Edgy Nazi Phase (I'm Uber It)

When did you get out of your edgy "Heil Hitler gas the kikes" phase and become a non-retarded White nationalist, Sup Forums?

White identity is not Hitler. Hitler doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter if the holocaust happened or not. No, Hitler was not evil incarnate. Hitler is also not the final evolved form of White identity.

Gas yourselves.

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Hello Schlomo.

Do not respond without sage you fucking retards

OP cannot bump his own thread

The reality:
>Nationalism existed before Hitler. The idea that the Hitler regime defines nationalism forever after WW2 is ludicrous and ultimately comes from leftist talking points
>Both sides in WW2 were just as White nationalist as each other
>Churchill campaigned to "Keep Britain White"
>De Gaulle is considered a nasty racist by the French left today
>The Americans and Brits who died fighting Hitler didn't think they were fighting an anti racist war
>The idea that White identity = National Socialism / fascism / Hitler is a cultural marxist idea
>Nazi Germany was the lesser of two evils when contrasted with the USSR, but that doesn't make it good

Problem, guys?

Sorry for invading your safe space, fellas


I never had that phase because I'm not autistic.

Good for you, my phase didn't last long, though. So we're about even.


who's afraid of the real truth, the real truth, the real truth?

If anything I have grown INTO my pro-Hitler phase.

>implying that because Hitler said good things therefore making a cult out of him is a good idea
No, most of the good shit Hitler said was agreed with by most people in the 1930s/40s. Nationalism, being Jew wise and traditional family values were the norm back then.

Both sides in WW2 were just as White nationalist as each other

>Social media and most forums on the web is a leftist hugbox
>People feel threatened somehow by Sup Forums
>Believe Sup Forums is one person
>Come over to Politically incorrect to Politically correct them

Glorious triumphal post! Attempting to sum it all up!

>implying all politically incorrect people must be Hitler cultist edgy fuckwits
>implying that trying to educate you is me feeling threatened

Shove your psychoanalysis, user

Also where the fuck did I say Sup Forums is one person? Duitsanon, this is just sad

>When did you get out of your edgy "Heil Hitler gas the kikes" phase and become a non-retarded White nationalist, Sup Forums?

the moment I started to study WW2 outside of HITLERWASRIGHT.blogspot and stormfront tier sites


Like who gives a shit if Hitler was right or wrong. Hitler is dead. Leave him to the past.

White nationalism is stupid and autistic too. What are your plans for the millions of non-whites in America? The founding fathers weren't white nationalists.

>White nationalism is stupid and autistic too.
[citation needed]
>What are your plans for the millions of non-whites in America?
Not necessarily anything. White nationalism just wants somewhere on earth preserved for our people, that doesn't necessarily mean America. We deserve safe and secure homelands, like every other race has, plain and simple. Anything less is outrageously unfair.
>The founding fathers weren't white nationalists.
They basically were. They passed a law in 1790 declaring that new citizens had to be White men of good character.

Not that I care what they thought, so much.

>Every other site is a liberal hugbox
>Conservatives can't even have something even remotely close to one (besides it's filled with trolls, like (You). )

Yeah, fuck you.

>herp herp to be rightwing/conservative you must lub Hitler
>Hail Hitler it's the only way to be rightwing
>Everyone who cares about White survival must furiously suck Hitler dick derp herp flerp

Think more, you ignoramus

It took me a couple of years, after realizing just how wronged we've been by juden - how every breath I take results in their profit, to tone down my hatred.

I'm still mad. Israel will never be forgiven for 9-11, and other injustices. But now I try to avoid edgy blanket statements. I accept that we will never eradicate all jews and I admit some don't deserve it.

I think the best course of action is to destroy jewish identity, in the same way that the internet is destroying the christian faith. I suspect Israel will soon be sacrificed, and that is a good start.

>implying no less than 70% of Sup Forumsacks aren't still edgy hitler autists

I don't think Jews did 9/11. There are a lot of really horrible Jews who use the holocaust narrative to justify their sick anti-White anti-Western agenda, true.

The Jews who are fucking shit up are only able to do so because Whites are cucked. We can't blame them for everything happening to us. We need to look within and fix ourselves.

If you say so, boss.



>Perpetuating the meme that Hitler was a German Nationalist...



