There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who are unironically pro-life

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who are unironically pro-life

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I'm fine with abortion as long as you can admit you're killing a human life.


That pic is still true.
Just because you have a kid doesn't mean you get to be a leech.
Also, I'm pro abortion only because of the demographic that's mostly aborted and because earth is overpopulated as it is.

admited, what does it change?


pretty valid.

"w-we love life"
"oh you're lower than what my dirty working angry meathead hands do? TOO BAD BUM"

Murder is murder m80.

I can't have an abortion, why would I support it?

>what does it change?
That you're a murderer out of convienience.

it changes a whole lot. Admitting that you're taking a life is a tough pill to swallow, but modern feminism pushes abortion as "just a medical procedure". It's not. Just accept that you're an irresponsible and shitty person, and go ahead and do it.

I think anyone that's pro-life has more of an argument that tax payers shouldn't be funding your "Get out of responsibility free" card.
I bet if you had to pay out of pocket, you'd see a lot more support for abortion. Too bad the oppressive left doesn't want you to actually have that option.

See pic

Why not cut the middle man out and just sterilize populations that are the poorest and/or least educated.

Who gets to decide who is uneducated? The left thinks the right is uneducated and the right thinks the left is uneducated.

The portion on the right doesn't contradict a pro-life position. They are trying to make the person strong and meaningful

Yes, and?

We killed living things for having better lives for millions of years. Ain't gonna stop now.

Beside, having kids that can grow up in a good environement is better than having them grow up in a shitty place because they weren't wanted.

Have you ever felt what it was to be an unwanted child?

All the unwanted childs i know developped prroblems because of that

>Have you ever felt what it was to be an unwanted child?

Probably better than it feels to be dead

The rational position is abortion is murder. However as far murder goes, it is the most humane. Is that so hard?

>We've been raping women for thousands of years why stop now? Besides its the most efficient way to reproduce

You're supporting fucking murder.

a lot of people are irresponsible, however some people get raped, and you can't say
>I'm sorry miss, but you'll have to keep this nigger child forever

>getting knocked up without being able to support the child is avoidable and should be shamed
>Killing the child is still murder
How can one person be so retarded, these aren't mutually exclusive

I believe in abortion but I don't believe women should have the right to choose whether she gets one.

> I'm fine with abortion as long as you can admit you're killing a human life.

Yep. I'm okay with that.

Sadly, that human life is probably gonna get snuffed out anyway. The choice we have is whether it's snuffed out in a safe, legal way that protects the health of the mother -- or if we return to the bad old days of back-alley abortions and women who are desperate enough to jam coat hangers up their twats.

This is all a messy business. If it's gonna be messy, I at least want the messiness to be managed well, not chaotically.

I know that the anti-abortion people don't want the return of back-alley abortions -- but they refuse to recognize that's exactly what their policy will bring.

Pro-choice people acknowledge the grim reality of the situation, and the need to manage it in a way that minimizes the gore.

Those mudshits who killed a bunch of your worthless people were just performing a late life abortion. They did nothing wrong.

What's with leftists and the gigantic non sequiturs their arguments rely on?

Pro life because whores must live with their choices

>Pro-choice people acknowledge the grim reality of the situation

Most pro-choice people are adamant that it doesn't count as a life until it leaves its mothers body

>feels better than dead
M8 you don't feel a thing when you're dead

Here we have a perfect example of a Vegan

I'm 100% against abortion in a white country, but abortion keeps the nigger crime rate from going completely out of control.

It's a necessary evil in these times.

I'm all for abortion.
Out of your pocket though, not mine.
If you're gonna be dumb you better pay up to fix your mistakes.

>If one side is pro-life, why isn't the other considered pro-death
Checkmate libtards
abortion is murder

millennial newfag detected

Exactly my point. The argument for abortion that we should use it to lower population is flawed. Dumb people don't care about things like overpopulation. Smart people who get scared about it will not have kids. If the trend continues, the dumb people will outnumber the smart people.

you have death penalty in your country, how can you talk about abortions?

Abortion is the biggest nigger killer out there. How could pol be against it

there are people on this board that unironically think abortion isn't murder
stupidity is fun no?

>hey don't murder that guy
>what do you mean I have to pay for everything that guy wants now? I just didn't want him murdered

we should put a licence to have kids

Frog has a point.

There was an article of a woman complaining about not being allowed sterilization until she was thirty. Let them have it even if they are sixteen when they ask for it, and let them regret it later, that is the best way.

Not in my state and I also do not support the death penalty because I'm a Christian.

