Holy shit!

Holy shit!

Jill Stein is a Russia-shill!

Putin now controls both Donald Trump and Jill Stein!

Other urls found in this thread:


Putin has cucked the US from both the right and the left!



Yep this is Jill Stein, Flynn and Assange sitting at the same table as Putin.


Thank you for correcting the record.

Killary's shills really believe in that turd?

>Russian shill feels insulted and forgot to turn on the proxy


>Putin control everyone
Somebody stop him

>everyone I don't like is a Putin-shill
How retarded can you be? Assuming this is not a joke?

fucking trumptards

So what? I'd rather have him in charge than the lefty kike bastards that are burning America to the fucking ground. Something has to change. Fuck your cold war, nigger.

Guys! Guys! A tourist was just robbed in my town. Putin was behind it!

FFS guys this Trump and Putin ties thing is a new level of degeneracy from the media and I cant believe people are actually falling for it. Trump was just optimistic about Russia-US relations and Putin said thats a good thing. And fucking next thing I hear is 'hurr durr Trump working with Putin'. How does this not sound fucking retarted to you? Fucking Trump and Putin? I think Putin would choose someone fucking smarter than Trump to do his shilling for him. Besides if that was the case the CIA would have been so far up Trumps asshole by the time the election started he would have said he supports Hillary. The media will do anything to bring Trump down, theyll use the most improbable and retarted stories. god dammit fuck

Russians are cheating and manipulative freaks. Many Russians in powerful positions are 1/8th or more Jewish.

>Putin now controls both Donald Trump and Jill Stein!

As a Russian this seriously makes me LOL.

It's funny to see the way you westerners look at Putin. You see him either as a role model for the best president (that would be true had Russia had a well-developed and diversified economy) or somw kind of Hitler-like dictator that controls everything and everyone - at home and abroad (which he simply is not - Russia is a lot closer to oligarchy with Putin acting as an arbitartor between its members in the inner contests of power).

And nobody seems to see into the gray area. I guess, that is the whole point of Russian propaganda aimed at the West. What can I say... Well done, RT.



Here, take this Jigglypuff as a consolation prize for trying to shill against Trump.


Based RT. Based Puuutin, Based Russia

neo-cons on LITERAL sucide watch

Don't you know goy? We gotta support Ukraine for our national security and give you economic sanctions because you won't stop invading Europe otherwise. It's good to antagonize nuclear powers and drive them into geopolitical corners.

Pls kill me

That's interesting. A similar thing happened with the Philippine President, Rodrigo Duterte. All the Western coverage I've seen on him talks about extrajudicial killings and human rights, but conveniently omits the facts that his approval rating is higher than 90% and most people living there have said they feel significantly safer.

As a Russian, what's your perspective on Putin?

Yes fucking ingenious.

Nice power fantasies, negro.

Who the fuck cares? I don't even watch RT but half the shit they do is better than the American networks. Maybe the American networks should step it the fuck up if they're losing to a "propaganda" outlet lol

How many fucking American media conglomerates export American propaganda all over the world? And the ONE Russian network that operates in America is suddenly the literal devil

Americans are fucking retarded.

Putin killed my son

Oh....no, not better relations with Russia. That would be AWFUL.
Fucking hell, that's one thing I noticed about Euros. If Americans are irrationally terrified of Mexican immigrants, there are just as many Euro cucks who think Russia is a fourth fucking reich.

Tbh senpai, how can Russia have a diversified economy in a true sense when it was denied entry into WTO, given sanctions, given even stricter sanctions after overthrowing one of your biggest trading partners, and constantly having its main energy source of revenue sabatoged through the shit that happened with Nord and South Stream, Turkish Stream, the Saudi Oil price war, and the fact that global finance doesn't give your country to float on 110% derivatives like it does the West?

I mean look at what sanctions have done to Cuba and Venezuela. Comparitavely, you have very little debt per GDP, and are doing well in relative isolation. No one is propping up your economy with trillions of debt. If you tried that, austerity would hit you from every angle like Cyprus. Speaking of, another attack on Russian finance.

You basically have to wait for our collapse to diversify your economy. And I guess that's coming soon.

>Everyone not-Hillary is secretly part of a plot against Hillary!!!
I had no idea. Thanks for Correcting The Record, chum.