>implying there's any reason to view him as a pan-European figure
He was a Germanic supremacist who loved England because he saw it as Germanic, too. He was going to destroy Slavic nations and Germanize the Baltics.

He was a pan-Germanicist. Not that it fucking matters. Hitler is not relevant. Stop thinking he matters.

Germany could use a hero right now

They admit to having advanced knowledge of the attack.

At the very least they intentionally failed to warn the public and capitalized on the travesty. But I suspect they enabled and encouraged the operation. One of the five dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 giddily proclaimed, "Our problems are now your problems."

One day before the attack a US newspaper published that the US military publicly acknowledges Israel's habit for false flag attacks.

Hitler's depravity caused imperialism to end as well as the needless death of millions of white people. He is the ultimate failure of "the white race"

Implying most of Hitler's German opponents wanted to Turkify/de-Germanize Germany

No. Not true.

>implying Hitler represents German nationalism forever now, like he is the final evolved form of it
That's a cultural marxist talking point, you cuck

shut the fuck up faggot. 1488 Gas the kikes race war now!!

Fascism/National Socialism isn't simply about keeping countries white, but holding onto the essential truths of nature itself which do include racial truths, but that's not it.

Being a White Nationalist is fucking stupid, especially for Americans. Retarded movement that will go nowhere.

Maybe what you're saying has some truth to it, I just want to say it's not relevant to White nationalism. I'm a White nationalist whether the holocaust happened or not, whether or not Hitler had ever been born. You see? Our focus being totally on Jews and Hitler detracts from our people.

We need to be a community and fight for our people, and stop worrying about other tribes (Jews) or history (Hitler/WW2).


Get the fuck over Hitler. He's a leftwing meme because he makes nationalism look crazy and evil. Dude was a meth addict who gave loud insane speeches.

>Hitler's depravity

Fucking stupid arguement. Hitler is just used as an excuse, the forces that wanted to put an end to imperialism and traditionalism to end were already extremely active in society. Blaming one of the major persons who tried to stop the degeneracy FOR the degeneracy is retarded. With or without Hitler, the enemies would still be fucking strong and having influence in the world.

>Being a White Nationalist is fucking stupid, especially for Americans. Retarded movement that will go nowhere
OK so have fun living in Brazil, you idiot.

You don't have to fucking call living by nature and tradition fascism or NS you pleb moron. That was what people did long before the terms 'fascism' or 'national socialism' ever came out.

No one today is a national socialist, they're just edgy neo nazis who don't fucking get it. The only ever fascist party was Mussolini's and the left labels everything they don't like fascist.


I found the article.

The cover page for the recent SAMS project said it was done for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The exercise was done by 60 officers dubbed "Jedi Knights," as all second-year SAMS students are nicknamed.
The SAMS paper attempts to predict events...

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

washingtontimes, 09/10/2001

There is a direct assault on the concept of white nationalism from jewish sources. You can not achieve this goal until the jewish problem is put in check.

It doesn't matter. Fuck Hitler. Tying your racial and civilizational identity to a man so hated and despised is retarded. The left tied White identity to Hitler/NS, originally, you pleb idiot.

Not really. Just point out "Hey fuck these Jews who use their jewishness as an excuse to attack White people".

You never need to mention Hitler.

You have no imagination, sir.

Personally I was not a serious nationalist type in my teens, so went directly to the non-retarded phase. Hitler praised muslims, did a shitload of other autistic stuff, and eventually got BTFO and took the easy way out. No idea why people support him. Frankly, todays nationalists should look at nazi germany to find out what not to do. The end goal of nationalism is the same as any other ideology after all - a great, prospering society (not one that is bombed into the ground and left ultra cucked for the following 100 years or so). Difference from now is it's not a multicultural one.

The ideas of fascism were around FAR longer than the term fascism, it's just referred to as fascism because it is the most recent movement toward this natural truth of the universe.

White Nationalism is cancer because it basically accepts the tenents of a non-traditional and leftist worldview, just through a "Pro-White" perspective. We on the right should be in favor of organic society, while just saying whoever is arbitrarily "white" is part of your nation is retarded and entirely inorganic.

That's not to say whites aren't a special race of people in this world, but applying leftism to a Pro-White ideology results in White Nationalism, at least when it comes to the forms of it I've seen.

