Don't believe their lies! We are actually winning!
Gateway Pundit: Social Media Patterns Show Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory
CTR will ignore this
>we are gonna win we swear! Never mind the fact fucking UTAH and fucking GEORGIA are now swing states!
Drumpflets will believe anything but reality
Quick reminder that Drumpf is an actual autist
no one cares what you think about our system
All these shills are the very reason I haven't been coming here as much. I have never seen shilling so intense before. I can't stand it.
>I can't stand it.
He's weak lmao
The best thing Breitbart ever did was dropping dead.
Who's we? You and your mental illness? Me thinks you inhaled a bit too much of that cleaning agent, Pavel.
i trust scott adams, faggots
>calls other people autistic
>Not spending all day on Sup Forums is weak
Lmao, you German know absolutely nothing about bravery. Even the swedes are braver than you.
Shilling in exchange for Clinton cash is illegal outside of USA.
>Mooooom, I'm supporting Trump, that's soooooo brave of me!
He's probably one of my countrymen on a proxy to be honest.
>thinks I'm a trump supporter
I'm a Canadian on a work visa, I can't even vote. I just like making fun of Germans.
>I'm a Canadian on a work visa
lmao he had to leave his third world hellhole shit country because he was starving
Nah, the time checks out. It's late evening in Germany right now.
It's totally gonna be a Trump landslide victory though.
Just like with Romney in 2008.
how many muzzies live in the fatherland again?
the problem with correct the record and the reason theyre getting absolutely smashed the fuck out is because they don't have any good memes or bantz. They aren't good at memes, they aren't good at bantz.
Witness and many others, already Sup Forums has come up with numerous hilarious and witty memes to combat CTR posters.
why? it should be obvious.
this is fucking Sup Forums, this is the home of the most intense and merciless bantz, the funniest memes. all CTR has is bogus mainstream media polls and >drumpf drumpf drumpf which is an unfunny attempt at a meme...created by mainstream media. I'd hate to be a CTR shill right now. I'd feel completely out of my depth because I would be.
ready for the Grill Master? He's one ovarian cyst away from the driver's seat.
Muzzies like first world countries. Which is why they're bending over backwards trying to evade Canada.
And apparently, so are you :^)
And please don't forget Trump's tiny, tiny hands.
You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:
According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.
>As do a third of women
Can't make this shit up lmao
An addendum for shills:
The problem isnt that you disagree. If you were honestly here talking about why you like hillary and engaging in honest discussion, you'd be treated a lot better.
The PROBLEM is that youre not doing that. You're shitposting for money. You're not disagreeing, youre not debating, a lot of you arent even going to vote for hillary. You're here SHITPOSTING for MONEY and it's totally repulsive to anyone with a shred of integrity, democrat OR republican
Hey CTR shill, you aware that you're making fun of someone else's heritage when you say that, right?
Make Trump's hands great again!
>I have never seen shilling so intense before. I can't stand it.
Why not? This is by far the best sign, the enemy is worried. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Ha, I remember 9/11 truthers spout that shit for years. Hasn't gone past the laughing phase for them either.
Tell me more about Scott Adams?
Romney was 2012 faggot
I guess I wouldn't call shitposting on the internet much of a fight either. :^)
>Romney was 2012 faggot
That's PRESIDENT Romney to you :^)
I work in marketing. The most exciting time to be in marketing was back when social media was ramping up. Suddenly we stopped worrying about digital marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and focused on boosting likes, watches and all that shit.
Precious little of it actually drove any business and we are now back to being measured on MQLs.
This may be news to the political junkies out there, but FB likes aren't a good indicator of anything that matters.
go on his twitter or blog
he talks about trump's persuasion and has rightly predicted a lot of trump's moves this election cycle and has also predicted a landslide win
Trump is going to fkn destroy her. They are shitting their pantaloons
There will be no debates. Bill wilk die or something else will happen and they will cancel them.
thank you for correcting the record
Hey Ahmend and Mohammad, go back to raping women in cologne while you still can. Trump's gonna do away with you lot.
Look who's talking :^)
>moooom, i'm supporting BREXIT, that's sooooooo brave of me!
>Trump Is Looking at a Landslide Victory
The butthurt from the cucks and coastal limo liberals will be mightier than ten thousand suns.
I've been posting this info to normies on my FB feed. Waiting for nibbles.
Sorry, I don't speak Asian :^)
>believing anything posted on cuckchan
>staying in this pissed pool
Kek, why don't you get machete'd in the middle of the street or something?
1 like = 1 vote
Shillary is finished!
Why don't you get 9/11'd or orlando'd in a gay club? :^)
>doesn't even realize they're partly responsible for everybody hating Hillary.
Why don't you go get shot by a "tanned german" at the mall ;^)
You're leaving out the crowd reactions, which is the cause of most of the pauses. Trump interacts with the crowd and that frightens CTR shills.
does germany have a building over five stories?
Why don't you get San Bernardino'd? :^)
Why don't you collectively destroy Western Europe and watch your mother get gang raped by five Muslims :^)
>watch your mother get gang raped by five Muslims :^)
Why don't you? :^)
European education
Triggered? :^)
Reminder: CTR instructs its freelance "employees" to use european flags via proxy in order to project an aura of legitimacy. Regressives are that retarded they think europeans are inherently wise and magical.
Thanks for bumping my thread :^)
the gateway who?
stop bitching and just call them kikes
It's my thread. Get the fuck out.
You missed a spot :^)
Go get brexti'ed
Go get Romney'd :^)
I want to believe, but I know better than to trust anything now
Whats the problem with breitbart ?
Go get Merkel'd :^)
It's not Correcting the Record!
The best thing your mother ever did was dropping her ass on my thick Muslim cock
>Whats the problem with breitbart ?
There isnt anymore, he's dead
wtf i hate aids now
Go get Columbine'd :^)
Yep, dead.
Just like the Native German :^)
Go get cucked by Eastern Europe like you're used to :^)
I don't think you know where you're posting man
You know who else is dead? :^)
I think as an American, getting cucked is more up your alley :^)
The only man to ever do something good ffor Germany?
At least our government doesn't fucking arrest people for having other opinions, enjoy your 1984 society ;^)
that pic is sweet as fuck
brings a fucking tear to my eye. like this one
Are you a "white American"? :^)
I bet the priest didn't need much convincing to let the little boy hold his...staff :^)
Are you a "tanned German" :^)
Are you? :^)
You know, I used to hate Russians for mass raping Germans during 1945. But at this point, if they did it again Germany might start looking a little white again :^)
Social Media aside this part seems like a legitimate issue
>It’s evident Hillary has a hard time filling a Union Hall while Trump regularly turns people away from his stadium and arena venues.
When sex is now and forevermore foreign to your experience, rape does appear rather appealing, doesn't it? :^)
Hillary supporters have jobs.
Trumplings are chronically unemployed and their mobility scooters are fully charged :^)
>rape sounds rather appealing
Nah, I'm not a Muslim. :^)
Are you 62% white? :^)
Well of course they're lying. If everything was fine they would be pretty calm. But they been out of control, non stop shilling. When that's happening, they're scared and desperate
Look at Trumps latest FB post and then look at Hillarys. Trump is loved and hillary is hated