They're takin' our JERBS

>they're takin' our JERBS

No, they're competing for jobs and the free market is making their choice. Rather than competing for jobs, they're whining to the government to stop them.

Why are the JERBS people having such a hard time competing in a free market? Do they expect everything to be handed to them by default?

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Your jobs are outsourced overseas. You are being sold out by the elites

Fucking shit libertarians
>immigration is great
>fuck welfare

because they're lazy and unwilling to do the job at the same efficiency as those willing to.


If the foreigners weren't doing the job here at lower pay the jobs would be outsourced anyways.

There's a bunch of American companies, auto manufacturers included, already in Mexico giving Americans jobs to Mexicans outside of the USA.

Exactly! We should embrace the decrease in payment and overall quality of life! Don't you, fascist shitlords see that this is a good thing?




>caring about an abstract idea like the free market more than your own people
Spotted the autiste

Because it's not a free market, it's a slave market. They're giving those jobs to poor uneducated foreigners who can't speak English because they can get away with paying them peanuts and don't have to provide anything to them. It's not the sign of a healthy economy when people prefer to hire illegals over it's own citizens. What's worse is most first-generation immigrants these days send back a lot of their money overseas to their families, so the country and the community they live in never benefits from the labor

What did Ben Franklin say? "To be thrown upon one's own resources, is to be cast into the very lap of fortune; for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible"

You do realize migrants are cheaper thanks to tax cuts? When will this meme of equal competition end? There is a fucking reason why undeported illegals spend thirty years in US and don't try to change their status to legal.

Yeah, tell that to unions who have their jobs shipped overseas, it's the free market

Look at these "lazy" workers contributing to your economy.

For how much Liberals like to condemn Trump for hiring undocumented workers, they're not really helping their cause for $15/hour when they admit illegals were making $5

Well the issue here is that the people want the government to intervene in immigration, assuming that the problem are the immigrants. When in fact the problem is companies choosing to hire immigrants at lower pay or outsourcing the jobs to other countries since they can pay less over there.

No people question, "why doesn't the government intervene to bring the jobs back to the American people?"
Well there lies the problem, does the government really have the say as to what a private company should do?

Regardless, another point Americans seem to forget is that cheap prices, and a decent standard of living that we enjoy, stems from the cheap cost of manufacturing goods. If the cost of making these goods rises, then prices will rise as well.
No this can lead to many problems.

It's not a free market when the competitors have to play by different sets of rules that blatantly favor one side over the other.

>Come to US illegally, take job for illegally low wages so no citizen can actually compete with you
>Live together with 20 other illegals doing the same thing
>All the money you make (that you don't spend on food and drugs, in cash to avoid paying taxes) gets wired back to mexico or south america
>Contributing to the economy

Not all immigrants are illegals, we're talking about illegals. No way would illegals be working as professors, nurses, or software developers.

>they're not really helping their cause for $15/hour when they admit illegals were making $5
There's a reason they don't bring it up

Bringing in refugees from the middle east and allowing illegals is good because.....?

>I'm not going to say anything to the contrary but I'm going to pretend I did
Shitskins do take our jobs. Saying "jerbs" doesn't fucking mean anything. It wouldn't matter if it were 'fair competition' because this is not their country.

Your mind has been warped by the Jews, shill.

>Well there lies the problem, does the government really have the say as to what a private company should do?

They can tax US companies that aren't in the US.

>higher wages
>import folks who work for pennies

>does the government really have a say on things that happen in their borders?
Really makes you ponder

I think this capslock enriched post hit the nail on the head

Annnddd that's why lolbertarianism is as degenerate as liberalism.

In Sweden the goverment or rather "Arbetsförmedlingen" job center pays immigrants 90% of the salary. While people born in Sweden gets 30%. What do you think companies choose?

>When in fact the problem is companies choosing to hire immigrants at lower pay

This is already illegal. We're working on it.

>or outsourcing the jobs to other countries since they can pay less over there.

Not illegal, but fightable with tariffs, and again, we're working on it

>Regardless, another point Americans seem to forget is that cheap prices, and a decent standard of living that we enjoy, stems from the cheap cost of manufacturing goods.

Consistent employment is preferable to absolute minimal retail pricing

But also, unrestricted immigration poses more problems than labor market saturation. They contribute to crime, traffic, and poverty, and soak up public resources while paying little back in.

A free market would have let the banks and auto companies fail as they should have. Free market for slave labor, welfare and bailouts for the mega corps.

> higher wages
> import people willing to do the work for next to nothing
this is the logic you're going with?