Agreed. It's strategically best to avoid the topic of Hitler.

But jews control media, finance, law (they are half the supreme court), and politics. Dismissing this, as you suggest, only enables their control over us. And effectively neuters your chances of establishing white nationalism. It is a problem that must be addressed.

They want to imagine Hitler as some kind of great tragic figure cut down by the forces of evil. Hitler is their deity. It's a kind of religion. Also it justifies their nihilism and apocalyptic kind of "OMG THE WORLD IS FUCKED B/C HITLER LOST ABANDON ALL HOPE".

It's a cowardly ideology rooted in fear.

>tried to stop degeneracy
>by killing white people almost exclusively
you hitler cockriders can never refute this point and you never will

>It doesn't matter. Fuck Hitler. Tying your racial and civilizational identity to a man so hated and despised is retarded. The left tied White identity to Hitler/NS, originally, you pleb idiot.

It's not tying it to a man, retard. The same people who accuse "White Identify" of being Nazified would find another reason to trash and hate it besides Hitler, Hitler is just a convenient excuse. He's a cop out. The underlying leftism in society would hurt whites either way whether Hitler was around or not. At least Hitler was a symbol of total uncucked resistance to this idea.

Also, white identity is a pretty retarded term.

ethnic nationalism was the norm back then, everyone had it because it was natural. hitler fought to preserve that while the allies and soviets both fought for materialist systems that directly opposed nationalism

>by killing white people almost exclusively
>killing soldiers of forces that oppose traditional and corrupt society

So fucking what? Soldiers that oppose our civilization and truth should be opposed, white or not. Just because they're white doesn't mean they get a free pass.

Should we be Pro-Soviet Union because they are mostly whites? Should we support people like Merkel for President because she is white?

Fucking retard

>The ideas of fascism were around FAR longer than the term fascism, it's just referred to as fascism because it is the most recent movement toward this natural truth of the universe.
So don't call it fascism you dumbshit. It's just a term made up by Mussolini and applied by the left to everything they hate. Fuckin' autist.

>White Nationalism is cancer because it basically accepts the tenents of a non-traditional and leftist worldview, just through a "Pro-White" perspective. We on the right should be in favor of organic society, while just saying whoever is arbitrarily "white" is part of your nation is retarded and entirely inorganic.
Riiiight because all White nationalists all accept everyone who is White no matter what. Also implying we don't know who's White and who isn't. White nationalists can accept degeneracy, or not, the idea that WNism accepts White degenerates is bullshit.

>That's not to say whites aren't a special race of people in this world, but applying leftism to a Pro-White ideology results in White Nationalism, at least when it comes to the forms of it I've seen.
I'm not a leftist, so I don't know what you mean.

We can attack lefty Jew fucks better like this "They are using their jewishness to justify anti White hate". This opens up people to thinking critically about Jews while not sounding "evil".

>It's not tying it to a man, retard. The same people who accuse "White Identify" of being Nazified would find another reason to trash and hate it besides Hitler, Hitler is just a convenient excuse. He's a cop out. The underlying leftism in society would hurt whites either way whether Hitler was around or not. At least Hitler was a symbol of total uncucked resistance to this idea.
I'm not worried about our critics. I'm worried about pro-White people. We're a community. We need to stop the Hitler obsession crap. He really doesn't matter.

Hitler is dead weight. We don't need him.

>hitler invaded the rest of europe because they were meany liberals
>board routinely whines that they wish things were the way they were in the 50s
Spot the irony. Not even alex jones would believe that load of bullshit revisionist nonsense

Hitler wanted to totally erase your people and colonize it with Germans, you fuckwit.

It's just a term made up by Mussolini and applied by the left to everything they hate. Fuckin' autist.
Awww are you trigged by leftist insults? Are you afraid they will call you scary names? Don't you understand they will just find another name to call you? Embrace their insults and don't let it give power over you.

>Riiiight because all White nationalists all accept everyone who is White no matter what. Also implying we don't know who's White and who isn't. White nationalists can accept degeneracy, or not, the idea that WNism accepts White degenerates is bullshit.

White Nationalism simply fails because it is ignorant of definitions and ignorant of truth. A race isn't a nation. Therefore, White Nationalism can't exist. Simple definitions.

