She's going to win. The new polls show Trump's ceiling, which is embarrassingly low.
We're going to become the new Brazil. I can't take it anymore. Don't call me CTR or a shill, because I genuinely care about Drumpf's success.
She's going to win. The new polls show Trump's ceiling, which is embarrassingly low.
We're going to become the new Brazil. I can't take it anymore. Don't call me CTR or a shill, because I genuinely care about Drumpf's success.
>an orange windbag is our savior!
Stupid. You guys are stupid.
Kill your self desu senpai
>supporting a redditor for president
>supporting a redditor who censors his own reddit board because he doesn't want to get criticized or have his feelings hurt, turning it into a hugbox
It's better this way.
personally. i cant wait.
ISIS will tear you yanks a new asshole when you take in 600,000 refugees.
and since Brexit happened. i get to be KING of Sup Forums
no american will dare try to insult a brit again. when we are the only nation on this board to acheive a Sup Forums objective like Brexit.
meanwhile America will enter into a North American Union. allowing free movement between Canada and Mexico. their own version of the EU
its going to be great. after all the years of you mocking me. you will taste how it feels.
you will be knocked of you pedestal and i will take up the mantle.
oh this was a nice read regarding the Don. he get's all messed up watching fox:
You really corrected the record, shill!
She won't win. The Murifats just need to amass a thousand soldiers and a few fighter jets or tanks and surround wherever she's staying at to capture her for ransom. Beat her until she confesses everything and publicly broadcast it.
Call it a citizens arrest and put her on trial with a trustworthy judge. Obama can try and declare martial law but it won't work, even if as little as 20% of the military defects, it will backfire. Putin will probably also intervene because he doesn't want to get more sanctions put on his country.
Why would I care about this shitbox? I have bigger fish to fry.
Orange man gets confused by moving pictures on box. Ooga booga!
Slide thread is obvious. I can't wait until you CTR faggot go out of business when The Don wins on November.
>mfw another 9/11
your fall will be so amazing
CTR shill detected
Trump will probably lose tho
CTR shill detected
I agree to be completely honest family
>I genuinely care about Drumpf's success.
Cute. The only people who use this term are shills.
You are either a shill or a complete idiot.
If you want a candidate to win, you don't go posting defeatist shit in public, you go agitate and campaign for that candidate.
Christ, it's like you're an autistic mouthbreather with zero knowledge of politics.
>Looking to the kikestream media for factual numbers
The doc leaked revealed to the whole world that the kikes in hollywood are the biggest liberal shills on the planet.
When the fuck is anyone actually gonna attempt to solve the problem that is kike monopolies ruining our country?
>why would I care about this shitbox
>proceeds to post in said shitbox while claiming he has something more important to do
Is there a manager I can talk to?
You aren't very good at this.
>"Give up Britbongs, you're going to remain in the EU forever."
>"Haha Stupid bong, thinking he is going to leave."
>"Guys, think of the children! Vote remain!"
>"Ha look at the polls, Leave will never win!"
You only lose when you give up. Stand strong till the end.
I always trusted you, don't even dare to come back to this sinking ship, we can't secede due to our own regions being EU cocksuckers. Live free you beautiful bastards.
Good luck getting them to vote, assuming they're all the right age to vote.
I have no doubt that Sup Forums is full of underage shitposters.
What did my id mean by this?
>I genuinely care about Drumpf's success.
top laff
good bantz. trolling to make ctr look dumber than a sack of hammers.
>ISIS will tear you yanks a new asshole when you take in 600,000 refugees
Yeah certainly some ragheads will destroy the entire US military. Don't be retarded, they wouldn't even be able to put a dent in our armed populace if it really came down to it.
>and since Brexit happened
Nothing has happened though. You really think your corrupt leaders and the all mighty EU will let you leave? Yeah right.
>not CTR
>say "Drumpf"
pick one
>i genuinely care about Drumpf's success
you make it so obvious every time
He's going to win you concern troll.
Did you have a doubt Trump would lose?
Of course Hillary will win, elections are nothing but a marketing technique used by the media to get more viewers.
