Journalist here.
I just got this in my email from someone claiming to be a janitor at CTR.
One thing odd I noticed is the name of the company?
The email said more to come.
Journalist here.
I just got this in my email from someone claiming to be a janitor at CTR.
One thing odd I noticed is the name of the company?
The email said more to come.
Other urls found in this thread:
Chan.4.gen ?
Bump for reading time
Where did you get this?
Nice... that background looks not very legit.
Is it real? If it's real CTR got the bait.
>checkem algorithm
top kek
also check these sick digits
Judging by the location, it's some kind of id system for their docs.
We have more, but we're sorting through them right now. Some of the stuff is sensitive, so we're reluctant to leak more.
It appears though so far chan.4.gen, in context of the other docs, means general info about 4 chan. From what we've seen, they also have ops in other chans.
We have a Mexican on the inside, they would never suspect such treachery.
>checkem algorithm
breddy gud
>users of the board have taken to using the identification integers as a means of channelling a collective consciousness they believe to be called "meme magic"
>users often make claims that their posts are divinely inspired
fuck this is gold, good one OP
>journalist posting on Sup Forums
well you just ruined your career
>Project KEK
>CHECKEM algorithm
Fake and gay
this seems bogus but we'll see how it develops
>fails to blackout properly
yeah im real sure CTR named a program 'PROJECT KEK'
wow so authentic. This is totally not typed out by OP himself.
Also you might want to hand this over to /cfg/
>Sup Forums
>actually important
>Journalist here
>Under the PROJECT KEK, we have begun to (...)
Nah, I'm calling bullshit.
kek. It's like it's 2009 again and people run scripts to predict what post number your post will have to troll the shit out of people. The difference now is that it's shill funded.
>tfw you have shitposting supercomputer farm located next to Sup Forums servers
Check these numerically significant identification integers!
Praise Kek!
>all that nonsensical blurring
jesus christ i feel like i'm having a stroke
Thanks, we're still trying to understand this board. It's clearly important.
I accidentally posted this as a reply to another thread lmao
looks fake
Fake and gay. I should know, I have the real opposition research file.
>methods of persuasion
>Sup Forums
How retarded are these people?
surly it would have been shredded..
I noticed the shills do get powerful integers a lot. But we know which ones are divinely inspired.
CHECKEM algorithm at it's finest people.
Do you have a source on that? Can we use it?
>confirmation bias on a meme
but now check mine
Quads of justice
>Do you have a source on that?
You may source if kek wills it.
>Can we use it?
Only if you deposit $10000 into an account of my choosing.
>collective conciousness that is called meme magic
>project KEK
>checkem algorithm
Those stupid fucks don't even realize we don't really take it seriously. They will never get us. Only filthy redditors and newfags fall for it.
not enough bandwidth
here's your (you)
fake and gay
>if it's real, then they can just engineer quads to say it's fake
Judging by the other docs, level 2 is considered low level. It's probably not important enough to shred.
I can confirm they do shred though, quite a few of the ones we got are shredded: it seems level 4+.
>Some of the stuff is sensitive, so we're reluctant to leak more.
Don't be a dick, post them.
user, call an ambulance. Nothing is blurry. Please. Get help.
Yea, this is fake
Possibly gay as well
>using Checkem Algorithms in public
We were told to wait until we got everything to drop it all.
Give me your demon.
>Forcing a social media skewing giant of a company
>Directly funded by Hillary SuperPac
>To piss in an ocean of infinite piss
>The more resources they have to devote to us the more we push back
>The harder we push back, the more resources they will use on us
This is pissing on a whole new level.
get that QR code,
what is inside it?
I really hope this is real, that shills are given documents attempting to explain our autism.
>John you will be correcting the record on Sup Forums
>Are you sure? I'm not really familiar with that site, I think I could be more helpful on Facebook
>You'll do fine, it's just like any other forum except they worship an ancient Egyptian Frog God who speaks to them through digits
>Some of the stuff is sensitive
>no classification markings
I had a secret clearance at one time and saw all kinds of documents from FOUO to SECRET//NOFORN and even some shit beyond that you have to be read-onto (basically them saying over and over "this is soooo super secret don't tell ANYONE lmao!" while the afghans and regular soldiers already knew all about the super secret stuff and joked about it so it was all stupid anyway) and anything sensitive has some kind of marking
lying faggot detected
post more docs if you have any
Hahaha these people fundamentally don't understand meme magic. It simply does not work without authenticity, and Sup Forums wont suddenly come to loving niggers because you managed to manipulate quads. We know it's just statistics, but we don't care. We use things that may be otherwise non existent to further our cause. We can reconcile the difference between reality and make belief reality that feeds into our perceptions.
Stay mad jews. Pic related is you.
No, no, only shills think that CTR can control the numerically significant identifiers :'^)
They can't win.
we do it for free.
From what we can tell, milliBytes is a private company. Their procedures appear to be entirely different. The docs clearly state a level though.
i can't wait until they steal a relevant get and the whole thing just comes crashing down on their heads in the backlash
Most significant gets have been pro-trump and pro-right lately though. I suppose CTR is very incompetent.
Actually I'm calling this whole thing bullshit. Why would Hillary campaign waste time and money on Sup Forums anyway when there are larger and more left-leaning audiences on Reddit and elsewhere?
He's probably full of shit but I don't see why a private shill company would use government classifications for "secret" information.
Well done for protecting ya sauce. Cunt.
Check my numerically significant identification integers.
>milliBytes is a private company
>i'm afraid to post "sensitive" information from a private company
fake. and. gay.
Why does it look like the text in your image was shopped onto a background of crumbled paper, OP?
fucking fake shit
don't mess with KEK
this is a private entity, not a governent actor.
So people with bad eyes can read the blacked out text better
wew laddy
>further funds are requested to increase shitposting on a best korean propaganda imageboard
>checkem algorithm
and the worst of all I actually believe this is serious
They cannot control dubs, but they know when to post to get them.
then why be so scared to post "sensitive" information
I have some sensitive info for you, then: my dad works for cumcast and that's how i was born gay
Sup Forums is a very small portion of their operation
Sup Forums actually gets a ton of traffic lately, which is why they bother at all. They're just trying to demoralize and disrupt us.
You can read through the marker after "Under the" in the 4th paragraph. It says "PROJECT KEK"
This must be some kind of next-level memeing, right?
This can't fucking be real.
Lets roll quads for /pol to start loving niggers
check'd my white friend
Really makes you ponder.
i'd be afraid to post incriminating information about hillary too.
how long can you do it before you're found having shot yourself in the head 4 times.
He printed it out after he wrote it, crumpled it up, then took a picture of it. All for (you)s.
t. larpers
shills btfo
shooped image.
Text is super-imposed on background of wrinkled paper, with splotches of blurriness added.
shills can't
>meme arrow
[spoiler]imagine if CTR is wasting money researching stale, eight year old Sup Forums memes[/spoiler]
also, checkem
there are shills on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is where the content comes from. it's the thought leader. remember how cuck spread to other Sup Forums boards like Sup Forums and then made it out into the wild on facebook and reddit?
i doubt they are spending money on checkem algorithms. but if they are it's probably tongue in cheek (pulling some bullshit proposal to get more funding for themselves, that's how non-profit/government funding works in general)
Argentina just might be white.
>journalist here
If it is secret information and the janitor at the company gave it to you, and you are waiting till more is released, why would you say the janitor gave it to you.. so they can go find him.
Fail larping.
>the PROJECT KEK program
What's that last bit?
What is /boards.alg.checkem?
does the qr code have anything special? someone should check it, also check these digits.