>"not that user but..."
>actually AM that user
"not that user but..."
>reply to random post with 't. cuck'
>easy (you)'s
>actually live in an apartment
>can i get you something?
>making a batrachian thread while high on betel nut and limestone powder in a Papua New Guinea emerald green snail shells online selling board
>defend niggers in Sup Forums threads
>actually racist as fuck
t. cuck
>hate on women in all threads
>is actually a woman
>make a thread
>reply to myself with multiple personalities and ways of speaking
>have an entire thread of people arguing back and forth
>theyre all me
post a better one
>say racist homophobic shit to get normies to gtfo
>I'm a gay nigger
>hate on pleb tv shows
>still watch Glee religiously
>make fun of Jared Leto's 'method acting'
>realize it's basically what I'm doing everytime I'm on Sup Forums
Do you ever let one personality "win"
Or do you just keep arguing, calling your own taste shit over and over again.
>that once in a blue moon time when someone agrees with your opinion here
>other user starts arguing for you
>user's having an argument
>Pretend to be the user losing the argument
>user(me) gets screencapped and mocked
>Original user has no way of defending himself and now looks stupid
>tfw you start arguing against them and your old point of view
>ban expires
>make massive blunder
>3/4 people reply to you instantly to call you out on your bullshit
>close thread and avoid Sup Forums for the rest of the day
>be oldfag
>long ago start recommending your favorite movies
>get made fun of and told to gtfo
>keep at it infrequently for a few years
>now those movies are all cult classics on Sup Forums and people keep saying how good they are and reccommend them all the time
>not posting CP to make the janitor delete the thread
Get on my level
>constantly call people cucks
>actually quite like cuckold porn
You need to start having more ironic opinions so then your feeling won't get hurt. If you don't even know what your real opinion is, how can you ever get BTFO for anything you say
>be here since 2006
>still get called newfag/summer/nu-Sup Forums
>call people reddit
>never went there so I don't know what reddit is like
>people keep replying
>it never ends
>1 week later find out your post was capped with reaction images plastered all over it
It's just not fair.
>..and your other user
I do this too. Even things as simple as typos, it's just embarrassing.
the true essence of current Sup Forums
>Never miss the opportunity to say that Sup Forums is the worst board
>Sup Forums is in fact my favorite board
This. But since 2009.
>read Sup Forums every day without any exception for years
>get told to lurk moar
>be me
>i'm actually my sister
and your other party rocker
>Sup Forums asks for your top 10 movies
>alter it so you seem less casual
I too am intrigued by based multiple user.
Are any of these anons ever rational? Or are they all just varying degrees of ass?
Have you ever made one a tripfag to draw heat?
Do you incorporate your own experiences into one "real" user?
>make quality shitpost thread
>people join it
>be me
>this is my first post after 10 years of lurking
>get accused of samefagging
>fire up my Firefox webdev extension and edit out the (You)s from the HTML of the accusation post and take a screencap
>post screencap with an indignat reply calling my interlocutor a newfag
>pretend to be angry and hateful with definitive opinions that nothing can change
>is very mellow and open minded irl
>frogpost daily
>talk about having an abnormally small penis
>talk about being a pathetic 30 year old virgin
>actually have a respectable penis size
>lost my virginity nearly 10 years ago and only 25
>have stable job with good income
>inb4 you're the same guy using the other personalities
>inb4 I am also him
This happened to me once except it was in the chatarea of a camgirl that Sup Forums used to mess with. The thirty something chick with the huge tits who looked like she'd swallowed ten thousand dicks in her lifetime? I fucked up an insult and she read it aloud and called me out and ya, I was done for awhile.
oh fuck lad
>pretend to be mid-20s american male
>I'm a 35 yo scottish-born thai-irish girl living in canada
Pls be my gf
No. I can give you a copy of Not Another Teen Movie tough.