Hillary was chosen by the people in charge, voting will have no effect on that.
CTR shills detected
An unbiased source like B-Breitbart has him winning it all you shills
>$0.10 has been deposited to your accounts
>We're going to become the new Brazil.
That would be if Drumpft won. Just be happy your country isn't going down the shitter, shithead
>"look at me guys I'm a four chan too"
You have to go back.
Relax. During this cycle the last thing you want to do is trust the polls. Everything is rigged especially the polling data. 3 months to go until the GE and lots can happen to change the dynamic and trump is finally pulling his head out of his ass. For how long is another story.
fuck off kike shill you aren't fooling anybody
Relax buddy, it was a typo.
If you say Drumpf you are instantly outing your self as a CTR shill even Trump skeptics on Sup Forums wouldn't call him that it is only used by young liberal university cucks.
Read these:
Liberal media has always used the polls to discourage conservative voters. However thanks to social media, we can see that those numbers are way off. On Facebook, Trump has double the likes compared to Clinton. Trump YouTube livesteams bring in 60x the number of viewers, and the list goes on. And mind you, the internet as a whole has known to have a liberal bias, which leads us to believe that Trump will win in a landslide.
CTR shill detected
>We're going to become the new Brazil.
You are going to become Nuclear Desert as she tends to star WW3.
And so does we. Looks like we all should emigrate to Africa, no one gonna bomb that shithole.
>I genuinely care about Drumpf's success
Ultimate Kek
Thank you for correcting the record
you need to try harder ctr shill
Wtf are you niggers on about? I'm saying the polls are trash and don't mean shit. Trump is gonna win big league.
Yeah because Ron Paul totally got elected for president in 2008. And Bernie won the Democratic nomination in a landslide. They were super popular on the internet, after all.
That's exactly what CTR shills would say
You're not fooling anyone CTR shill
Let me explain why you are wrong: if anything you said made any sense (which it doesn't), what would the answer be? Just give up before the election?
Saged and hidden.
Hey, no need to hurt one's feelings
At least you'll be able to blame her for the inevitable economic crash!
Did you even read the articles?
On Reddit. Reddit isn't the entire internet.
Your leave from the EU was symbolic and nothing else. Anyway we all saw how the young and old voted. You're going to back to the EU and you are going to surrender your monetary sovereignty too and become a full Eurozone member.
No, they were popular everywhere. They consistently topped any polls they were featured in. Stop trying to make excuses. The internet is full of foreigners, underage, and lazy shits who won't vote. It's not a reliable metric.
The best way to get Trump to win isn't to lie to yourselves about the numbers. It's to get Trump to stop saying dumb shit and to focus all his attention on attacking Hillary. If the focus stays on Trump, he will lose.
by everywhere I mean everywhere on the internet obviously, and by polls I mean internet polls.
>wanting your white brothers to suffer because of a Mongolian finger painting forum vendetta
shiggy diggy
Hey guys, when trump loses promise me to get really angry. You wouldn't ruin christmas would you?
It's in the bag kid, Trump will schlong her like Huma on Saturday night
>I care about Drumpf's success
Not even subtle.
Mods should put this shit under filter.
Her next supreme court pick will, in effect, abolish the 2nd amendment. This will cause the second American civil war.
What do your eyes and ears tell you when you compare the support that trump gets vs hilldog?
Stop your concern shilling there is no need for it.
Defeatism in fact its the enemy its cowardly and vile, Remember that.
Brexit was at 18% in polls they did not give up and it happened.
Hofer was defeated in austria and they still will make it happen.
Hmm maybe you're the CTR shill you fucking juden swine I've been on Sup Forums for years
You are going to be really sad in November
It was an honest mistake
You don't want a powerthirsty maniac to take over. Trust me, I know.
>tfw based Austrian gives you hope
First Hitler, now this. Thank you, friend. I owe you two gifts.
What the fuck would you know about the support Trump gets? Dumb foreigner. I bet you think Sup Forums represents the general electorate.
You shills are absoultely pathetic. Saged
>Hillary is POTUS
>in our armed populace
>shilling on a sunday
Hope you get overtime