>Why are the JERBS people having such a hard time competing in a free market?

I don't know why either. I hire illegals for about $4-$5 an hour, and they work hella hard for practically pennies (but you've got to watch them, or they slack). The only negative thing about it, I suppose. Is that the entire labor pool is lowered. But that's the best part about illegals, you can treat them like shit, and they can't do shit about it. Probably the only negative thing from my standpoint, is that they need to constantly be watched, and I have to pay someone they don't know to do it.

My housemaid is also one of my workers wife. I pay her $25 to clean my house once a week. Plus I get to use racial slurs to her, because she doesn't know a word of English.

>Why are the JERBS people having such a hard time competing in a free market?

Why are union workers having such a hard time? Not skilled enough to compete against third world citizens?

>free market


Globalization has never been about free markets, it has always been heavily dependent on dictatorship, centralized government control of economies, and massive cheating.

>le trashman

How ironic.

The only reason a country exists is for the benefit of its own citizens. When forces within the country are working against its citizens, the country has a moral obligation to excise those forces.

And those who cry about the free market only deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. These are the same people who complain all day about the welfare state and yet never bother to speak out against corporate welfare.

Business benefits from immigration. Thus opening borders would be in the interest of the nation.

A business is not a citizen.

The Citizens United ruling says otherwise.

They're not taking my jobs, they're taking billions of dollars in welfare while allowing corporations to subvert the minimum wage.

If there was NO welfare state, or the welfare state ONLY applied to adult naturalized citizens, I would have no problem with immigrant workers. My problem is, remains and has always been that the immigrants aren't "doing work nobody else wants to do," they're sitting in barrios eating up welfare, period.

Majority of immigrants have jobs. They wouldn't be coming here if that weren't the case.

Having jobs doesn't mean you aren't on welfare

>No, they're competing for jobs
>12,000,000 out of work
>competing for non-existent jobs
thanks H1B friend

Why does the idea of welfare offend you? As long as my business isn't paying for it I don't give a shit.

Let me guess you also think that if min wage was removed effective wages would go up?

Its not the "free market" Its the government not enforcing a law in order to...

Drive down labor wages for corporations

Court a new voting demographic

"Jerbs" people don't have a tough time competing... its not a competition if its rigged.

Why don't more people get this? Mexicos number one source of income is remittances from US

They don't understand how Fiat Currency works or how it gives the Central Bank the reigns to decide where new money will be made easy to get.

This is why the right wing is still in the Long Retreat in the culture war.

Expose all Central Banks and the Money Printing scam and take the power away from the major banking families.

Then the Progressives will begin to be on the defensive as their funding and positive media coverage dries up overnight.

You think you're not paying towards welfare?

Trump has brought it up a few times if I remember

I guess the main rhetoric from the right is that these illegals who are supposedly taking all our jobs are also lazy, dumb, lowlifes. You can't have it both ways. Either admit that Mexicans are competent individuals with a great work ethic, which would explain why they are taking jobs from honest, hard working Americans, or that they are all criminals

Flooding third world workers is basically flooding in third world standards. Lowers the price of labor, the quality of labor, and consequently the average value of the economy over time.

The natural prices of goods and services depend on the labor output employed. If your labor is inferior and savage, you will implode your economy. The jew knows this, and it wishes to destroy the west to make their Israel the only bastion of economic power.

>they terk our jerbs!

They also raising housing market prices, insurance costs, food costs, healthcare costs, availability of used vehicles, etc.

>the world is black and white
great argument

The issue isn't competing with them for jobs, it's that they should have been let in in the first place while there's significant unemployment.

I don't think all 11-30 million illegals are working. Plus, the claim is not all illegals are Mexicans.

If they were competent, why can't they rebuild their own country? Even the smart ones in Mexico can't do shit.

It's 2016, you still can't drink their tap water.

And they only take bottom tier jobs, they have little to benefit the country

And crime

Underrated post.

>accept lower wages
>don't put money into the economy, wire it back home
>the ones we're talking about are here FUCKING ILLEGALLY regardless of whether or not they're contributing
>get them the FUCK out

I guess what I was referring to is that ,if the rhetoric is true, they do competent enough work to " take " all these jobs from other Americans. The way people seem to frame the situation, which I'm alluding to, is that illegals are taking all kinds of jobs from the American people (high and low wage) when they are usually just taking low wage jobs that many Americans don't want anyway. Im mainly upset at people's inconsistent viewpoints on the matter. A demographic can't be lazy and take high demand jobs at the same time. You would have to give them some credit if that were the case.