>We can attack lefty Jew fucks better like this "They are using their jewishness to justify anti White hate". This opens up people to thinking critically about Jews while not sounding "evil".

Another respectability retard thinking we should cater to leftist language and ideology. Idiot.


good, Czechia is Germanic

>We can attack lefty Jew fucks better like this "They are using their jewishness to justify anti White hate". This opens up people to thinking critically about Jews while not sounding "evil".

That is a sound tactic.

The American way is to adopt what works and improve upon it. See: native american guerrilla tactics

As an American I think we should adopt jewish tactics and improve upon them. Attack from multiple angles, your suggestion included. Personally I like larping as a stereotypical evil jew on liberal forums and making them look bad. I learned it from them. I also like to encourage other jewish golems to turn on their masters. See: BLM declares war on Israel.

>Awww are you trigged by leftist insults? Are you afraid they will call you scary names? Don't you understand they will just find another name to call you? Embrace their insults and don't let it give power over you.
They called me a tranny faggot, so I came outside dressed like a princess with pink dyed hair and twerked. Yea no lol

>White Nationalism simply fails because it is ignorant of definitions and ignorant of truth. A race isn't a nation. Therefore, White Nationalism can't exist. Simple definitions.
Germans are a racial group, they are a nation. Nations are made up of ethnic groups, which are racial. White nationalism in America wants a nation state for Whites somewhere on the North American continent. I already said I don't necessarily support that.

>Another respectability retard thinking we should cater to leftist language and ideology. Idiot.
Shut up you anti-White fucktard. Being anti-White nationalism is unacceptable.

>implying that's even close to true
Nice meme though

Agreed fully. You seem smart, you should type your ideas out. Also nice meme!!!!

National Socialism is still socialism, which is unworkable
Besides, democracy is the best system of leadership, dictatorships are too risky.

They wouldn't have spared you. Also, how the fuck are Czechs Germanic? WTF

At best you're partly Germanic, but your language is Slavic FFs

>White identity

So you've grown out of your Nazi phase to become an even bigger idiot?

>derp herp White people don't exist
White nationalism means I support the struggle of self determination for all European peoples/"""White""" people on earth.

Problem, Turk?

Also your meme is complete bullshit and I'm sure even you realize that.

dumb meme

>Also, how the fuck are Czechs Germanic?

When I was 18.

The whole thing seems hard sometimes. Anyway to speak in some language: If fascistic national socialistic right has real quality some good guys won't get stuck in da left.

The Czechs in the old HRE were still Slavs who had a separate culture. They were called Bohemians back then.

>Sorry for invading your safe space fellas
implying pol is a hivemind, quit beating around the bush bitch desu.

bohemia is one part of the czech republic, it is still around

They were acting like a hivemind, look at the postsI know. Still not Germanic.

So do all Nationalists/Fascists, but White Nationalism is a movement used by retarded Americans who compensate for lack of identity.

It has NO place.

The fact that you have the desire to lump in Germans with the French, and the French with the Poles, and the Poles with the Russians, and the Russians with the Swedes, and the Swedes with the Italians tells a lot about your knowledge of history. There's no white identity, that's something that was made up in the USA because you can't fucking trace your heritage back to a common denominator besides "European", or as you've called it "white", which is an even more ridiculous umbrella term. Not even Hitler was a "white nationalist".

Pretty much this

No it's not you idiot, the idea that White nationalists don't respect national culture or know that national cultures matter is bullshit. We don't seek a homogenized single-culture White Europe, either. That's all made up BS. Are a lot of WNists dumbfucks? Yea, because they call themselves fascists or NS, like you. Fuckin' stupid if you ask me. Drop the dumb labels.

We don't want to mix all Europeans into one thing.

I know Hitler wasn't a White nationalist, fuck him. Like he matters, at all.

Also, implying Europeans have no commonalities. I'm half German, half Irish. Are you going to imply that German and Irish culture are totally alien to one another?

what makes someone germanic?

Farage has French roots.

La Fontaine was a great German writer but had French roots.

Beethoven lived in German speaking Austria but had Dutch roots.

Eastern Germany has copious amounts of Germans with Slavic blood.

The monarchs of every European country have almost never been real natives of the area.

The idea that Europeans/Whites have no cultural compatibility is retardedly dumb, krautshit.

