Why are millennials not buying cars, not getting married, not buying houses, not going on vacation, not saving for retirement, mooching off parents, not having children, and still living with parents?
Why are millennials not buying cars, not getting married, not buying houses, not going on vacation...
Student loan debt
rolling on the river
Because the economy has been in a depression since 2003, people stop spending money they don't have.
>oy vey why isnt the newest crop of goyim taking loans out to buy cars and houses? how are we going to make money out of thin air now shlomo? it's anudda shoah
Fuck off.
We're all waiting for the Baby Boomers to retire or die.
Fuck off m8
Economy never recovered. We're still in a recession. All jobs available are shit tier minimum wage. There's no way to get a real job without paying 60k minimum in student loans. The real jobs you get have little to no progression so you're stuck at 40k a year forever.
Those jobs will be replaced by robots.
No jobs or positive future to look forward to.
Ayyyy lmao
Boomers are old and weak. 2ez.
feminism ruined everything
You need money to do all that shit, nigger.
How the fuck do you think kids these days are going to get money when it costs so much to live independently and no attainable jobs pay more than $9 an hour these days?
Here's how coming of age works these days.
>finish high school
>go to college and pay out the ass for it
>graduate and try to get a job in your field
>fail because there are too many people and not enough jobs
>move back home and become a NEET, or if your parents are baby boomer assholes, get kicked out, find roommates, and apply for shitty McJobs
>spend your weekends drinking and pretending to find work that wont make you want to kill yourself and also pays a living wage
That's about it.
deathclaw pussy aint worth shit... (im lying)
Public transit is pretty good,
----No Idea
Apartments are easier
Sup Forums is better
Only the idiots
Burden for my hedonistic lifestyle
this tbqh
I looked up my credit report this morning. After years of default (poor libtard poly sci major) you can imagine what it looks like. Even though I know have a decent job in as a programmer I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to start a life with 50k in debt.
I'm doing all of those things fuck off.
Because they are poor because of the monetary policy in every nation.
also baby boomers staying in jobs since their retirement went to shit, high paid jobs being replaced with low paid service jobs, low paid jobs being outsourced to 3rd world shit countries.
In short no money, no swag.
>muh millennials
Why is generation X so obsessed with the lives of other people?
alright I'll bite
Because I only make 35k a year. How am I supposed to buy a house before I am 30?
I don't spend my money, i don't have fun. I am grateful I have parents that care. At least I will have a house in my 30s (hopefully), I feel sorry for people that arent so lucky..
>buying cars
I own 2 cars
>getting married
I go on dates but don't plan on getting married. Not worth the hassle, don't want her getting fat and mooching off me
>go on vacation
I go skiing for 2 weeks over new years every year
>saving for retirement
have an index fund and a 401k
>mooching off parents
>having children
Definite nope
>living with parents
I own a house.
I know this is a bait thread, but do you actually believe that millennials fit that description? I'm 24, and most of my friends are in a similar position to me.
>not buying cars
cause they don't have money. buying a car early if you don't really need it is a stupid decision. It's a money sink (gas, insurance, repairs/maintenance, parking fees).
>not getting married
there is no incentive for women to get married if they can fuck around until they are 30.
>not buying houses
no money
>not going on vacation
most of them actually do, just cheap vacations or airbnb/couchsurfing
>not saving for retirement
they don't think that far.
>mooching/living of parents
not enough money from work/being student. they end up at home leeching. not because they want, but because they have too.
>not having children
because they dont want to put a kid in this "terrible world" and they want to fuck around as much as possible. if they have a kid their fun is over, they won't be on the dating market, they cant do whatever they want. What they wan't is to be teens until they are 35 and biology sets its dead line.
These cretins hold more power than us and will continue to do so until they're literally dead.
I am 25 and I live with moom and dad. They feed me in my mouth.
Because Obama's gotten them all back to work and gotten the middle class back on track, doncha know?
>no attainable jobs pay more than $9 an hour
Nice meme. It took some time to get my last job that paid 47k/year (about $23/hr). After about a year and a half, I got a call from one of our competitors offering 66k/yr to come work for them. This is incredibly common, too. Most big companies have recruiting departments where all they do is exactly that. Getting jobs is easy as shit, you are just a faggot with no skills.
Shits expensive to
My parents paid 200,000 for their house which is now worth 900,000
Cost of living was peanuts and get paid the mortgage off in no time.
