Why do you have so many cuties Germany?
Why do you have so many cuties Germany?
there are gooks in Germany?
She isn't German... raise a wolf among sheep, that doesn't make it a sheep
Germans being in Germany is racist.
>Why do you have so many cuties Germany?
If you import millions upon millions you're bound to get the odd one or two cuties
>She isn't German
Yes, she is:
>Born 20 January 1989 (age 27) Tubingen, Germany
That's not how it works Friedhelm
>Jamal Muhammad was born in Malmö, Sweden on 10th of September, 2001. He consistantly speaks Somalian with his parents at home, often boasts about his expensive black cock, and follows an ideology completely foreign to his country of birth.
You're right, 100% Swedish.
Get the fuck out of my country you stinking Roach
Asians are very based and hard working here. Most of them came from Vietnam when a particular nation failed to defend southvietnam from the red hordes.
East Germany was actively supplying the Vietcong with arms and support materials.
You are the reason Bui's uncles are dead
You're welcome
I was born on an airbase in Germany, but I'm no garbage sorting cuckbaby.
This ffs.
Here I thought Canada had the chinaman problem.
Can confirm. I had Vietnam, Thailand and Chinese kids in my school. All hard working families and their kids have a great career now. One of them with his own company, employing around 100 people.
t. Mehmet Öztürk, quintessentially Germanic.
A rat being born in a stable doesn't make it any closer to being a horse.
I almost forgot we have useful immigrants too
why the fuck did 20 million germs die in WWII? What was the point?
I don't know where you guys are from but here in Berlin all of the Asians either peddle illegal cigarettes from Poland, operate flower stores and peddle illegal cigarettes in the back room, or sell take out noodles and peddle illegal cigarettes on the side. Never seen them do anything else.
lol average german girls are NOT attractive
Happens when you have three million third worlders from Africa and Middle East shitting on pavement and raping/killing every week (no exaggeration).
>Slanted German
Why do you say that? You don't like thicc womyn?
true lol, pretty white ones are usually feminazis or lesbos, that's how fucked up they are
They get so butch past 30. They just crop their hair.
Nah, her German passport makes her German
honorary aryans
>here in Berlin
this is your problem mate
not dark skinned enough to be qualified as German
I love this name.
So...this....is....the future....of...Germany...
No Frauke yet?
Also check the dubs
As user said earlier...does a mouse being born in a stable make it a horse? Answer it you fucknut.
I'm a shitskin who was raised here when I was 5 months old does this make me Canadian you retarded kraut?
Jesus Christ is this your first Olympics people? Gook countries do this at Olympic time when the 5th string athlete isn't good enough to compete for their country and the other country needs someone for that usually frivolous event. Ie look at how every ping pong player is a fucking gook
She's likely just the daughter of parents who ran a Chinese restaurant who grew up her whole life in Germany and only knows tales of her parent's country
I mean come on now, She's a whole lot more German than these new Germans, and she's certainly more German than she is Chinese
She'll likely marry a German and give her children German names
This is far different from Achmeds who would never name his kid Hans or Bastian.
>Germans trying to one up others on how much of a cuck they are vs other countries.
You guys always do extremes, whether in Nazi Germany, or whether it is allowing Mussies to enter your country, to seem more "tolerant", you always manage to go back to cucking yourself. You faggots no longer have an identity anymore, you are trying to be American and have a "melting pot" of different people, well, what you did wrong, just like you did back in nazi germany is that you TRIED TO FORCE IT TO HAPPEN, by allowing terrorists in your country. Do you see how stupid you are? Your country will fall just like Lebanon did, I was born there you see, I saw what happened during the civil wars with Islam, the same shit that happened over there, will happen in Germany, then you will bejust a nothing. Fucking idiots.
I have now left this thread. Germans make me sick.