If someone hurts a pregnant woman to the point they lose their baby they are charged with murder. How can you reconcile this?

Pro life, but pro abortion if it puts the kid in danger or it was a rape.

If you want an abortion, you gotta have a good reason. Saying "BAWW I MADE A MISTAKE" won't cut it. If you're putting yourself or the child at risk for a shit life, go ahead. I want kids to live fulfilling and happy lives, not to be born into shit ones.

Unironnically supporting moloch sacrificial sites coined "planned parenthood".

Fuck off globalist Satan worshipper.

We should have a limit of 1 kid per house hold like China

Good point

There is nothing inconsistent with being opposed to murder but not wanting to pay for welfare leeches.

That said, I'm not pro-life because I hate niggers. Every single nigger that is aborted is a sacrament, a tiny piece of the millstone around our neck chipped away.

You're a Christian right?

How about Jesus said
>I judge the people for their sins, Not you
>You should not sin, however other people sinning is none of your buisness

So If a girl want abortion, she should be able to get it, and it is not your fucking problem

It's still killing a human.

Sell out your values for hate, glad you're proud of it, Sodomite.

This pill is too hard to swallow.

Also, make a youtube video about it, you uncreative Murricans. Much easier to spread than a fucking 1906x5750 and you get shekels for it.

Brilliant, thats how you win the debate, you force them to concede that they are ending a human life. If we can get the Anti-life side to admit they are ending a human life, they will be forever be in the moral wrong.

If people are dumb enough to sterilize themselves, then those are the people who do deserve it.

>tfw nothing about this cartoon is true

True, she can murder her babies if she wants, doesn't mean I have to support it being legal.

Thou shalt not murder is one of the ten commandments, sorry baby killer.

You deserve what the Muslims do to you and I pray they kill more of your children since you do not value them.

The One Child Policy was abolished because it royally fucked up China - 22 million men with no hope of ever getting married.

>Most pro-choice people are adamant that it doesn't count as a life until it leaves its mothers body

You are correct.

Some pro-choice people are denial that abortion kills a human life.

Some pro-choice people (like me) understand that legal abortion kills a human file, but it does it in a somewhat less horrible way than illegal abortion does.

It requires a tough, disciplined mind to view abortion with the kind of grim realism that I do. Many people are too weak and gutless to see the whole reality of it. The red pill has a horribly bitter taste.

what is so holly with human life that you can't end it?

You kill people when you go to war, you kill them when you drive recklessly, and you kill futur generation by poluting

>The mother has grey hair

What the fuck is wrong with these people

> the woman is portrayed as an innocent bystander
> the baby just miraculously appeared in her uterus one day

Ok Camus, you nihilistic fuck
Lets say you have a needy child in front of you, you have the ability to take care of it, and be poor, or kill it right there and live easy, would you have the capacity to murder a child right in front of you? If not, congratulations , you have met the minimal requirements for being humane.

I'm torn on abortion.

I used to be staunchly pro-life. Now I would say I'm reluctantly pro-abortion -- and I do use the term "pro-abortion" because "pro-choice" is a load of horse shit.

Abortion is clearly murder, but the vast majority of people having them are human trash who shouldn't be reproducing. Therefore, abortion is probably beneficial for society, even if it's morally reprehensible.

I realize this isn't a moral position to take, and I stuggle with that, but it's a complicated issue.

but its an unnecessary murder. None of this would be a problem if people were responsible.

>I also do not support the death penalty because I'm a Christian.
While I agree with you on abortion, I disagree with you on the death penalty.

If someone murders my daughter, I want that faggot drawn and quartered. I'll fucking blast that nigger in the face myself if the State won't do it.

Some people deserve to die.

>being pro-life
Life is overrated. There should be less of it.

*tips red beret*

He probably would murder it, these people see no value in the lives of the babies their where's created yet they see value in their own worthless lives of arguing and name calling on Sup Forums.

>1 post by this ID

Stop drive by trolling

not so fast nigger

It being legal or not won't stop it from happening,
you see, shooting up schools is illegal

I highly value French Children, however, i want them raised the best they could be, AND all the shitty loosers should be out of the race, so pre-selecting is not bad

by that line of thinking, we should legalize theft because if we don;t it gets done in a messy, potentially violent way. The potential breaking of the law is no excuse for not enacting it.

>back-alley abortions

We solve this problem easily... the death penalty for those receiving and providing the service.

Why not? We're perfectly okay with the government killing mountains of sandniggers, why oughtn't we to be okay with killing niggers here before they can fuck up our country?

