ITT: Sup Forums approved television shows.
>inb4 electric jew
ITT: Sup Forums approved television shows.
>inb4 electric jew
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How do you know New Kids? Are you Dutch/Flemish/German?
No, I just have an insatiable lust for happy hardcore
Zo ne grote Vuurbal, Jonge. BAM.
So eine große Feuerball , Young. BAM.
Who pays for cable these days when everything is on the internet without having to give money to jewish corporations?
D-did you just google translate that? I thought they speak dutch in belgium?
Of course I'd expect nothing less from a leaf
I'm surprised (((HBO))) let them get away with half the shit they did. All the focus on history and Tony's Roman ancestry really comes across as if Sup Forums had a hand in it's creation
HBO used to actually try in the past.
The Wire was also great. It was the first TV series to develop from episode to episode instead of each episode being a sort of clean slate. There is no show that comes close to The Wire in what it's achieved IMO. I really liked The Sopranos as well, because the characters are insane, there is a lot of subtlety in the way the plot unfolds, there's a lot of humour and it's shot amazingly.
agents of cia
The Cosby show
Both were shit shows that only fags watched
Love Sopranos and ROME, so i assume i will love the Wire, too?
da war godverdomme ne lieber hund junge
i'm sure there was a joke in there somewhere
No not necessarily
Shit bait.
Canadian on vacation?
Maybe h'es an HBO-Rival-Shill.
Game of Thrones
Orange Is the New Black
The list goes on...
The Wire is very lefty, but very good, and in some parts is very true. Except for the second season, which sucked, and which can be skipped without trouble. The school and media arcs are awesome.
>when you want to watch it on youtube but all the results are dubbed in German
>Except for the second season, which sucked
The 2nd season is the best one you fag
is Game of Thrones any good? I really hesitate to even give it a chance because I don't like magic and world of warcraft tier settings. but it's a huge hit, I've never heard anyone say they hate it outside of Sup Forums
The redpill show
It's good, some of the plots are shit but the others make up for it.
Starts going massively downhill after S3 though
Good fap material as always, Nip.
What about "the man in the High Castle" ? Heard of it recently
Great show. Just don't watch season 5 and especially not 6 unless you want to rage
>Orange is the new Black
Red Dwarf
Only Fools and Horses
Mr. Robot
Breaking Bad
Allo Allo
Dr Who
Falwty Towers
Black Addler
I would never skip a whole season if i start the series. Thanks tho.
Why is season 2 the best one?
>inb4 back to Sup Forums
First season is great. Then it gets worse and worse as the (((writers))) keep adding more and more of their shitty OC and starts injecting feminism and SJW shit and fucking with the white male characters.
Basically the books are better.
What about this show?
The second season is great. Everyone loves Frank Sabotka's rant about how America used to make shit.
>Mr. Robot
fuck off. its probably a govt psyop to deliberately misinform people interested in the capabilities of technology
two seconds into the first episode we're supposed to believe hard encryption doesn't exist and TOR can be compromised so easily?
that's what I keep hearing. I hate series that go to shit as they progress, it's so disappointing
Season 2 focuses primarily on the white working class of Baltimore ports, rather than the other seasons which focuses on various black drug dealing crews of Baltimore. That's one reason alone why most Sup Forums posters like it more than the others.
>tfw its better than Stay Night
>two seconds into the first episode we're supposed to believe hard encryption doesn't exist and TOR can be compromised so easily?
what the fuck are you talkign about?
fargo was god tier.
>mr. Robot
wtf bosniak, this is literally leftist/communist/anonymouse hacker shit
>wtf bosniak, this is literally leftist/communist/anonymouse hacker shit
it's literally the opposite of that
So I was talking up this right proper gash and she noticed my johnny was too big for her clunge, she had to call her gynecologist to confirm this would be healthy then she offered to have a three way with us! Fucking mental!
2D love is the purest.
everyone likes it more imo. it's just a good story. to be honest, I actually hated the second season at first because the silly white characters pissed me off. But then, the way everything develops and finally happens in the last 2 episodes is some of the best writing ever, to this day.
