How does it feel to watch the Olympics from other countries and know your country will never take home as many gold medals as the people you spend all your time calling "fat" on the Internet?
How does it feel to watch the Olympics from other countries and know your country will never take home as many gold...
How many medals does Brazil even have? It's kind of hilarious that the hosting nation isn't even near the top
what you are trying to say is statistically incorrect.
You fat fucks have over 500 athletes competing, however other nations like mine have only 64.
git gud
Because you are shit. The US beats countries that are just as big as they are. They just churn out more and better athletes than any other country
>your country will never take home as many gold medals as America
Wrong, Britannia is still #1
Canada, Australia and New Zealand will always be British
You also live in a Muslim shithole so it's a wonder women are allowed to go at all without pledging that they will Aloha Snackbar the crowd
Lol if that's how you have to delude yourself. Idiot
Oh wow those numbers will surely indicate who will have the most when all is over.
>Lol if that's how you have to delude yourself. Idiot
R-rigged polls, I s-swear!
>5 countries are actually 1 country.
We own Canada more then you do Bong.
5 countries? American education
>"American" athletes are either Africans, Asians or Michael Phelps doing the same thing over and over
It's embarrassing desu senpai. Also this I've seen smaller teams successfully invade countries.
You can pick a bunch of snapshots of fat idiots from any country. You can't, however, say any country has more gold medals than the US
>Implying your country's politics aren't just as fucked
Yorkshire>the rest of Great Britain. If you aren't from Yorkshire then you aren't much.
It's because the State (nor anybody else) doesn't give a fuck about athleticism here, you can't just exclusively live for it like in other countries.
>elect obama twice
>elect hillary
>60% white
>not most cucked western nation
But m-muh guns, yeah... right
The state doesn't pay athletes here for the most part. It's all sponsors, ads, and revenue from the events. They are good, people pay to watch them
The state doesn't pay for people to live as athletes in America. They perform well and people pay to watch them. They get sponsors and do ads
>smacks head on balance beam
>shake off that concussion dear
The olympics are a celebration of child cruelty. The kinds of injuries inflicted on young athletes pushed by their parents should be classified as child abuse.
Best place in the world to live is Yorkshire.
The most cucked Western nations are Rhodesia and South Africa. They are so cucked they aren't even considered Western any more.
USA still has a few steps before they reach the cuckold championships.
Atleast we aren't run by the niggers who are run by the jews.
Whenever you win gold you're just increasing the amount of gold the Jews can horde
How does it feel having to rely on niggers to win anything?
>Rhodesia and South Africa
Both lost Western status in 1979/1994
oh shit, i am offended.
Anyone have any Olympic pepes?
2 medals so far. Going good
Nah, they are like 90% Muslim. Rest of Yorkshire is either old men or chavs in cities.
Lancashire on the other hand...
Obama makes the BNP look like the LibDems. There is literally no comparing our politicians to your cucked country.
All the good Algerian athletes play for france
It feels good to be healthy.
>be fat
>get shot
who cares, it's all nigger's advertisements
people watch this shit?
Lancashire master race
It feel like watching disgusting marxist propaganda, pair up kids of different races with the flagbearers, I got so disgusted by the time countries reached B that I skipped to my national team, than to the last national team Brazil. I skipped the USA team, maybe recheck them, but probably just a negrified horde. The whole fucking global warming bullshit was disgusting too, and all the other dances degenerate, the one lighter skinned model dancing among niggers was not only degenerate but cringey. The only thing I liked was that mirror thingy where they put the flame and the fireworks. Ah and I just recalled the slavery propaganda, I hope this is the last Olympics where non-whites (except orientals) are allowed. Also state financed sports are bullshit, privatize sports now, don't waste my tax money.
Their gold medals are in shitposting.
I know you think you won the last olympics. Sad to tell you your media was lying to you China won the last olympics. As far as i think right now they are gonna win this one too
>Not surrendering to the Jews
This is how your country gets destroyed and why you fuck goats
Im sorry i have to admit i was wrong. BUT : America has more athlets than anyone else. China was close to get you last time and they had 200 athlets less than you. So if they would have brought another 200 they would clearly won.
Don't give two shits about the Olympics.
Except perhaps perving at womens sports.
My ego is healthy enough not to require reassuring from success of others...
>Saying sorry on an anonymous image board
Should have just proxyed up and pretend you didn't say it.
but you still are fat. the african american gentlemen who will take home the medals aren't you. is it that hard to understand?
Im not like you american scum. I like the truth. The hard truth and nothing but the thruth. You like lies. Lies and easy answers. Now go eat your burger. I just had mine. I love you and stuff
I wonder what would happen if your shills were equally obsessed with US atheletes' blood as they are with ours
Implying you can call yourself free, without the ability to decide that you will never walk again, and still be able to survive.
Uh, guys...
I don't see your fatass out there competing for gold.
Who gives a shit it's reo it's a shit hole anyway
If you like the truth so much why is it illegal to deny the Holocaust?
I'm not fat and the majority of American athletes that competed today are white. Keep going autist
My country is 98% White. I'll manage
They don't just look at the empty stands .Trust you are a proper German and not a Merkel fan.