It's amazing that Russian propaganda has instilled this much self-hatred and defeatism into some Americans.

He is closing his eyes on the cronies that steal money. Therefore he is corrupt himself.

Most of what you wrote is bullshit but this takes the prize:

>I mean look at what sanctions have done to Cuba and Venezuela.

Lmao those countries are shit because of socialism and not "muh ebil America".

sanctions and price wars have been in effect for 2 years, the failures of the gas pipelines are mainly Russia's fault. Global financial schemes have nothing to do with your capability to produce desirable products to neighbouring countries.
Either brainwashed or kopekbot. Shame.

this putin controls everything meme needs to end. But he sure has a lot of influence over braindead lefties here so...



But I hate the Jews?

>RT is le mean propaganda for their factual news coverage
>keep consuming american media goy, we are 100% objective and don't brainwash you at all :^)

It's amazing that you want America to control every aspect of global security and finance after you called us fat faggots for a decade under Bush.

Maybe it's just you fear losing your daily semen supply. And you all have been neutered so you can't swallow your own. Don't worry though, just keep importing refugees, I'm sure they'll give you some.


This is what diplomacy looks like.



Says the country who canceled the €1 billion dollar power plant deal with Russia because we told them to. Also Ukraine was buying consumer goods from Russia, quite a lot actually, and that got cut off too. But you are literally a nation of Turk cucks so what do you know.

Say goodbye to Ukraine, boys



we in WTO tho

So now we can't be friends with russia at all?

WTF I thought liberals were pacifist faggots

And for sure Russia'a fortunes have recently improved while our's have declined under this idiotic rule we have now

>blockade for 60 years
>no effects on economy




do you enjoy being a Shillary shill or does it eat away at your soul every night?


>€1 billion dollar power plant deal
yeah right, 1 bil power plant deal, right, yeah, of course.
Citation needed.
>60 % white
>king nigger
but muh self sufficiency muh glorious leaders muh everythang
A source for this statement
keep em coming


Now let's get a list with Clinton and friends having dinner with dictators in countries known to have massive human rights violations.

Name me a world leader or government that isn't corrupt.




Bulgaria most corrupt in EU


If you'd like I can post proofs that we paid your politicians that made the decisions about South Stream and the power plant deals too.

But odds are you don't care as long as it's us fucking you in the butt. You like the taste of our cock.

10 katyns of 10


Where ? He's lock in the embassy of Ecuador,
in London...

The global elites want anther cold war possibly a third world war


US will be fucked by trump

thank you pol you are make russia great again

>1 billion power plant
Hmmm, the NPP never cost a billion, citation needed
The court case has ended and a ruling is in effect - we will buy the reactors they promised to build for 620 mil.
So we get the reactors. 2 reactors are not a power plant.
South Stream is yet another failed russian project
Did you pay the russians to sabotage their own pipeline too?
You didnt adress the following:
>60 % white
>king nigger
>lack of economic diversity and reforms in Russia in the period 1989-2014

>Bulgaria is corrupt
Did I ever deny that?

That's it i'm now #Jack4Jill

why are democrats such mccarthyites?

he is from kremlin paid bot studio on savushkina 55 str. St Petersburg.

trump shills btfo

based pootin

According to collectible news through years: Putin controls everything. But then tell me how can he get embargo from Merkel? Many businesses died here as result of Merkel banning trade with Russia, those who exported to Russia mostly.

Why so alarmed

Do you really prefer Hillary to Putin? Are you clinically retarded?

It's hard to describe him one way or another. He does not fit into any political category, his desisions at home make much less sence than his foreign policy.
I think that he is simply a man with a hammer. You see, when the only tool you have as a hammer, you see every problem as a nail. The way you handle that hammer does not make much difference - it's still a hammer and there is only so much you can do with it.
He is a man who, at the time of coming to power, had very little politial experience and even less understanding about how free market works. Well, nobody in Russia had much knowledge about the latter, truth be told, and it's not like the West really wished to help at the time - there was never going to be a Marshall plan for Mother Russia.
So Putin did his best, but it was simply not good enough. He made the same mistake as the last Soviet leaders - making the economy fully dependent on oil, while consolidating his own power through assigning loyal (but not qualified) people to key positions and elliminating any voice of dissent. Then the inevitable happened and it was the only thing that made him start weeding out the crooks in the ruling elite of the country.
You see, he thought that his task was to preserve Russia and restore its power. And he started with preserving - bringing loyal people into power. Well, of course, most of these people turned out to be loyal only to money and power that their positions have brought them. And they were shit at making the economy work. But as long as the oil prices were high nobody noticed that. And when the oil plummeted Putin found himself in a pickle - the country's government was full of yes-men that were only qualified in stealing money, not making it. So now Russia ins udergoing a very painful process of changing the governing paradigm, that is so very long overdue.