Beavis and Butthead
Feminist propaganda.
Thank you, Angloamerikaner.
Indeed, I fell for the trap anyways
This is literally the only pol approved television show.. All the other shows are run by the jew
The Sopranos
The Wire
The Shield
The Night Of
Battlestar Galactica
Black Sails
Deutschland 83
The Last Panthers
The Moaning of Life
The Office (UK)
The Night Manager
True Detective
Utopia (UK)
I could go on but most of you cucks would not manage to watch all these shows in a month. This is a years worth of material for some of you.
New kids is great
Movie/TV Characters who are literally you!
does anyone remember LOST?
The Leftovers? Especially season 1. Season 2 (((HBO))) puts woken in position of power and have a black family as main characters, typical subversive messaging they tend to do with shows that deviate from their original story line and left to (((writers))). The Leftovers I think has the motif of that how in a way we're all living in the abandon ruins of a dead civilization. This is a lot like Evola's message but very VERY simplified. Season 1 gives the sense of what's the point of living in a world when there's nothing to live for? Do we just settle with the fact that the world of the past has ended or do we carry on and start over? The modern way gives a cold and lonely reality. There is no kind of determinism that decides what happens next, because the past is the past - only our choices from herein out matter
No one mentioned OZ yet... You guys make me sick.
The US office is way more red pilled, and say funnier too
The Wire
Game of thrones
Mr. Robot is like controlled opposition red pill; it's proportional representation the show. one of the major characters is even a fucking tranny and it's like no one notices.
*women not woken...fuckin nigger phone
When you watch in on YouTube and all the results are dubbed in Flemish
it was actually pretty good
Electric Jew. Go read a book or study something productive. TV will only rot your brain unless you watch educational programming.
desu Oz was a disappointment. The first season was really good imo, then it progressively gets worse. By the end, the show becomes a soap opera centering around homosexual relationships. It's hard to say where to stop watching this show because it's still good for the 2nd and 3rd season. then something happens
Time for some movies.
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Taxi Driver
Aguirre, The Wrath of God
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Stand By Me
Das Boot
Full Metal Jacket
The Deer Hunter
Apocalypse Now
Dead Poets Society
There Will Be Blood
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Man on Fire
Lawrence of Arabia
Paths of Glory
Kingdom of Heaven
Point Break
The Corporation
They Live
Inside Job
Dr. Stangelove
Lord of War
The World at War
Gangsters of New York
The Wave
Again this is more than likely 3 months of movies for some of you.
The wire is fake and gay, Baltimore is not nearly that safe
>Dubbed in Flemish
neger alstublieft
Taxi Driver
The main character
>hates niggers
>has to deal with all the degeneracy of the world
Adebisi dies... Thats what happens. But still, it's a fantastic show from the first season to last. My favorite show.
what are you talking about?
Literally, show for the Soul.
Only true redpill show ITT.
what is it? Some unofficial European remake of Trailer bark boys?
Looks crappy, no release for the show by any euro scene group.
it was an internet hype here for awhile, then they deleted all the videos from youtube
it got really popular in Germany to the point that the original guys added bad German dubs to everything
the movie didn't really work as well because the original concept was just sketches and it got quite tedious for a feature length movie
Whiplash was a good movie, J.K Simmons was superb. However i fail to see how it is a "redpill" type of movie. It's a storu about guy who likes pay drums and get a really strict and demanding music teacher. It doesn't show sociecety in its true form or something
watch Housos if you want Australian trailer park boys
>Except for the second season, which sucked,
Top kek. I have to rewatch that sometime.
I don't own a talmud-vision.
>Black Sails
I like it. But why the fuck did they have to make the main guy gay all of a sudden?
Makes no sense and adds nothing.
Better enjoy it while you can, season 4 will be the last.
the second season was probably the best one. It shows decline of the working class. Since working class people outnumbers negro school age kids journalists I'd say it is the most relevant one.
Havent even seen season 3 yet
Are they cancelling it?
No it was the writers/creators decision to stop right after the fourth season. Cucked the network.
Still the best TV show of all time
Great show. Doesnt shove its views left or right.