do you think that the social criticism of the movie fight club has become outdated, or maybe more up-to-date today?
Do you think that the social criticism of the movie fight club has become outdated, or maybe more up-to-date today?
>white males beating themselves up
>social criticism
>shite club movie
wow so anti-capitalism
>chock full of advertising
wow anarchy
>wew lad u viyolated fite krub rule no. 5675643 subsection 546564
The movie was more anti materialism than anti capitalism
it's still relevant but people here love to hate on anything popular
Try actually watching it kraut. This movie has never been more relevant.
>tfw middle children of history, no purpose or place, no Great War, no Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.
>Plebian detected
Not our fault your pleb mind can't grasp concepts reserved for patricians.
In Tyler We Trust is moar significant than In god We Trust.
>tfw 12 year olds can't tell when the jew dresses up commercial garbage as rebellion
Shouldn't you be busy ordering more fight club soaps on amazon?
It's not outdated, if anything it's more up-to-date than it was back in 1999.
Real question is if anything like Fight Club could actually happen in a first world country.
Everyone please, if we hadn't taken away germany's balls in WW2 he'd understand. But they're too busy jumping at their own shadows, in case they might spontaneously usher in a Third Reich.
Too bad I'm not German but an immigrant from a country that got wrecked by war. Meanwhile your biggest struggle in life so far was lifting your fat carcass up to get another burger. Fuck off and watch some more Faux news and don't forget to order your Fight Club™ soap.
I like it.
This scene is particularly motivating to me.
Although I am not entirely sure I could tell you what I want to be even if I had a gun to my head.
>I'm not German but an immigrant from a country
pretty sexy bait, hanz
Checked, and try harder to think once.
>It's not outdated, if anything it's more up-to-date than it was back in 1999.
This. Watching it now is more relevant than ever.
Dont forget a significant if not the most significant part of the movie focuses on emasculation of men. Particularly Jack is shown as losing his masculinity (respresented as tyler) in the end
See Pretty much this.
Fight Club will always be relevant because it is a metaphor for Nietzsche's ideas about the overman and the Will to Power.
It's all about rejecting materialism and embracing your real nature as a man. Conflict is the root of all progress, only by embracing our Will to Power do we improve.
Like the movie says, it's "the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide".
One of my favourite movies, totally relevant for this cucked pussyfied feminized society of today.
>bitching about all our stuff and the social pressures surrounding possessions
Yeah, I'd say that's out of date. The levels of affluence we had in 1999 are gone. Nobody gives a shit about what stuff you have now because nobody can afford any stuff.
what part?
the figth club?
project mayham?
cause figth clubs already exist
If we had real literature courses and not neutered and Marxist Humanities mess, you would know that what makes literature great is its relevance to truly unkillable themes.
The social criticism was meant ironically as satire of western masculinity
Chuck Palahniuk is gay and also a radical feminist
stop shitposting
>but an immigrant from a country that got wrecked by war.
So you're a rapefugee?
Some ideas are so powerful that even if the intent was to satirise they still resonate, because they speak to some fundamental truth.
Like Starship Troopers for example.
It was intended as satire of the source material but the ideas are so powerful that they are hard to make fun of.
Sup Forums is the closest thing to a real-world Project Mayhem.
they did get their NEET bux, tho
btw, ISIS = Fight Club
Bin Laden = Tyler al-Durdeni
>an immigrant from a country that got wrecked by war
A war started and continued, on both sides, by people who look and think like you. Go home, you shitty immigrant, you have no place in western countries and no claim to our prosperity.
is this what a real man looks like?
I think some time ago that kind of critic was popping everywhere, a lot of documentaries in the internet and so on. But today the critic (very appropriated in my opinion) disappear. Why? I do not know.
Today the average guy deffends our society the way it is. Lot of Trumps and Bolsonaros in every country.
The worse kind of slave is that who believes he is free.
>do you think that the social criticism of the movie fight club has become outdated, or maybe more up-to-date today?
Horribly outdated.
You really think you're going to 'reset' everyone's credit by blowing up some buildings with computer records in it?
All that shit's in the Cloud, yo.
i never understood that scene because Brad Pitt is the one saying that. he looked better than the models
>telling someone a fact is shitposting
Sorry if I'm breaking news to you, but here is a picture of him
Read some of his other work, he's been explorinng the same set of themes, including the fragility of western masculine identity, for a few decades now
hes probably talking about project mayhem the reason it couldnt happen is because the people would get shut down instantly by the police and tried as domestic terrorists.
I was actually thinking of any popular anti materialism movement not anything specific to the movie.
I dont think you know what a could or a social criticism is
the point was a man waxing and putting on makeup like a female. no calluses. nothing manly about him. thats why he wasnt a man.
a generation of men raised by women
Why is a movie that takes place in the decadent aimless consumer culture of the late 1990's outdated? It's literally a response to its era and needs to be observed as such.
Tyler is the ubermensch whereas Jack is the cucked materialist gay.
The movie is very fascist after a second go through. They are basically brown shirts.
Intended, I believe.
The scene where he's talking about being raised to believe they'd be rock stars or movie gods has the camera bounce between Leto and Pitt.
Same thing.
Why fascist?
To me the movie is pure hatred of our way of life.
But one of the most apparent themes was the destructive relationship between the narrator and the fictitious persona he created to capture his idea of masculinity and how pursuing it is steadily destroying his body and gradually losing his sense of self in the process
Project mayhem is a critique about how people who lack control in their lives adopt identities which give them strict heirarchies and purposes. These men think that they are becoming "free", free from the "materialistic, corporate, slave" society, but in reality are just submitting to a new heirarchical structure, albeit one which on the outside claims them to be equals (the removal of the rule-teller from the center), yet simultaneously evolving into space monkeys and becoming subservient to Tyler and the structure of the paper street soap company.
bullshit feminist/marxist term for idiots
Project chaos is fascist.