here are just as many Euro cucks who think Russia is a fourth fucking reich.



Still, Putin is in power and he will be in power for the forseeable future. Why, you ask? Simply because the vast majority of the country knows no better life. The standard of living of an average Russian (especially in big cities) can only be compared to 2011-2013 period. It may seem strange to you but those of us who remember the Soviet period or the 90s can clearly see that we live so very much better than before. And although real Putin's approval rating is around 60% and dropping (along with the real disposable income), he is still very strong, his foreign policy is supported by the vast majority of Russians and I see absolutely no way of him losing power. Only if he decides to step down voluntarily.

What will happen to it?

If Putin wants to create a functional world order between nation states it should involve leaders of regional powers of the world with a similar mind around a negotiating table, not like how Hillary's table is just banking and Saudi oil magnates.

>bringing back the red scare after bitching about it in academia for the last 60 years

My fucking sides

Why are dems such hypocrites?

Based. Hope they win. They can use some Putin manliness in the cuckhouse, eeh, whitehouse.

rely on cuckmark to dish out the misinformation fuck you commie shits

If Trump wants to create a functional world order between nation states it should involve leaders of regional powof the world with a similar mind around a negotiating table, not like how Hillary's table is just banking and Saudi oil magnates.

Except, you suck king niggers dick and pay for our blacks and spics by selling out your country, how's that Botswana level of life quality? You had the ability to pursue energy independence and leverage against west and east, but you bow down to America and Germany's nigger cocks in your mother like a good little fuccboi for your €350 Euro a month.

You're sadder than we, you're 99% white and still huge cuckolds.

lol idiot pootin banned EU production(food, some other stuff) after west sanctions

should change that to justice league

I´m getting more erect every minute. I can´t wait for the NWO agenda to fail. The plan they worked towards for over 100 years by now. This could be reverted by just 3-4 years of the right government.

Why dont we make world great again....

... again?

>no arguments provided
50 kopeks straight into your bank account
>in your mother
Go prep a bull, kiddo

pootin- total corruption and back to middle ages.

Holy shit, look at that buttblasted neocon shill.

Trump will retract America and its control. He wants a world with power distribution away from American banking firms which are tearing nations against America. He wants regional powers around a negotiating table, America will have a better decline of power by stepping back instead of being thrown back.

> EU food is rotting in transport and diseased
> health ministry bans it
> reee pootin ban bad, russians bad - merkel good

Russia is literally the saviour of the white race. Trump and Stein did nothing wrong

>someone has dinner with Putin


Just give it up CTR, literally no one in America cares or is scared by Russia anymore. This isn't the fucking 80s and you trying to make Russia into a boogeyman isn't going to work.

This is not idiocy.
This drives Russia for more diverse trade and self-sufficency.

Sadly our EUSSR overlords feed those leftover products to invading hordes.

Good, even more reason why a vote for Jill is the same as a vote for trump


He banned from west sure, that's his response, since he doesn't wants to give them money when he can't get any, but actually Putin wants to trade, he even begged China, but China refused since you got too big of a salary to be their slave labour.

Why is Flynn hanging out with Putin?

Talking to someone == puppet apparently
So how do you know Putin isn't the puppet?

Check mate faggot

Nah, you have to make your own effort in making America a nation invested in its people rather than continuing American banking dominance.

Russia will just be an ally, if that reality unfolds. If the American people continue to want a hawkish petro-dollar obsessed USA, you will be enemies with Russia and China against this system. Unfortunately no one is loyal to America, they would sooner side against American banking, because it's a bad deal for them.

0.02 to you for dividing Trump voters.

And people think we won the Cold War. Ha.
