Is Politifact a good source? (ie, unbiased)
Is Politifact a good source? (ie, unbiased)
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yes, because they expose drumpf for the liar that he is and give Hillary the highest truth rating of any of the candidates who ran.
They're owned by a newspaper that's already endorsed Clinton, so NO.
The editorial board endorsed her. No connection to the separate arm of their paper which founded Politifact
That comic doesnt work when we have proof of skewed polls and shilling (CTR)
So first you talk about how politifact shows Trump being a liar and now you switch gears to the polls.
Hmm really makes you think.
I meant he was losing in terms of truthfulness on Politifact, but if you want to point out he's losing in the polls as well, be my guest.
>Proof of skewed polls
well when one candidate is saying pigs are flying and the other says they're not, you tend to favor the sane one. how is that their fault?
Not in the slightest
I call it PolitiFart lmao
There is no such thing as an unbiased source. However, I think politifact is one of the less biased sources with its focus on fact checking.
Prvo potvrdi da si srbin, reci nesto samo sto bi srbin rekao. Do sada samo video 4 da shilluju i ni jedan nije odgovorio
Okay, so they're biased. But how exactly? I want examples.
completely infalliable like snopes or rationalwiki...carry on fellow truth seeker
No idea what those sites are but I am willing to bet they are utter shit too
>There is no such thing as an unbiased source
>NO 2+2=3
>well it HAS to be somewhere in between!!!!
i fucking swear pol is willingly retarded
I'm looking for a point but don't see one. Care to reword that?
Alahu akbar. Sta da kazem? Niko iz Srbije ne shilluje, to je ili proksi ili troluju. Ali ozbiljno pitam, zasto odjednom svi veruju da su ankete(polls) namestene?
the 12 year old in me laughed
Proof of shilling: I have witnessed at least 10 times today, that there will be 2 anti-trump replies EXACTLY THE SAME WORD 4 WORD posted in the same time by 2 different IDs, which is proof of scripts/botting.
Every time i ask a Serb or Croat shill why they are shilling(in our language), they never answer (the past 4-5 times i asked), in this thread the serb was just asking how they are rigged.
Proof of skewed polls: Just look at the sampling: They give all the undecided votes to Hillary + the oversample democrats by 15% in every poll, they even admitted to it. Google it.
Probably unbiased.
I remember some fag using politifact as a good source. Did some googling on it. He was talking up the fact that they won a (((Pulitzer prize)))
Turns out the company that owns the company that owns politifact is a (((hard working individual))). Turns out he served on the (((Pulitzer))) prize judging committee when Politifact won.
Tebra istina je da uglavnom ima oko 6-7% vise Demokrata u anketama ali kapiras da ima vise ljudi koji se identifikuju kao Demokrate nego kao Republikanci?
Pratim njihove izbore vec dugo i nema namestanja u anketama. Video si da je Tramp vodio pre 2 nedelje u svakoj anketi, a sad gubi.
Gubi zato sto je rekao ona sranja onoj muslimanskoj porodici, lik se skroz izgubio u poslednjih 10 dana.
Takodje dosta Sandersovih pristalica(fanova) ce glasati za nju sad kad im je on rekao to. Oni su zombiji, prate sta kod im on kaze.
Sta god im on kaze*
Sure, it's absolutely unbiased. Facts only on politifact.
Rationalwiki is obviously garbage, but what's wrong with Snopes?
They had two articles on Obama's claims about the wage gap
One said "mostly true"
Another said "mostly false"
Even though he said the same exact thing
Link? I suspect you mean they looked at two different aspects from the same passage.
Sandersovi su poludeli kada im je rekao, svi su videli da je namesteno da on to kaze, zato je i DNC bio shitshow. Ove godine je vise republikanaca izaslo da glasa za jednog kandidata nego u celoj istoriji, cak vise nego za Busha u 2004, a demokrate su manje nego prosle godine, tu nesto ne valja onda u pollovima, kada je Trump pobedjivao, Reuters je rekao "promenicemo metadologiju nasih pollova" i odjednom je Clinton dobila +15 poena (pre je bilo +3/4 Trump. I ono za musli porodicu je samo malo nesto, govorio je on mnogo gore stvar. To mu je taktika, kaze nesto sokantno, i posle 2-3 nedelje ide da radi rally-e i tako to, i posle uradni nesto da bi popravio pollove, kao npr ima press conference.