Also, none of this means, for the last time, that I or any other WNists just want all Whites to mix into one single national entity with a single heritage.

You're strawmanning me.

>the idea that White nationalists don't respect national culture or know that national cultures matter is bullshit. We don't seek a homogenized single-culture White Europe, either

Not what my post claimed. White Nationalism is retarded because it promotes inorganic society in relation to countries like the United States, Canada, etc. It is fucking stupid and makes no fucking sense in America because whites in America don't make up a nation.

It's fucking inorganic and not based on anything real. It's a fucking joke.

Being from a Germanic cultural heritage. How is Czechia Germanic? You're Slavs. Prove me wrong.

define cultural heritage

That's totally fucking stupid. Fucktard. As though any group in America is organic. Also, White Americans have been mixing for fucking generations, together. Nearly every single president has been interrelated including Obama through his White mom.

You don't know shit.

Certain monarchs and individuals cannot be adequately compared to entire nations of people, which your post does.

Pure autism.

You speak a Slavic language. How are you not Slavs?

kys faggot kike

So basically, you want to put people into neat little seperate communities under one common government? Do you not see how ridiculous this idea is? And then you want to diminish trade with other parts of the world, because "Muh they aren't white"? You basically want the EU without its tranquilising wealth, which is not going to work. The idea of a Europe united under one culture is actually more probable than your ridiculous proposal, seeing as that almost worked out with Napoleon already.

so culture is language? we spoke german for a time. right now most czechs speak english. are you and me british? doesnt seem like a very good indicator to me

>Also, White Americans have been mixing for fucking generations, together. Nearly every single president has been interrelated including Obama through his White mom.

The latter part of your post only proves my point. Any sense of an American "nation" that was to be was totally destroyed by mass immigration in various periods. White Americans don't constitute a nation in any traditional sense other than WN's autistic sperging,


A month ago.

Again, mister autism, I don't want to destroy and mix-up all European nations into one homogeneous glob.

The point is that White people have intermixed and intermingled for a very long time. A Frenchman raised to be German will be basically 100% German in every way.

Czech is the native language of Czechs. Czech is a Slavic language.

No, you're making shit up now. I'm anti-EU. You're just making shit up about what I believe.

Never had that phase because I'm not a german cock-licking cuck. Not only are there better fascists than Hitler (like pic related), but worshipping a nationalist of a different nation is literally cuck tier and you're prepping the german bull.

Not to mention that by going muh hitler you ARE literally falling into jewish tricks.

I never had that phase although I did watch other teenagers and early 20-somethings go through it. I remember thinking, "There is such a better way to get these ideas across that have nothing to do with actual hate."

You're in favor of organic nations. What other organic nations are present in the US than Whites? Also, nations become organic over time. Germany didn't always exist, either, they homogenized over millennia and centuries. You seem to think that organic nations pop out of the ground fully formed.

Such ignorance

>t. subhuman w/o an argument


You're not very bright, are you? Do you not know what the word "basically" means? Of course you'd scrap the one part holding the EU together: its wealth, which it acquires through international trade. But otherwise, what you propose is a more retarded version of the EU.

Really makes you think

>Not to mention that by going muh hitler you ARE literally falling into jewish tricks.

Jews and leftists want you obsessed and focused on Hitler, it makes you look stupid and it's easy for them to be like "HAHA we won the war against you, follow your leader (suicide) and Nazi hunter memes loool".

Under8'd post, m8. For real, good shit.

>t. OP with a googled Fuhrer pic and shill text
You're not fooling anyone, Pablo.

Pretty much this. Even if there was only "whites" in America the country would still not be of two things that make a nation: ethnically homogeneous and culturally similar.

so language is all that makes the difference in your mind then? by that logic i should be able to go to bulgaria and feel at home, right?

How is liking the cutest Fuhrer edgy?

Let him melt your heart OP

He's an American he doesn't understand European diversity

This is retarded AF. If there were only Whites in America, we'd eventually homogenize ethnically and culturally. As it is, White America is not 100% heterogeneous. You're so ignorant.

Germanic is just a designation for Germanic speaking cultures, really, which are usually more or less alike. Slavic cultures are defined by language, yes. I think that Slavic and Germanic are basically bullshit concepts, though.