>laced with femminist liberal (((BLACKED))) shit to the core
This tv show wild be good if it wasn't for the amount of garbage in the series. Are there any good tv shows not overtaken by the Jews? Currently I'm only watching House of Cards.
>laced with femminist liberal (((BLACKED))) shit to the core
This tv show wild be good if it wasn't for the amount of garbage in the series. Are there any good tv shows not overtaken by the Jews? Currently I'm only watching House of Cards.
> Are there any good tv shows not overtaken by the Jews?
By definition, no. Find another hobby.
Jessica Jones is pretty redpilled. The BLACKED scenes feel like straight up IR cuckold porn.
Fargo Season 2 shit on Ronald Reagan pretty hard IIRC. It also had aliens to try and be edgy and it came across completely retarded.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend.
No, sorry to inform you but as you'll hear from us time and time again, Jews own hollywood and with Jews you lose.
You can always try reading old philosophy books, or things that can help you be less of a vapid cunt but will further alienate you from degenerate normies. Good luck.
The last good TV show was LOST.
Everything that came after was full of liberal propaganda and shit.
LOST is the best show that's ever been made or that ever will be made, so just stick to that.
what happenendd
>he still watches TV
Supergirl is supposed to be somewhat feminist. The original intent of female superheroes was to give girls role models.
Black Sails is pretty good, if you overlook some of the obvious shit. Soundtrack is good too.
One of the main characters in the show turns out to be gay later on, but not full gay just extreme bromance gay. He bangs women too.
Then one of the female characters turns out to be somewhat lesbian earlier on, but not full lesbian just I'm troubled and want to get fingerbanged lesbian. She bangs men too.
The only real gripe I have is that they had to replace one of the actors in the second season, and the guy they chose looks and acts fuck all like the previous one.
Just identify with Captain Vane or something, he's was pretty based throughout.
Well I know what board you go to besides Sup Forums
Just watch anime, Japan still doesn't give a shit about PC culture
Superman confirmed to one of us
Give up on TV. Like a band-aid, better to just tear it off at once.
>Japan still doesn't give a shit about PC culture
It's weird though. You even notice that in a majority of animes, aside from the more child-ish entry level shit like DBZ/Naruto/Death Note, etc, that women are typically more special and powerful and intelligent than the men? Anime embodies feminism and even female superiority but without the race mixing propaganda.
Elfen Lied, Freezing, Higurashi, Welcome to the NHK(Until later episodes, kind of). I'm tired but the list goes on and on forever.
American hollywood is pro feminist because it's Jew propaganda, Japan is pro feminist because they're all permavirgins.
Used to go to. Sup Forums is dead since LOST ended.
Jessica Jones is pretty based
Except there's far more that make women useless or make them glorify the MC (cock). You're trying to point out a minority and make it a majority point. You're wrong.
I listed 4 examples, you've listed none, and something tells me if you did you're talking about some entry level harem type of garbage.
Dat ass
Seen "Stranger Things" ?
It's one of the greatest pieces of film made this decade. Because it actually looks like it was made in the 1980s, the greatest decade for film.
I highly suggest you watch it, and instead imagine Netflix making the next Congo/Red Scorpion/I Am Omega.
The future is bright.
Melissa Benoist is CUTE! C U T E!
it's a hard life picking stones and pulling teats
Are you fucking kidding me? That pseudo scientific kiddie mythos.... I don't even know where to begin. I couldn't last past the first season it was so impossibly unwatchable if your IQ is above room temp
I tried to watch this (((series))) but when it got to that part I couldn't take it. Never watched (((it))) again.
>This tv show wild be good if it wasn't for the amount of garbage in the series.
Erm have you seen the fucking fight scenes in this piece of trash series?
Youtube Supergirl vs Astra and watch that fucking fight sequence, it's truly atrocious.
>Currently I'm only watching House of Cards.
>Elfen Lied
>Not childish entry level shit
>Main girl is literally dominated by a guy, women hold no actual power in society
I always use Rita from All You Need Is Kill/Edge of Tomorrow as an example of this. She was made for otaku in Japan but she is a feminist icon when she was brought over to America. It's funny how they basically want the same thing and don't even know it.
Archer is pretty good, though there are moments of liberal bullshit.
Stargate SG-1.
I really tried watching this and see if the good could outweigh the bad (Mostly because I was bored) but after having stopped watching it in the middle of an episode 3 times now I have given up. Each time I got a little further but really, the current writers you got in the USA are killing your entertainment business with how they try to stuff their political agendas into movies and series.
>Main girl is literally dominated by a guy, women hold no actual power in society
Not sure we're talking about the same show.
Elfen Lied may have been a bad example I guess, but I tend to only watch darker/horror animes these days, and even so I mostly avoid the televised jew all together.
