What is your honest opinion on my country?

What is your honest opinion on my country?

Gib moni pls
I report yuu


You spend all your money in big standiums

yuo are monkeys

I like the bunda but I'm scared there's AIDS in there, so I guess I'm sort of ambivalent.

There are some fucking stupid leftists who don't want to see brazil developed and getting rich. They are being used by merchant.

That is not an accurate statement, but it show to the world the spirit of Brasil.

We are not a serious country. No hope here, forever a fucking third world country.

'Brazil is the country of the future, and always will be.' - Charles de Gaulle

Holds up pretty well over time.

They try to hide people walking around barefoot in shanty towns.

A lot of aids and disease.

Your country is pathetic and the Olympics show that

Basically a third-world beaner hellhole, maybe a little better than Venezuela. You're one left-wing revolucion away from that.

homosex and violence


You let a woman run things now youregoing to suffer from the effecs oof mass immigration over the next few weeks and it'll make your peopples lives hell along with the disease, also the women are beautiful and the beachces are gorgeous.

Would like to visit some day.

Complete shit but still better than Venezuela

Some of the dumbest people on earth. How you can live in resource rich lands and still be poor shithole is beyond me. Also every Brazilian I've has just been irredeemably stupid.

You're only good models and athletes, world would be better off without you and your fellow fart-sniffers Jose


You need to rise up. Destroy corruption. Enforce the law. Pic related.

Aside, the wright airplane couldn't launch on it's own but could sustain flight. The brazilian guy could launch the plane but it could only fly for 250 feet or something. Technically the first airplane that could launch itself and susten flight was invented in New Zealand. Both of our countries are wrong.

great porn and bitches and beaches keep it up, i mean try to be better

Crook president pushed out by crook representatives

Nice beaches


Seems pretty awful to be honest. Lady boys, favelas, shit filled water sources, massive corruption.
> nice beaches

Isn't this the same water that boats are getting skid marks in?

I know the hue meme and I don't really ever think of you apart from that.

liveleak pro

you are lucky india is around


Good music. Everyone seems to have rhythm. Tough people who can handle shit that would emotionally destroy most Europeans. Also love the architecture, from all of Niemeyers stuff to the crazy skyline of Sao Paolo

Get a decade of solid governance and you'll make progress on the world stage. Seriously, you really should be top ten on all the good lists. literacy, GDP per capita, infrastructure.

thats a lie

politicians stole 80% of the money and the REST goes to big stadiuns

This guy is fucking based.
Lebanese Christian.
No Kebab in Brazil.
Good luck to you, I'm learning Portuguese.


Also this. Well done American bro for knowing history.

Richard Pearce beat both the Wrights and Dumas. Its just we can't be fucked trying to tell the world this because its all 'kitty hawk, wright bros, everyone knows that!'

I thought that was a bren gun but it is a japanese WW2 FUCKING MACHINEGUN!!!

>christ the redeemer

The best thing 1929 built ever.

Bolsonaro foi embolsado anão, a Conservadia consegui fornicar com o Felicianus e isso com certeza vai levar o partido inteiro junto.
Quem mandou confiarmos em pastoreco fulo que não consegue manter o cajado de moises na calça.
Qual o novo plano? monarquia?

Most violent filthy place in the world other then some asian and african countries. Would not visit in my life.

In theory it should be a tropical paradise full of thicc sluts and trannies, but somewhere along the way you went wrong and now it seems to be a hell on Earth.

corrupt as shit, north inhabited by homo huezilis, south pretty cool
a good politican could fix your country

In theory France should be a temperate paradise full of Gallic hotties, but somewhere along the way you went wrong and now it seems to be an islamic hell on Earth.

Sorry mate, I'd take Brazil any day. For the first time in history a tourist has more chance of being killed in France. And we all know thats not gonna change anytime soon.

It may be hell but we still got the thicc sluts and trannies.

only Bolsonaro can unfuck Brazil at this point

I do commend you on the success of your "black butts on white chicks" breeding program.


>a corrupt, nepotist, televangelist can do jack shit for this country

When I think of Brazil I think of ..

>Mixed martial arts
>Fat assed thicc juicy bitches
>Crime ridden shanty town

Literally who?