>trying to argue with a pro-Shillary Albozerg
'Ajt nemoj biti glup, pusti jebenu camugu da kenja sta hoce.
Slazem se da je Reuters mnogo los, kao i CNN. Ti pollovi jesu losi ali kada ides na Real Clear Politics vidis da on a vodi u svakom pollu danas.
Mislim da to nije taktika, mislim da on ne moze da se kontrolise i da uvek mora da odgovori drugima(kao naprimer toj porodici). Te stvari mu uopste ne trebaju, samo daje municiju njihovim medijima.
On mora da stane sa takvim ispadima i mora da prica vise o ekonomije i o tome kako je ona korupmirana, te stvari ce da rade. Ovako ako nastavi nece pobediti.
Medijsko ispiranje mozga plus nepotrebne i glupe stvari koje on izgovara ce da ga kostaju izbora. On mora da se susdrzi sledeca 3 meseca i da bude miran ako hoce da pobedi.
Kek. nisam znao da nas ovde toliko ima. Jel stvarno mislim da sam Albanac? Ja ne zelim da ona pobedi ali kako stvari idu pobedice.
Ima minimum 20 razlicitih Srba ovde, plus 1-2 vas Siptara, 1 Madjar i jos jedan neki sa srpskom zastavom koji nije Srbin, al' nisam uspeo da skapiram koji je moj.
U svakom slucaju, s obzirom da propagiras podatke koje prikaziju mediji, kojima veruje 6-10 posto Amera, ili si smrdljiva jebena usrana Siptarcina ili si totalno retardiran, sto mu dodje na isto.
Pants on fire
Samo 6% amerikanaca veruju sta vide na TVu
That's not the worst part. The people who run Politifact openly endorse Clinton.
Nema Siptara u Pancevu.
Evo, ovakva ce biti mapa. Ako zaista pratite njihove izbore onda znate da je ovo najbolji moguci scenario za Trampa.
>PA ide Demokratama
Dobar mim, moj Siptar frendu.
Jel znas da uvek niggersi iz Filadelfije i Pitsburga okrenu PA u plavo? Svaki put PA je swing state ali nigeri i cucksi u ova dva grada pomognu Demokratama.
Bogami PA i OR su swing states.
Ko da camuge ikada izlaze da glasaju
>Pickarli otvoreno obecava da ce da pozatvara rudnike i ostavi desetina hiljada bez posla
>svi ti potencijalno otpusteni i njihove familije ce da glasaju za nju
>svi oni iz urbanih sredina koji su bili za Bernulija ce da glasaju za nju umesto da presede izbore ili glasaju za (((Jill Stein)))
Dobar mim, moj neobavesteni, neosvesceni prijatelju.
Odustao je od Oregona. Sve sive drzave na slici su mesta gde ce da pusta reklame. Nije mi jasno zasto je odustao od Oregona ali pokusava da pobedi u Minesoti i Mejnu? Kazem ti da lik ne zna sta radi.
One is a statement during his state of the union address and the other is an advertisement?
The ad is from 2012 and the article says:
>The Obama campaign took a legitimate statistic and described it in a way that makes it sound much more dramatic than it actually is. The 77-cent figure is real, but it does not factor in occupations held, hours worked or length of tenure. Describing that statistic as referring to the pay for women "doing the same work as men" earns it a rating of Mostly False.
The state of the union address is from 2014 and the article says:
>It's worth noting that the entire 77-cent gap is not necessarily due to discrimination -- a conclusion some listeners might have drawn when hearing Obama mention "equal pay for equal work" shortly after citing the 77-cent figure. And there are alternative calculations that show a smaller overall gap. Still, the 77-cent ratio is a credible figure from a credible agency. We rate the claim Mostly True.
