Just started watching Breaking Bad for the first time, i'm half way through ep1 and dont like this Pink Man kid...

Just started watching Breaking Bad for the first time, i'm half way through ep1 and dont like this Pink Man kid, how long is he in it for?

not long

5 seasons

Tuco kills him in the season finale, so not long

he's a faggot through it all and walter becomes progressively worse throughout the seasons

hank, mike and lydia only good characters, and the cunt who smashes cars/ builds magnets


He grown on you yo. Bitch.

As for Skylar.. well.. lets just say your opinion of her will change drastically

>lol i troll u

Let just say Walt does before he does

Blob Odenkirk


american morality
-be dumb with a ((good)) heart = live
-be smart and appear ((cold)) = death

You had to stop half way through the 1st fucking episode to get an opinion from four chan?????????

I don't like you.

>your phone rings and you hear:
>hi, I am Kevin Cosner

how do you respond?

You sound a lot like Bob Odenkirk

Did he rape her ass?

Man it's been so long since I've seen this I dont remember what Lydia does besides being the guy's ringtone

Yes and it was disgusting.

she is a foot slave for the Don


Heeza gud boi, bitch