Black fertility recently hit 1.0. That means there will NEVER be more niggers in America than there are today. This happened because of abortion, yet some white demographics (ultra-conservative ones) still reproduce above sustainability.

We have an optimal demographic situation here until you factor in the fucking spics, but that's a problem we can deal with later.

Fuck off baby killer

I respect that and I'd never criticize a murder victims family for supporting it but I just don't support murder of anyone.

Our justice system is way too fucking retarded for the courts to have that power. I mean shit, Texas has killed innocent retarded people after railroading them in court and then found the actual killers and executed them too.

Good point, The debate over welfare and abortion are totally separate issues, and one can oppose abortion and welfare without being hypocritical. You can believe that a person has the right to live, but not the right to wealth.

if you're pro-life you're an idiot

kill as many minority babies as you can Planned Parenthood

>tfw creates massive gender imbalance and rapidly aging population with too few young people to support them.

>Muh rapes and muh incest.

I'd personally be ok with abortion in these select few circumstances and *only* these circumstances. However, these are not the reasons people are having abortions and it sickens me.

A complete free for all justified by the aforementioned two reasons alone is completely amoral.

Only shitty people have abortions. When people defend abortion they think they're defending women's rights. No, you're defending feminists and shitty behavior - again - only done by shitty people.

Joke's on you.

I'm only pro-life so the sluts and whores who accidentally get pregnant are forced to carry and birth their mistakes.

yeah man lets totally not let jamal and jamaline abort their 12 twins

abortion should be fucking mandatory

Ideally, what we need is for people to just be responsible. If people waited for marriage to have sex none of this would be a problem.

>not giving away all you own to any parasite that wants it means you can't oppose murder

Eat shit shill.

The kid probably never had a chance anyway if the mother was considering abortion

That's fine, sluts can go get back alley abortions, like you said it's none of my business. I will not support my nation making baby killing legal.

Back to infobores

It is good to see 'muricans triggered that fast

This is the wrong debate m8, we're talking in the situation of :
> you are broke af you see this child in front of you, living miserably, you can't help him because you're broke af, you could end his miserable life right now or see him grow up in misery
>inb4 adoption

you're going to be pregnant for 9month and suffer birth problems, but that's all fine 'cause now you have a destroyed vagina, profesional career, and you're psychologically finished but you can go about your life "normally"

Minorities are still humans created by god.

You are evil, plain and simple. Go become a muslim if you enjoy killing innocent people.

Why then add more senseless killing. life is sacred, life is a gift from God, we are made in his image and he has breathed life into us.

Outlawing abortion would be disastrous for the genetic stock of any given country.
>smart and responsible people have other means to control their reproduction
>dumb, high time preference people abort their fetuses because they can't into contraceptives
In my opinion quality > quantity. It doesn't help white race at all to have more nig-tier members. Efforts to increase white birth rates should be aimed at the smart, high skilled class of people, which abortion has very little to do with.

that's great and all but outside Sup Forums the only way anyone argues for abortion is mental gymnastics into saying that fetuses aren't even alive let alone not simply an organ in the mothers body


The buzzword of a cuck with no argument.

Life begins at conception, so if you have an abortion you are killing a living thing. Why do liberals hate biology so much?

well if life IS sacred, THEN you should stop the massive killings first, and go rant about the little death later no?

Best post.

>murder is wrong
>it is the parent's responsibility to care for their children, and after the child grows up, they are responsible for taking care of themselves

Is there supposed to be a contradiction here?

Life is sacred unless they have another skin colour or believe in a different version of a sky wizard than me. Then we should string all the men women and children up from trees or burn them all alive. Why? Because this is Sup Forums that's why. Where the left has consistency in their beliefs, Sup Forums is just a swarm of hypocrisy based on MUH FEELS

You seem to think that pregnancy is some be all end all event which destroys a womans life, what the fuck? Its among the most natural, and necessary parts of life. If no woman got pregnant, none of us would be here. If a woman thinks of her own happiness before that of her child she is clearly unfit to be a mother. See you hyper individualists have no idea what empathy or sacrifice is, we humans need to show something called compassion to one another.

anyone who can't refrain from sex, to the point that they are accidentally producing a child - should be executed. Put to a wall and shot.

Your mind is broken, you're an addict. You'd rather kill babies than stop your addiction.

>M8 you don't feel a thing when you're dead

Not so sure about that, but I can probably draw it out a little for you if you'd like. Since addicts are all about their fucking "feelings"

There is literally nothing wrong with abortion. So what if its murder?

ok great