It seems the "Mostly false" rating was contradictory to its own "legitimate statistic." It's written by the same author and covers the same facts. I wonder why he concluded it was mostly false in 2012 then turns around in 2014?
>tfw he'll still win
>lik koji je poceo kao totalni autsajder u trci sa 1% sansom za pobedom a ipak je pobedio ne zna sta radi
>neki debeli jebeni moron sto krade Wi-Fi od komsije zna bolje od gorepomenutog
Koliko jebeno bolesno arogantan moras biti da dodjes to ovakvih zakjlucaka?
Speak English or go back to your own county
Vecina rudnika je u Zapadnoj Virdziniji. Jel znas koliko crnaca ima u Filadelfiji? Dovoljno je samo da im Obama kaze da glasaju za nju i uradice to.
Pitsburg je pun cuckova i ima oko 26% crnackog stanovnista. Ova 2 grada sama obrnu celu Pensilvaniju, pitaj bilo kog amera i reci ce ti. Bolje proveri sam u prethodnim izborima kako su oni ti koji okrenu celu drzavu.
Yes it's excellent and unbiased. Don't listen to the trump shills being upset that their candidate is an unfactual idiot.
>camuge ce da izadju da glasaju u istom broju za Pickarli kao sto su za Cuckbamu
Ne znam da li si stvarno retardiran ili se samo pravis, ali cela ta prica oko "snazne, emancipovane zene" pali samo kod belih pickica, crnce zabole kurac.
Kakav zakljucak? Evo ti link gde pise da je Tramp kampanja zatrazila vreme od televizija za reklame u tim drzavama.
>At the same time, the Trump campaign is also inquiring about ads in historically Democratic territory — Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin — counting on the candidate’s appeal with working-class white voters to overcome the traditional blue tint of these four states, none of which has gone Republican since the 1980s.
I am convincing fellow Serbs that Hillary will win but they think i am a shill. That pic is my projection how things will look on November 8th.
For fuck sake!
Politifact claims the California Primary wasn't rigged.
I personally know more than a dozen people here who had their voter registration changed so they couldn't vote. One of them was my wife, and all intended to vote Bernie.
>Kakav zakljucak?
Zakljucak da neki debil poput tebe bolje zna kako se vodi predsednicka kampanja u Americi od Trampa i celog njegovog tima zajedno.
Tramp nije 100% bogomojlka strogi Republikanac - mnogi njeogvi stavovi odgovaraju onima koji su do sada glasali za Demokrate ali im se smucilo konstanto ulizivanje camugama, muslidzama itd.
Oni misle da je Tramp rasista i da je on literalno Hitler. Izaci ce da glasaju ne zato sto im se svidja Hilari neko zato sto im je tako Obama rekao, plus hoce da zaustave Trampa.
>opet ponavlja izlizane CNN mimove u koje samo 6-10 posto Amera veruje
Uzivaj u svojoj retardiranosti, Kao sto rekose mudri ljudi, neznanje je blazenstvo.
>Ima minimum 20 razlicitih Srba ovde, plus 1-2 vas Siptara, 1 Madjar i jos jedan neki sa srpskom zastavom koji nije Srbin, al' nisam uspeo da skapiram koji je moj.
You know you spend way too much time on Sup Forums when you think you can recognize every one of the anonymous flag users and you have a pretty 'good' idea of their ethnic backgrounds.
>we don't have any data to support this claim, but Hillary said it so it's half-true
Kek pitam se sta cete reci kad on izgubi? Verovatno da je bilo namesteno ili tako nesto. Niko ovde ne gleda cinjenice, samo vristite "shill".
Well, I've been here for 4 years now, at least 3-4 hours per week, so I've gained a pretty good feel for the place. It's all about recognizing patterns.
>Kek pitam se sta cete reci kad on izgubi?