200,000 would only get you a shack in a terrible area today. And banks willl rape you on the mortgage if you can even convince them to give you one.
Taking a woman on a date
putting any effort into getting laid when they are all whores.
is Soe transitioning?
What's your profession?
because democrats dont know how to run an economy
>He who dies with the most toys wins!
Basically some young people aren't playing the game of life, because their socialist push over parents are letting them mooch.
Because Obama is a job creator.
but i have a house, car, wife, job, retirement fund, and have scheduled time off months in advance to take a paid vacation for an entire month.
still not having children though.
After inflation income has remained constant or declined in the western world since 1999. However housing has increased 500% and cars 200% rent has increased between 150-300% depending on where you live.
this picture makes me both jealous and self conscious
>It took some time to get my last job that paid 47k/year (about $23/hr)
What job was that?
Professional internet liar?
We have 5% unemployment
You are welcome
Millennials, are you even trying?
Why does Sup Forums have an annoying obsession with how other people are living their lives? Stop worrying about millennials, betas, omegas, homosexuals, niggers and whoever else. It's getting pathetic.
So far I did not meet a girl that did not turn out insane or really dull.Im dating some tinder girls, its fun.
I had a lot of success with a startup I built when I was 19, bought a car but I sold it a year ago because I realise a car is stupid and real luxury is not wasting your time in traffic, I just pay an high rent to live downtown. I don't save for my retirement because I'm not a wageslave, I plan on selling my business early and live a simple but nice life (probably will sell for 4-5M).
I don't want to own a house because I like moving to much. Left my mother's house when I was 18, 23 now.
Millenials are just lazy in a good way, they are spoiled which maked hard working guys like me able to live comfy while getting my dick sucked by big corporation that would prefer to enslave me than buy my ventures
>Not buying cars
It's not worth getting a second McJob to pay for a car when I can use public transport for free.
>Not getting married
Modern western women are not marriage material. Even if they were, marriage is a fucking joke in the west right now, it doesn't benefit men in any way, shape, or form.
>Not saving for retirement
My McJob barely covers basic living expenses, and I can't get a "career" job because crusty old fucks hold every decent paying position in my field and they refuse to retire.
>Mooching off parents
I pay my parents the going rate in rent (they own the house I rent a room in), and I pay utilities, for food, internet, etc.
>Not having children
See above
>Still living with parents
Aside from the cost of living being practically beyond what the average McJob can afford without getting into debt, it's simple not economical to move out on your own if your parents are not pushing for it.
tl;dr, Boomers and Boomer children ruined/are ruining this country and there is no place for millennials to expand into.
>buying cars
they cost a ton. i have a bike.
>getting married
naw thanks
>buying houses
a house is either a extremely expensive or in a sandnigger area. i wont pay to live in sandnigger areas.
>not going on vacation
i do vacation
>not saving for retirement
my retirement is a shotgun in the mouth
>mooching of parents
what else are they for
>not having children
i would hardly be a good parent so why have kids
>still living with parents
i live alone
houses are fucking expensive
most millennials are working shit part time jobs, and living together for resource pooling purposes.
>not buying cars
I do
>not getting married
no one loves me
>not buying houses
saving up, CA is expesive
>not going on vacation
I like my life and don't feel that I need to vacation from it
>not saving for retirement
you got me there
>mooching off parents
I don't at all
>not having children
>still living with parents?
rent is much cheaper
You fuck off your thread is stupid because the answer is obvious
le roll
edit bczo spam
Why is a millennial making the same thread daily?
>a fucking fairy wand
fuck i even got the helicopter and shit damn
27 this year I stayed on in education as much as I could that didn't require any fee before deciding not to take out a loan and go to uni.
Landed out of college right when the 2008 recession hit spent 6 months looking for a job relevant to my qualifications before signing onto welfare to give to my parents since I was pretty much mooching off them.
Roughly 6 more months go by and not even a single interview decide to start applying everywhere 3 more months go by with no luck ranging from not even getting a reply to them saying I'm overqualified and that they were looking for permanent staff.
This point im just about to say fuck it all and become full blown neet when my uncle said there is a job going at the factory he worked at go there with him the following Monday no interview or anything straight into work 10 minutes after arriving.