Destroying the credit card server is not the same as destroying the banks in Mr Robot. In that show they are destroying our way of life. In Fight Club, they are attacking consumerism, cucking of males, and cucking of 99% of workers.
you know, the whole thing where people giving up their individual differences and united under a goal makes them strong (project mayhem)
Did you just unironically try and use the definition of toxic masculinity?
Its the most relevant film of the last 40 years imo. I wish it would really happen.
why don't you people read the book?
[spoiler]i liked the movie more[/spoiler]
I did because as I mentioned before
Chuck Palahniuk is a hardcore feminist and writes about topics like toxic masculinity
he presented you with a point of view of author desu
Why don't you read the sequel? Checkmate
kek but pitt was playing his imagionation and he imaginated him as perfect human and how he wanted to look so ofc he had that body.
>being this retarded and totaly miss point
Why don't you read Nietzsche faggots?
3D Chess Checkmated
He wrote about this shit a century ago.
The movie literally revolves around his ideas
>chock full of advertising
every scene had a cup of star bucks in it
he's kinda right
>I see all this potential and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables, slaves with white collars, advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of the history man, no purpose or place, we have no Great war, no Great depression, our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives, we've been all raised by television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars, but we won't and we're slowly learning that fact. and we're very very pissed off
this has way more to do with this generation then gen X
nihilism is the true red pill
Thanks for being a reasonable user
reminds me of the car scene where tyler is about to crash unto a truck, he asks the monkeys in the back what they want to do and qucikly give an answer while the narrator can't think of anything, he just couldn't slide, that which didn't really matter
You sure about shill? The horses mouth itself seems to believe that emasculation is bad for both genders
which is that supposed to be?
because we were talking about fight club not nietzsche
Because the sequel is
1) Shit.
2) Expensive to read.
The comic format is okay and whatever, but each part is too expensive. Also haven't finished it, but I noped out when Chuck wrote himself in and wasted an entire chapter being a meta masturbatory wank. The story seemed so lost and incoherent by #9.
I dunno they made a sequel last but it was a comic book, I haven't checked it out yet
It's outdated because it's pre-9/11
Everything changed after 9/11.
The author of Fight Club said that it was because people had found someone to hate more than themselves.
>comic book
i'll pass, from Palahniuk i enjoyed Lullaby tough, maybe even more than fight club
>fight club
I'm glad someone else caught this. I smile every time I watch that scene
Most of the concepts in it are probably more relevant now than they were.
>social emasculation/feminization of the US
>desire to start society back to square one
>critiques on consumerism (ironically loaded to the gills with ads)
>men lost and directionless in society
All they really need to update the film is social media and SJW/feminazis
I've never seen an author so abusive of the ctrl+c ctrl+v function of word processing programs.
He recently came out as gay, he's been battling with his own psyche if anything
Fight Club is fun as a lark, but kinda silly. For some top tier relevant social criticism, Network is where it's at.
Satire of what though.
Look at the casting.
Most subversive film maker of his generation.
Showgirls is a masterpiece.
It is not anti-capitalism.
It is more anti-materialism and anti-establishment.
By the way the movie has a huge white supremacist/fascist tone, it is the rebellion of the low and middle/upper-middle class white men tired of censoring their masculinity to satisfy weaker than them.
It is still an edgy fiction about a schizophrenic dude but it resonnate a lot about how western men today are castrated.
>Chuck Palahniuk is a hardcore feminist and writes about topics like toxic masculinity
Huh ? Do you have examples to back that ?
Never heard about this, he constantly triggers the feminist whales like he did when he pointed the lack of production for men in the book industry since 20 years.
He is gay though but not all of them are liberals.
Palahniuk is pretty much post-modernist in his fictions but that is the most you can say about his political views.
Agree, feminists hate him.
No idea why user was saying otherwise.
Because that stupid shill was trying to convince us that chuck writes about toxic masculinity. Just ignore him he got his ¢3
>Narrator: Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. Being there, pressed against his tits, ready to cry. This was my vacation... and she ruined *everything*.
I don't know what you're implying but he's actually gay, it's almost as if you could google my claims
>implying I'm implying
Are you queer yourself user, by chance?
anyway in the book he plays with the facts and conventions rather than is pointing to the solution
Arnon Milchan film?
I thought Sup Forums was supposed to appear informed.
Even (((wikipedia))) doesn't hide this:
>Arnon Milchan (Hebrew: ארנון מילצ'ן; December 6, 1944) is an Israeli businessman who has produced over 130 full-length motion pictures.[2] Milchan, a multi-billionaire and owner of New Regency Films, was also a former key Israeli intelligence operative from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s.[3][4]
Don't be dumb goyim.
>I'm not German
>From a country that got wrecked by war
Hellloooo, syrian shitskin!
Enjoying your free accommodations and welfare?
what in the sweet mother of fuck
>the rebellion of the low and middle/upper-middle class white men tired of censoring their masculinity to satisfy weaker than them.
sounds breddy communist to me.
Ironically enough, this movie is the all time favorite of my jew friend and inspired him to study to be a film director.
Jews are natural subversives.
>You really think you're going to 'reset' everyone's credit by blowing up some buildings with computer records in it?
Yes, the password was 1234 and they forgot to backup data.