This is the best post in the thread
Pls be my gf
>discover new fetish/pornstar from off-topic porn posting
I like to think I'd kill myself before I ever get this pathetic.
>tfw I just repeated things I saw while watching an episode of Globe Trekker last night
>I do that a lot, repeating shit from tv shows and movies that most Sup Forums hasn't seen in the small hope that someone will get that reference and that I won't feel so crushingly alone anymore
this desu
Based ghostposter!
>talk shit about films I've never even watched
>user calls me out and asks what I didn't like in particular
>start a new frogpost thread
>">"not that user but..."
>actually AM that user"
>actually AMN'T that user
Okay that was good.
based nigger-faggot
>never watch any capeshit
>pretend I do because this is my board and I won't let myself be run out of it by capeshitters
>90% of them don't realize I'm just making shit up
>all me btw
This is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
I can't imagine a worse mix
This is because newfags try to call others newfags
This is probably just because you're a shitty poster
Copy of NATM or gtfo
>actually been here since 2008
>no one ever calls me reddit or summer or new because I dont post like an underage retard
>never watched capeshit in my life
>still make DC/marvel hate threads just for the (you)s
>open Sup Forums
>always post in the least on-topic threads
>complain about how shit Sup Forums is
too drunk to care
>tfw samefagging
>actually been here since 2011
>no one ever calls me reddit or summer or new because I dont post like an underage retard
>"how do we fix Sup Forums?"
>know full well people like me are part of the problem
>that feeling in your dick when you pee a few minutes after cumming.
>"how do we fix Sup Forums?"
>know full well there is no fixing Sup Forums or any board for that matter because each board is a reflection of the posters and there is no fixing the posters because everyone is deeply broken
>>still make DC/marvel hate threads just for the (you)s
Is there a better feeling/pastime?
>implying Sup Forums needs a fix
that's not how you draw pepe's hands you fucking retard
>post some angry insulting response to an user in an argument I know I can't win
>get out of thread
>hide thread
>have a good fool-proof argument
>realize it would take too much time and energy to write it all out
>just write kek or lel and exit the tread and hide it
>write tought-out long response
>don't get an answer
>thread dies
>I keep the tab open to reread my post from time to time because I'm proud of it
>try to copypaste it to another thread that is usually not on topic and get confused responses
>hide these threads
>2011 thread
>call other people newfags and Reddit
>been here since February after I migrated from r/Sup Forums
>come to Sup Forums
>have barely seen any movies or capeshit
>post in an off-topic shitposting thread and then go back to /hm/ to jack off
>browse first page
>see post i don't like
>tell user to stfu faggot
>never go into the thread again
>Get told to go to reddit
>Open a new tab
>Keep posting on Sup Forums
Get on my level.
>go to last page
>see thread that is about to die with 0 replies
>usually just a well meaning user asking a question about something that's a little obscure or just not very popular
>go into his thread, type "stfu faggot" with sage
>post "fuck drumpf and fuck white people!" or "lol stay mad white boi"
>am actualy 1488
>sporadically pretend for years that I'm Alicia Witt on Sup Forums
>I'm actually Megan Fox and I'm just too insecure about my thumbs to be honest about it you meme making faggots
>85 replies
>38 unique IPs
I know this feel
>Start writing a long, well-argued post
>Put time and effort in it even correcting mistakes with a dictionary since my English isn't perfect
>re-read it
>delete it
Wow are you telling me
They're being satirical?
Who'da thunk it
>he doesn't know about the ghostIDcat tool
>ask "what did he mean by this?"
>know full well what he meant by that
>hate niggers
>pretend to be a nigger talking about fucking white girls on Sup Forums to trigger Sup Forumstards
>write an awesome post
>get dubs and nobody cares to read it, they just post dubsman memes
that's going too far user
>pretend not to understand user when he insinuates that he wants to perform sexual acts with a woman
>actually understand that perfectly
lol, you mad little drumpfling? people have different opinions. not everything is satire
>am actually of caucasian descent