 5 billion now
Damn she is fucking hot
Wow! She's even smarter than Bernie.
I can see why the establishment doesnt want her to have a chance.
>Trump won't say his exact plan for attacking ISIS
>I don't care about classified military secrets I just want there to be no war!!
Fuck this woman, and fuck her for trying to convince people that it's possible to end kikery. We need to nuke Islamic countries and do it soon.
Cut all of it immediately
She supports Palestine, no? That's just as bad.
Dude on the right was so butt mad when she said ISIS is getting weapons from the US.
Also, OP, she called you a terrorist state essentially and that we should stop giving you money.
Rank 'em
1. Donald Trump
2. Darrell Castle
3. Jill Stein
4. Gary Johnson
5. Hillary Clinton
What party of "Green" Party do you not understand?
Zionism is a learned ideology it is not a product of birth. Kinda like how you are born with terrible teeth but can't afford braces
have you raped a sex slave yet today?
If Sup Forums was really changing it would happen a lot slower and less notable.
please vote for Jilly Juggs Stein
>Literally proving me right
(((Jill Stein)))
She wouldn't actually do anything against her tribe
You're a muslim, aren't you?
Talk about calling a spade a spade
fuck she's really cute