The Lithuanian Olympic team is entirely white
Is your countries team white ?
The Lithuanian Olympic team is entirely white
Is your countries team white ?
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yes, and yours?
nice buzzword
sure is a lot of 3rd world flags in here, let me change that
>White country
>Not a shithole
Pick one
True enough, anglo genes are far superior.
Okay at least we have that settled; you're not white.
Look who's laughing!
The only white nation in africa
n-no :(. Can i come be white there? I swear I am not a black American soldier we are sending to your country.
We have one nigger for marathon.
Why are there dindus living in Bosnia? You are to poor to give them gibs me dat.
Just leaving some mexican whiteness up in this nigger infested fest.
Lithuanians aren't slavs.
Lithuanians are from the standpoint of genetics the whitest people on earth.
balts. Same finno ugrian shit.
Gotta try better than that Achmed. You expect me to believe an info graphic claiming fingolians as white?
>genetically the whitest
Back to robbing liquor stores Tyrone.
>implying to feel hatred towards black people in a solely white country
Brits literally have a fucking Mohamed in their team
>watching basketball yesterday at family event
>China vs USA
>dad walks in
>"what is it? China vs Africa? lol"
>later says "how do chinese people name their babies? they drop forks down the stairs. BING DONG DING DANG"
god, so embarrassing
You know i am not going to watch this bullshit if sport people in my country's team are born outside of Slovenia or non-white. Isn't it disturbing countries compete now with flags when EU is anti-countries and anti-nationalism?
Gee, I wonder where the indoeuropeans come from..
bolish beople reborting in
Of course, 100% of germanic blood.
We got like the slowest bitch in Kenya. Still fastest in Bosnia.
Satan, that 's is piontless, everybody here is thinking only they are white to satisfy they egos for not getting laid,i seen tons of treats about who is white and who is not and only conclusion that i made is Argenina maybe but europeans are to diverse
The Irish team is all white and ethnic Irish
Makes up for their flag being entirely African.
based dad
I honestly don't know but I think we may have snagged some niggers for the various running sports
>tfw currently talking online to a Lithuanian qt
>tfw she craves my tanned german dick
Just checked. We have a cuban nigger for the water polo team
Thats only they are good for.
>Finno ugrian
How about you go learn a thing or two, leaf?
Implying youre german at all you fucking towelhead
no i'm a german born turk
I think we have a nigger in apehoop
We (Poland) have a Chinese guy playing table tennis, but other than that it's all natives.
Why are Asians good at table tennis? Literally every team I saw yesterday had Ching Chongs playing for them.
Are you a practicing Muslim? Is most Turkish diaspora practicing?
this chick looks wayyy too balkan, aka half-Turk Syrishits
sometimes I pretend to be muslim in public to make people butthurt but I don't believe in religion, I rather post dank memes on the internet all day
What's going on with her top?
>Calling balts halfturk syrshits
So when are you going back to Turkey, roach?
lel nice m8
I hope you guys take over Germany
We use trained apes the same way the circus does in the US, so if course half or fucking team is black.
>tfw US basketball team
about the only thing nignogs can do right
never ever, I'm into white girls anyway so I rather stay here.
i would say our team is white but we're irish so i guess no
He has a right to enjoy Dutch/German women, some more of his countrymen will as well when Turkey gets visas :)
a lot of them are.
Half of Serbia looks like fuckin Bashar Assad
>mfw basques are genetically whiter than all those indo-european shitskins
No. You can stop us using steroids but you sure as shit cant stop us using our Caucasian mudslime mountain niggers.
Fun fact. The name Baltic states originates from the Latvian word "balts" which literally means "white". We even call ourselves The White Ones if you translate literally. So top kek, we really are white.
Feels nice to send a nice, white national olympics team, doesn't it? Nice job Lithuania!
DESU not as bad as I thought, I expected 50% darkies.
Still fuck London and it's shit, it's the reason why coloured folk are so over represented in the UK, as most shit we get in the UK is coloured with London tinted specs.
How about you do some research before posting?
There are literally no rapefugees here nor there is any turkish blood
andy murray looks more and more Chosen each year
They're ordering in more condoms to the olympic village then ever before. They're going to get blacked - I guarantee it. And by their own will.
You filthy roach. A coward to your nation and ethnic heritage and a leech on German society.
LMAO!!! Brilliant comment!!! Points to you, sir.
>21 total olympic medals
To give some perspective, Belarus has been in less olympics than you and have 90 medals
Lithuania's pop - 2.8 million
Belarus' pop - 9.5 million
but I have a job
Fair enough.
>tfw India's got 26 medals despite being in 32 olympics
Quintessentially British, my Baltic nigger.