Living frugally as fuck from that point a year or so later I moved out of my parents home and after a year of not being able to save anything I moved back in with them. Still live with them now managed to save £25k in the last 3 or 4 years which isn't bad for minimum wage but I have absolutely no hopes or aspirations I'm just floating through life 1 day at a time taking the path of least resistance without any proper direction since just about everything is out of my ability to manipulate.
Until globalism has either failed or collapsed I'm pretty certain I'm going to be stuck this way too.
no money
In Italy if you don't already have some money saved you can barely afford a shitty 2-rooms place and a shit-tieru sed car, thinking about buying a house and going on vacation is literally a dream
180 get
Low IQ betas and females getting into massive student debt to land a job filling out spreadsheets if they are lucky.
muh edumucashun!
>they have been thoroughly jewed
The elite in the education - kek - establishment is laughing all the way to a final salary pension and private schools for their kids
>not buying cars
Why would they? That's a terrible idea. When most car manufacturers are going the Uber route within sub 5 years.
>Not getting married
Another terrible idea. Alimony, look at B. Frasier.
>Not buying houses
Another terrible idea. Housing market crash(es) have repeatedly shown how quickly your shit gets wiped out if you have a mortgage. Which they would since they are Millennials.
>Not going on Vacation
To where exactly? Name a single place that is within the price range of someone who at the very top end of most millennials households (75k) could go that isn't full of mudslimes or people who want to kill you in general.
>Not saving for retirement
Basic income, robotics, singularity, etc. Pick a meme. That's why.
>Mooching off their parents
Because their parents are going to mooch off them for twenty to thirty years when they hit the geriatric phase.
>Not having children
Subjective, but most are responsible and don't have the means. Most heard about their grandparents parents running off because they had too many kids. Heard about how hard it was with their grandparents. And saw how hard it was with their own parents. Stay woke.
>Still living with parents
Until the 1930's this was an incredibly common thing to do in America, and it only stopped being common because there was an ever pressing capitalistic need for the real-estate market to keep growing.
I am literally older than 99% of Sup Forums, I was alive during the Carter administration and voted for his ass.
the age of maturation is being changed due to overpopulation and longer lifespans.
more competition makes success less likely.
1 id by this annon
bait thread
> Car
I own dad's hand-me-down Toyota
> Marriage
Awful idea to get married at a young age
> Not buying houses
Renting is better, if you've done the math and don't lie to yourself
> Not going on vacation
I visit my parents on the other side of the country 5 times a year
> Not saving for retirement
I save 60% of my income
> Mooching off parents
I save 60% of my income
> Not having children
Awful idea, unless you're lying to yourself
> Still living with parents
I visit my parents on the other side of the country 5 times a year
Soe is such a cutie, her eyes are just perfect. I want to impregnate her over and over again and make many blue-eyed children.
Because Gen X voted democrat.
"Why are millennials..." *assumption* *blathering conclusion* *old person fear*
Taxes are too high and wages are too low.
Trump 2016
Getting a job as a poly sci is piss easy. Don't you have a public sector to employ you?
We all seem to be trying to go to college and then getting white collar jobs.
I was doing it too but then I finally realized it was better to learn a trade so I became an Electrician and now I'm well on my way to getting married, and buying my own car and house.
The problem is that we were convinced as children that we should all go to college just as tuition prices were shooting up enormously.
Answer is: I M M I G R A N T S.
1. Apartment costs more than you can earn in 20 years
2. To buy you need a good job + cash
3. To get a good job you need to move to a city
4. To move you need to rent
5. Due to immigration rent is taking 50% of a salary
6. At the end of a month you have 0 savings
7. To buy house you need 10-20% in cash.
8. You spent it all on rent.
9. Work as a slave in every job possible
10. Have nothing, buy nothing, live like shit, always in fear you will loose a job.
If there was no immigration, houses would be cheaper, rent would be cheaper and we would not need to move to get better job to earn more. Blame IMMIGRANTS.
money ran out.
>It's not worth getting a second McJob to pay for a car when I can use public transport for free.
>public transport is free
Where the fuck do you live? I mean it's cheap here but it's not free.
Because the race war is about to start and work for a society that will collapse eventualy is retarded.
There's 3.
Omg just cum in my ass.
>not buying cars
In my city, there are 3 cars for 1 parking space, expensive fues, high taxes, dangerous roads / drivers / etc so it's not worth it.
>not getting married
Well, you can stay with the woman you love under the same roof without any paperwork, why not?
>not buying houses
I don't have any brothers or sisters (although I wish I had a sister...), so I inherited the home (with proper papers).