It's definitely interesting to see. A few years ago I was exclusively watching anime because I felt like I had escaped the grasp of the jew, only to slowly come to realize it was a non-infiltrated genre with the same jewish principles at heart. I suppose if someone has to go with hollywood garbage or anime, anime is the better pick, but not by much.
Ronald Reagen was a retard.
He would always pick whatever his last advisor would say so they would always pitch the idea they wanted him to pick last.
He also fucked up the California school system as governor.
He also wanted to raise consumption taxes and cut income tax. Which is a tax on the poor and and a tax cut for the rich. It's also bad for economic growth.
Note Reagan didn't even know this, he was told it what be good for the poor. His adviors were paid by the rich, because it was a cut for them
Look at the (((names))) who wrote it.
I looked up Ali Adler, the co-creator, she's a Jewish, feminist, lesbian...REEEEEE
The one guy who doesn't seem to be Jewish, looks like an actual numale, literal faggot.
my gf hates it because she gets all sooky every episode and calls her Crygirl. I keked
There's a race mixer in there so I know Sup Forums will hate that, but The Greens get BTFO and Norway uncucks itself.
House of cards is literrally, "look there are no jews in government, silly goy"
>made by cohen brothers
>literally jews
Lost is made by j jew abrahms
>whines about it being hard to understand
>then talks about IQ
>apparently I'm supposed to get the impression that you're smart
You have to go back to shows that started before like 2010 or so. The Jews had considerably less influence in the 90's and early 2000's
I watch a lot of TV. That's what I've noticed so far
LOST was his only good creation, and it only got created because a producer that was going to get fired green-lit it as a fuck you to the jews at ABC. It's still the most expensive pilot ever filmed to this day because of that gamble and it wouldn't've been made under normal conditions.
Also, the show promotes the idea of eugenics and strong homogeneity in native cultures and the dangers of immigration. Also is redpilled about racial tensions between blacks and koreans and whites.
Is the cuckery as bad as in Containment?
The jewing was so bad I couldn't watch another episode.
>Stranger Things
And it doesn't strike me as super cucked, either. The men aren't all evil, the black kid can be a bit of a shit sometimes (without it going into full dindu stormfag propaganda territory), and they don't hesitate to make the main female protagonist cunty from time to time.
The 1980's vibe is great, too. The only thing I don't like about it is how it's so ... formulaic. I really wish they transcended the 1980's shit rather than just emulate it.
try watching NHK news documentaries. they love PC culture and use it themselves to try and guilt Americans into thinking they need to feel bad about Hiroshima.
lost was multicultural propaganda. everyone was a different race
And not one of them got along and most of them ended up killing each other. Clearly you didn't watch the show.
everyone should watch Strike Back
they made Jimmy Olsen a black guy
imagine if they made lucius fox a white guy
>Are there any good talmud-vision shows not overtaken by the Jews?
Gee, I wonder.
Which race was the heroin junky? Irish?
I remember the ads, looks like cowadoody the tv show
>>whines about it being hard to understand
But he didn't.
english guy was the junkie
I love Lost. Don't give a fuck about Sup Forums approved shit. It's stupid. Watch you want and form your own opinion.
>Watching a TV show catered to recent female college graduates
Wikipedia'd it and saw that this show is full of go-girl tropes that a young feminist fresh out of school wants to be true:
>13 year old girl is 'more experienced and wiser beyond her years'
>Has to help preserve her mother's legacy
>Is a 7 at best (relatable to most girls)
>Dates an educated young black guy (even though most white viewers would not do so)
To be honest, you won't find a TV show that caters to men. Most TV was replaced by video games which cater towards men.
More so, it's not a matter of ideology but profit. Since men won't buy as much inane shit as women do from the commercials, it is not as profitable to have a show cater towards men. If you notice, nearly everything is either geared towards adolescents living off their parents (Family Guy, South Park, Adult Swim etc), young independent women (Supergirl, New Girl, SVU etc) or housewives (90%+ of programming. Morning talk shows, soap operas, modern family, most news etc). The only TV category that caters towards independent men (besides pay-per-view) is late night talk shows. The only reason those even exist is because women don't stay up late and watch TV. And even those have become liberal shill-holes that are losing ratings.
Sidenote about ads: Look at the ads for any segment and who they're geared towards. At least 80% of the time, they are on the money about the intended viewership.
>comic series was created and written by a Jew
>show is produced by a Jew
Not a series, but watch "The Wave" (Norwegian) on Netflix.
White family (hero might actually be Sami), dad is actually a man and does manly shit and it's a good story.
So feminists basically want to teach young white girls to fuck black guys. Nice. This is shit makes me not want to live on this planet anymore
Looks like we have another
>IQ master
in our midst
What? Luke Cage got cucked.
it was, but it has 2 white male leads, and the enemies are either muslims, africans or asians, which in this day and age is a fucking miracle
Game of Thrones.
Only because there was like 2 total niggers in the show.
