Refute this without calling me a CTR shill
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And where are you getting these numbers? Just putting it in a picture doesn't make it true shill.
You won't go to trial when everyone set to testify winds up dead the day before.
leave shill
wtf I am now #mentallyhill
Tell that to all the dead Libyans.
Okay, I'll call you a faggot though.
>ZERO times found guilty of "crooked" acts
maybe that's because the fucking FBI is blatantly covering her ass? Have you thought of that, you shill piece of shit?
when has this EVER happened
I'm expecting a "1 post by this ID"
>those jpeg artifacts
>one post by this id
When you are a billionaire everyone sues you for whatever, america is the most litigious country on the planet.
Meanwhile Hillary is guilty of treason
Then Bush Jr.'s Iraq war was also legal right next to OJ Simpson being acquitted.
>Be shill
>Post shill image
>Shill asks Sup Forums to refute shill image without being called out as a shill.
Very low energy. Sad!
All of the Trumpies have their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears because they don't want to deal with facts. Good graphic, but it's wasted on Sup Forums.
Shoo shoo shill.
Stop replying to CTR!
The next person to reply will have bad luck for a week!
But Hillary did an e-mail, the monster.
FBI objectively stated that she committed a crime but that she wasn't going to be prosecuted because of her last name.
She's a criminal, end of discussion.
>Good graphic
>Not a single source cited
Talk about denial user.
well it happened last week for one. there was another a few months ago,
oh, and about 46 other mysterious deaths surrounding the clintons
An argument presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Not an argument.
CTR shill.
Bad luck for a week Your mom is going to get raped by a nigger and contract HIV
THANK YOU For Playing CTR Lottery
We all know Hillary gets away with shit whereas Trump doesn't. Nice try though
anyone with a few hundred dollars and a hungry attorney can file a lawsuit you jackass. He did not go to trial 1600 times
And he settles bc attorneys understand that there is a good chance they end up with a jury pool of people on par with your legal illiteracy so they, or more likely their insurance company, pays out some cash.
why can't people understand that litigation is just one giant transfer of wealth?
and hillary and bill destroyed all the subpoenaed whitewater documents, and susan mcdougal took 18 mos in federal prison for refusal to testify against them
>Civil court
>Criminal court
>Two same things
Hope those pennies are worth it CTR shill
Getting punished when you do wrong means you accept responsibility and behave with ethics once caught.
Doing wrong and not getting punished because the entire justice system is in your pocket means you had to do enough crooked things to get them there in the first place.
>Accepts money from foreign states & acts against American interests as payment
>Swindles some morons out of a couple bucks
Y-yea, they're both JUST as bad!
FBI Director Comey outright said she gave access to classified information to people without security clearance, which is (and you can look this up) textbook treason and espionage against the United States of America.
And here's my epin copypasta I made with hopes it actually catches on
Reminder not to respond to CTR shill slide threads.
You can identify them by the complete lack of any points to discuss in the OP
This board is for discussion of news and politics. Anything else is off topic. Friendly reminder to report, hide, and sage all off topic threads.
Thanks for your cooperation.
>11,235,321 evidenced for acts of crooked for evidence being
>7,897,123 times of being with evidence the settle for crooked with being evidence
underrated post
People know trump = money, and they'll have a lot less luck suing a fucking politician
Primaries rigged
Trump 0
Clinton 1
People who report the killtons dawns with the mouth full of ants.
>implying you actually keep up with news