>kad on izgubi
Lmao, ima da se useres od plakanja devetog novembra.
> Hillary Clinton - Half True
> Reason - no evidence for last month
If it's got no evidence, then it's not true.
This is biased Shillary CTR stuff.
Oregon is going to be red Novislav.
Cim izgubi Floridu bice gotovo. Spremi se za shitpostovanje kakvo nikad nisi video. Od 9. novembra pa sve do kraja godine Sup Forums ce biti samo shitpostovi. Jedva cekam da ukljucim moj leaf proksi, bice zabavno.
>Cim izgubi Floridu
Au brate, koliko si se ti predozirao CNN mimovima, to nije zdravo. Izadji malo u neki park i prosetaj, provetri mozak.
See All gray states are states where he will air ads and campaign. Oregon is not one of them.
far·ther ˈfärT͟Hər
used as comparative of far.
comparative adverb further comparative adverb farther
at, to, or by a greater distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing or person is or becomes distant from another).
over a greater expanse of space or time; for a longer way.
>thanks for the grammar lesson
Tramp fanovi na Sup Forums-u su ti isprali mozak nazalost. Ne verujem CNN-u ali posto je Amerika 60% bela on nece pobediti.
Izbori zavise iskljucivo od tih 60%. Ocamuga je pobedio 2012 zato sto belci nisu hteli da se smaraju glasanjem jer su imali dvojicu Demokrata na listicu. Izlazak je bio nesto tipa 51-52%.
Je l' mislis da ce isto tako mali izlazak biti za coveka koji je vec potukao sve rekorde izlaznosti?
To jest', ti sigurno tako mislis, zato sto si kompletni moron, ali stvarnost je malo drugacija.
>Koliko jebeno bolesno arogantan moras biti da dodjes to ovakvih zakjlucaka?
>How fucking sick you have to be arrogant to come to such zakjlucaka?
Yeah..fuckin zakjlucaka amirite?
Yeah, jebenih conclusions man. I'm telling tebi.
Since it seems a response isn't coming I guess I have to answer my own question.
>I wonder why he concluded it was mostly false in 2012 then turns around in 2014?
Because the words reviewed were not exactly the same. The ad was deemed mostly false because of an extra criteria that was not in the 2014 SOTU speech, "doing the same work as men."
Ona ima 90% podrske medju crncima i oko 70% ili vise medju Latino amerikancima. Tramp je vodio oko 15-20% sa belcima ali to nije dovoljno. Romney je osvojio 60% belih glasova pre 4 godine ali je opet izgubio.
Ako mislis da belci sami mogu da ga uguraju u Belu Kucu onda si u iluziji. Bush je pobedio 2004 zato sto je dosta Latino amerikanaca glasalo za njega
Yes, they always provide truth.
>Ona ima 90% podrske medju crncima i oko 70% ili vise medju Latino amerikancima.
>opet jede falsifikovana CNN govna
>ignorise cinjenicu da ce vise belaca nego ikada u americkoj istoriji izaci da glasa za Trampa
Ponavljam, uzivaj u svojoj retardiranosti i spremi kutiju maramica za 9. novermbar.
A box of tissues for when you furiously masturbate over our God Emperor winning?
I admire your proficiency in the Serbian language. Yugo refugee, proxy or Google Translate?
Svaki poll(anketa) pokazuje to. Ona ubedljivo vodi sa nacionalim manjinama, plus zene mrze Trampa.
Bolje se spremi za prvu debatu 26. septembra, videces tu da on nema sanse.
Ako se secas republikanskih debata onda znas da je on mnogo los u tome.
The DNC directly edits their articles, so yeah pretty unbiased I'd say
Majke mi moje, kompletno si jebeno retardiran.
>Ako se secas republikanskih debata onda znas da je on mnogo los u tome.
Osim sto je ubedljivo pobedio u svakoj, je l'?
Just trying out this firefox addon that uses google translate to translate any text you highlight. It works okay besides google translate being shit.
i google the first one, find out it is indeed false, disregard the rest