What is a good example of American propaganda?
What is a good example of American propaganda?
History textbooks
The maker of the movie actually got busted for dishonest editing
Can a mod please ban this gypsy for life?
>mfw my english teacher showed that to my class one day
>everyone suddenly opposed guns and thought they knew everything about the situation in america
Thanks a lot Moore you cunt.
how do i get banned
Moms supports Hilary, being cucked and brainwashing children with Mixed schools. Im mad people actually allow other children to talk to niggers
America stopped producing propaganda in the 1930. At that point, it was jewish, especially through hollywood and news papers. the US today is basically an entire jewish system. Capitalist and liberal cancer and multi ethnic. It´s a white mans dystopia if he cherishes his origins.
You get exploited, forced to accept everyone and every viewpoint, no matter how degenerate it may be.
Who am I kidding, we are not far behind.
Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
It's an american propaganda, alright, but for an america of another time - a free one.
My dad dragged me to his other flick, where to invade next.
100% thug lives matter, "dude weed", still bush is at fault for everything bad, and socialism.
Also he looks like he is on death's door. Like being extremely overweight at age 60 is catching up to him. (Or he is transitioning?)
>moms demand action
Just accept it. This is the future we chose. Sit back and watch this empire of shit burn to the ground.
Oh shit I just realized how great of a porn name that would be.....
"Moms Demand Action"
Shay fox, Brandi love, and Liss Ann
When this commie hibernian blob will die?
>milfs demand action
Mission To Moscow, WWII era Stalinist film justifying the alliance with the Soviet Union and openly attempting to spread purges and show trials to the US.
He make good documentaries, but why did he get so fat?