>not going on vacation
Don't care seeing Thailand, I can enjoy a weekend at a mountain resort, 2h travel with train, smell the fresh air and so on.
>not saving for retirement
I am saving for something, don't know if retirement or urgent expenses (illness, accidents etc)...
>mooching off parents
I love my parents (although I feel them trying to be on my own feet, but the job I have is just dumb, stupid, low-wage...
>not having children
Yes, it's a difficult decision to make, bring a child into this horrible world, for what? The air I'm breathing, the food I eat, the water I drink, the jobs available, 70-80% of all this is not suitable for a future generation.
Maybe in a paralel Universe, my child would thank me for not creating him.
I can't answer this. On normiebook, nearly all of the people that I'm friends with from highschool (25 now) are in a perpetual state of vacation and traveling. None of them have jobs, I've talked to people around town to figure it out. I'm talking exotic places, one week they're in cancun, next week in fiji, next week in iceland; and it's not just memeing around, they're going on hiking trips, scuba diving, drinking at these high end places.
Yet here I am working a 42 hour week, making $35 an hour (which is pretty good for where I live) and I can only manage to afford a vacation for 3 days out of the year.
How the fuck do they do it? They all have brand new vehicles that are rotting away at their houses. Their parents aren't particularly rich.
bonus red-pill: the majority are middle class white females.
expensive "fuel".
Unless you are a minority or a white woman getting a government job is actually fairly difficult here.
Millenial here, I rent a place 2 blocks from my job. I am saving up for a car. The thing is I can't stop buying guns. If I see a neat gun I will probably buy it. But my car fund is at 7k. Hoping to save up 14k and buy something.
Pic related latest purchase.
21 here, have a nice car and 120k saved up. Still living with parents but not for much longer.
That's nothing. I graduated with my PhD in mathematics at 19 and got 300k starting.
What I find funny about her ( and swiss in general) is how easy they "move with their boyfriends" to their homes.
This bitch has move to 3 houses on the past 2 or 3 years.
This must be cultural because in Hueland you only move or ler you gf move to your home when the two of you are certain to get married.
Maybe this bitch is just fucking her way out of having to pay the rent tho. Who knows?
They take our houses.
because the globalists and liberals and obama has fucked the nation, the USA is about to collapse in to economic chaos, stick a fork in it, this nation is done, its toast, ready to to collapse, trump is too little too late
"The society formed by the male with the female, where it goes beyond the mere conditions of mating, calls for the extension of the instinct of self−preservation, since the readiness to fight for one’s own ego has to be extended also to the mate. Almost always they are ready to protect and defend each other; so that here we find the first, though infinitely simple, manifestation of the spirit of sacrifice. As soon as this spirit extends beyond the narrow limits of the family, we have the conditions under which larger associations and finally even States can be formed.
"This mental attitude, which forces self−interest to recede into the background in favour of the common weal, is the first prerequisite for any kind of really human civilization. It is out of this spirit alone that great human achievements have sprung for which the original doers have scarcely ever received any recompense but which turns out to be the source of abundant benefit for their descendants. Every worker and every peasant, every inventor, state official, etc., who works without ever achieving fortune or prosperity for himself, is a representative of this sublime idea, even though he may never become conscious of the profound meaning of his own activity.
"The fundamental spirit out of which this kind of activity springs is the contradistinction of ‘Egotism’ and we call it ‘Idealism’. By this we mean to signify the willingness of the individual to make sacrifices for the community and his fellow−men. It is of the utmost importance to insist again and again that idealism is not merely a superfluous manifestation of sentiment but rather something which has been, is and always will be, a necessary precondition of human civilization.
"As soon as the spirit of egotism begins to prevail among a people then the bonds of the social order break and man, by seeking his own personal happiness, veritably tumbles out of heaven and falls into hell."
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Cost of living increased while wages dropped or stagnated.
You know this, OP.
>not buying cars
you have to wait 2 years to get a license and then pay over 300$ a month for mandatory insurance.
>want to get married
jews will somehow corrupt your wife and kids and make them turn against you , doesn't matter how good of a father you are
>want to buy a house
a small cuckshed costs over 1 milion dollars thanks to inflated housing prices
>not going on vacation
to where for what reason
>not saving for retirement
theres nothing to save
>mooching off parents
the only choice left
>not having children
I can barely take care of myself man give me a break