RISK Thread

I am trying out some new rules on this map to mix things up. list your nation's:

> Name (no memes allowed)
> Starting location
> color
> Religion (see map)

RP is not required but encouraged.
The OP has not hosted these rules before and will be playing but will try not to steer the game in any direction.

I will be
>Albert, GM of Teutonic Knights

Other urls found in this thread:



>Habsburg Empire
>Austria around Wien

Tito, The Great Leader


gotcha too


Dark Blue

if we have all catholics i will become Protestant i guess

Fascist Russia
Dark Green
Eastern Russia

OP what rules are we using for Gibraltar?
I've seen some OPs say that you ignore sea travel while you control it. Another OP said sea travel costs are .5 of a point, and invasions by sea are doubled against you. Thoughts?


i really hope you dont abandon mid game

i will add it to the map
i usually to like "you got Two lines at cost of 1T"... comprimise between throwing it out and making it infinite
im not...

Put me around Baghdad as light green.

I'll be Catholic.
Do we get to elect our Pope, or is it whoever controls Rome?

islam? please...


OP I think I want to change.
(I was Austria)
I want to be
>Papal States

Can you allow this?

Catholic, also could I change my Nation to the West Saxons? And start in London? I'll remain dark blue. I'll be Protestant also to balance religions.

Religion: Zoroastrianism. I'll be willing to convert if another religion gets power, but for now I'll keep the traditions of my fathers.


and yes but you do not control the vatican without papacy

I could also have my people worship Wodin

West Saxons
Dark Blue

can we start?

i changed it, i just have to change austria now and we start

Fuck it looks like you all need an enemy. I'll be islam. Light green Baghdad.

Thank you OP


hmm what should i do while waiting for mupdates?

does Pagan work with rules for you?

My people will begin as Pagans
Anglo Saxon Paganism


sorry papal


take the sealine and go into bosnia


Alllaaaaahhh Aaaaakbbaaaar! Inshallah! The caliph calls a Jihad and will start swarming around Baghdad, filling up Iraq.

FIll Birmingham, spill Cardiff and Southampton

I wanted to change my color to some shade of red (would prefer Rose).
If you can do that this turn I'd appreciate it, thanks OP.
Take over San Marino, spills go to Napoli, further spills go to Firenze and Sardinia

+3 not +6

Where the fuck am I, im not on the map


Ive got Baghdad

whoops disregard
didnt read the jihad part on the map

You also need Mecca and Medina

you were there and i went back too far when the others changed, imagine you have moscow and 5T around it bro, sorry.
being the only islamic nation he is the caliph


General Tso

Fill around moscow

My bad. I skipped that part when reading. But I will be the caliph.
Go ahead and just fill iraq for now, sorry for the confusion.


religion dude?


Archangel (Where the +3 Against Unoccupied Land thing is)
Light Blue



Shall be nominate a pope next round?


dont see why you guys need tripcodes when you got IDs

take warsaw and spill around

In order for the Catholic nation +2 to trigger, Catholicism must control Rome, right?

Papal states control rome

New threads. There was one guy a month or so ago that would be a cunt and try to mess up other players w/o trips when another thread was made.


Continue filling around my territory

Albert of Prussia nominates Habsburg as the rightful pope of the Catholic faith

take Wroclaw then berlin

Startf filling towards mecca and medina. I want those cities to become caliphate.

Expand towards samara and Kazan

allah has cursed me with shit rolls.

> (You)
make sure to keep up with your bonus

Saint Birinus the Apostle of the West Saxons shows us god's holy light.
We convert to the one true faith.
Take Birmingham, grab Dublin, then spill to fill England

go into serbia
papal states allies??

Rolling to expand towards that Lumber East of me.

If I take the 8 territories that connect to the Lumber and have 4 points left, annex the Lumber.

If I have less than 4 points left use those to expand West from my position.

You get what I'm saying?

Alexander the Great
Macedonia, spill Greece.

the 2x is only for cities


I ask for all of my Catholic brothers to elect me as your pope. I will not fail you.

Rolling to take Firenze and Napoli, spills go towards sailing to Malta


I think I got 7, so just take the 6 territories to the Lumber and the one below it.

Sorry for being so complex.


3d pali woo

further spills to Venezia

The spanish inquisition


I will vote for you if you promise to ally woth me, and to negotiate territorial disputes among your peoples

So can I annex the Lumber with just 1 point then or 2?

Not yet, but I won't attack you.

you have my vote

I call on the catholic faith for an N.A.P until we convert the pagans/protestants to children of the book. I promise not to burn churches.


all noncities assets simply cost the value of the bonus

got my vote

I don't negotiate with terrorists

my plan was to take turkey and block Islam from coming into europe
guess ill fill up the rest of serbia and bosnia and then ill see

Stand strong brother
We must purge the Saracens

I'm not sure what the limit of allies is, but if OP allows me, I will gladly ally with you.
Solving territorial disputes may be out of my reach, but I will try to be just in my decisions.

Thank you, brothers

good choice


>all catholics
your vote?

Room for another player? If so, where should I start?

All members of the same faith can ally, according to the diplomacy rules.

where? regligion?