Cant even say women in power thing with Jon Snow rising to the top.
>Superhero show with the budget of 10$
>Expecting it to be good
Please point out where he said that he didn't understand it, retard.
>tfw you will never have to go through life being as retarded as you
Feels good man.
It was perfectly cast. It was good to see Wynona Ryder at it again.
The black kid, Lucas, was perfect too. He had just the right amount of black skepticism. They really hit the Stephen King's IT vibe.
Also, it really had that anti-government 80's vibe that you saw in the original Ghostbusters. Really looking forward to the next season.
>He still doesn't understand LOST
are you retarded? game of thrones is full feminist bullshit, competent characters become stupid just to make le stronk independent womyn of the episode look smart and sheit
What's sad is that it only started doing that in Season 5 and went over-the-top in Season 6. Before then, it was really based.
>More so, it's not a matter of ideology but profit.
This is a lie. It seems logical. But then look at the Sony leaks and Ghostbusters the remake.
Early on it was clear Amy Pascal wanted women led movies for the sake of ideology, not profit. The pitch on the remake was to please her personal belief that more movies need women.
The entire development process was steeped in you go girl bullshit and then the debacle of trying to market a movie and silence critics by playing up the feminist angle. It bombed hard. They needed to make about 300 mil, more like 500 mil to establish the franchise and sequels as intended. It looks like they're taking a major loss instead.
They did all this not for profit, because any idiot could see that attackig the fanbase when you want EZ remake shekels is lunacy. They did the recast for feminist brownie points and to please a female boss.
More examples? Gawker during GG. Companies selling plus sizes or refusing photoshop or skinny models. Not making more money. Literally taking a loss for belief.
The main character is the biggest cuck ever seen on tv, and the race mixing is even the least of the problems. The guy is a fucking coward and a traitor. When I read the synopsis I thought it would be a Norwegian Red Dawn and not this shit.
Season Two really turns it around.
>The Asian guy was a wife beater
>The Scottish or Irish dude was a heroin addict
>the black dude was a heroin trafficker
>the fat guy steals all their food
>Russian guy is a greasy looking mysterious immortal douchebag
It wasn't that bad
Don't forget the black guy loses custody of his kid and ends up killing two unarmed women and cries that he dindu nuffin.
Also, no black people in heaven and all saviours of the island were white.
LOST is truly redpilled.
And the wife is absolutely stupid. She literally kills a married couple (one indirect the other directly) because her retardism, and probably the people in the bus.
>"people" on the bus.
They weren't people, they were Russians.
>promotes family values
>mocks the (((establishment)))
How is this not red pilled?
Hey! Be nice! He likes his magical time traveling island shows to be scientifically accurate and not insult his genius level intellect.
yeah, the first seasons are good, but after the 5th it's when they surpassed the books so, instead of using the story of Martin( wich was realistic instead of simply propaganda), (((D)))&(((D))) had to make the history themselves
just read the books if you liked the show, i'm confident that they will be bullshit free
I'm on your side. It was the last TV show I watched to the end. Nothing is as good.
The one and only.
>implying LOST isn't 100% scientifically accurate and based on fact
The Flash
White guy fucks white girl
Fucks black
Fucks literally every girl
Mexican is a beta faggot
There are literally no black men
>House of Cards.
>Not Gay and Blacked itself to the core
It's contained to a single episode.
Is he a Jew? He sounds like a Jew. Or is he just brainwashed by the circles he moves in?
He's somewhat redpilled in that he obviously has a problem with niggers and other minorities (he has gone on record saying that race is unimportant when compared to gender.)
>Honey I only fucked Tyrone once, I swear
That's actually worse.
Almost anything produced in the West is going to have the Jew's hand in it.
Why the fuck do you think Sup Forums was born in a chinese cartoon imageboard?
He's an effeminate cuck.
What will happen when white males complete the media pullout and just stop subscribing to cuck tv/comics/music icons/movies?
I see this trend slowly shaping with video games, the "progressive" games are typically universally panned and make little money, so devs are shying away from them.
Will there be the same shift when it comes to the more mainstream stuff?
It's even worse than you think. Jessica is a piece of shit, that's like her entire character.
I don't think so, video games are still a new field with mostly young male audience, until not so long ago dominated by nips.
Now that's changing with the West companies dominating the medium. fulling it with SJW bullshit.
TV reach every home in every country, there are tons of SJW cucks and Feminazis salivating with the new Action Chick who bang Jamal on the screen.
That's the thing though, I've noticed video games seeing full force into sjw-ish, actually from about 2011 to late 2015, but throughout 2016 I've noticed less "activity" I suppose you'd call it.
Less activists, less "problematical" games, less liberal soft hearted games, less shill reviews. It's almost like they just got caught or tired, or just moved on. I'm guessing that the market started correcting this aberration, which I think will happen if we keep getting say, Fembusters on every movie season.