Exmuslim here, ask me anything

Exmuslim here, ask me anything.

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what religion are you now?

no religion desu.

Why were you a Muslim, what changed for you, what's the biggest turn off in regards to your former religion, does your social environment know, how did they react, are you an Antisemite and/or racist?

Have you had bacon yet? Beer, wine, whiskey?

>Why were you a Muslim

i was born one, everyone else was and i was told i am to and fed all the bs about got and had to read qura'an

>what changed for you

liberated, feels good to be redpilled

>what's the biggest turn off in regards to your former religion


>does your social environment know

only the ones i deem cool enough to tell, i don't want to die or get beaten by some extremist or have to debate someone who doesn't have arguments but expects you to be persuaded by bs so you hurt them by telling them the truth

>are you an Antisemite and/or racist

none really, if i could live "freely" with the law being fair, idc how everyone else conducts their life, i bring the law, because here you go to prison for kissing a girl in public for more than 2 months with rapists and murderers

>Have you had bacon yet? Beer, wine, whiskey?

sadly no, i want to travel and experience those things, but our economy is shit

>because here you go to prison for kissing a girl in public for more than 2 months with rapists and murderers

wtf so if tourists go there do they get punished as well? or are there like zones where they dont care?

And why would I want them?

Have you considered applying for asylum in Germany? It probably won't pass, I'm not sure if.. Tunisia? is designated as a safe state but if you're in real danger because you're an apostate..

Touristic zones aren't monitored for that behavior

They work for the mercenary - the masked man.

Thought about it and probably will when i finish college, but merkel is bringing millions of refugees that's scary

damn I guess that's why people who go there still don't see what is really going on. thanks

not only that but here, tourists are deemed superior than the citizens, you got robbed gtfo, but i'm french german swiss etc yes sir please have a seat we will use everyone to find your stuff

As redpilled Christian, have you ever considered Christ? Not Christianity, but Christ

No and most likely won't

Are you against Islam in particular or religions as a whole?

Do you think that Islam is less healthy than for instance Christianity?

Have you heard of the Muslims having dreams of meeting Christ?

Don't y0u fear death? Fucking muslims hate converts to death, they will try to behead you.
I think they hate converts more than infidels-

I'm against religions as a whole and fuck theists
Christianity is definitely healthier than Islam but i'm judging by people here since i don't know the bible, but i know qura'an very well

Where you no good at flying planes?

i don't think so, i heard some dream of meeting the angel "Jibreel" idk how you type it in english

They do actually, but i don't announce publically but they wouldn't "behead me" some won't give a shit some will try to persuade me ( aka preaching ) some with resort to violence only terrorists would behead me


How common do you think it is for moderate muslims to sympathize with radical/extremist ones?


Tell me how did you come out of this terrible religion? And how can i convince others to do the same?


This video talks a little about it. I have a missionary friend in Africa, 99% Muslim area. He has met many who have began to follow Christ. He offers real hope for many. Glad to have spoken with you user

be safe man. I would be in a permanent state of shitting my pants if i lived among muslims. How do you deal with the fact that most muslims are on the edge of a murder rampage?

Anyway, I sympathize with you my dude. I haven't told anyone yet. There's probably a lot more people like us than it looks like. I'm just pretending to be a good muslim for now.

very common except when it affects other muslims including france because it has many muslims, they liked 9/11 and many cried when saddam was killed i remember being shocked when people where crying outside, their logic is because USA and Israel fucked up Iraq and Palestine and everyone of them literally everyone believes that it's all an american conspiracy to bring down the Arabs who had such a long history of inventions and literature and culture

You don't know how much i tried and failed.

my advice is don't bother because nobody convinced me, i got the internet when i was 11 and by the age of 16 i started becoming an atheist now i'm 22

Would you say that it is common for people to consider ISIS cause as just?

Is their dislike mostly directed as the US or the west in general?

how exactly do you live in Tunisia as an ex Muslim. wont you get fucked up by the gummint?

I can't, i'm constantly depressed to the point where i fantasize about killing myself.

I pretend as well with people idk, i even joke to myself by saying muslim catchphrases such as " incha'allah " etc


What does the one in arabic say?

It's the same as the English language below it, he does his videos in English and Arabic.

No they hate ISIS because many attacks here are caused by ISIL which is linked to ISIS, but most members of ISIS are tunisians see pic related

Mostly the US, most people here love Europe heck i have like 10 family members in France.

no questions here, just a reminder of what you surely know:

dont tell too many people, it could backfire years later. stay save.

good luck.

Thanks man, i try my best to not interact with other muslims, but i need to socialize so i do it with friends but it just makes me feel very mad when they are being sexist and homophobic and they think that's a normal thing, so you have to laugh along

Why can't we just take all the people like you in and the christians and say no to "islam"and muslims for obvious reasons..the world would be so much better..

Same reason you take in all the rapefugees instead of the actual hardworking none-raping ones;it's impossible to nitpick here.

Sounds like a plan but Sup Forums hates all arabs and niggers because they think white is superior in every way and i, as an individual will never be on the same level as an aryan

Atheist ? Agnostic ?

GTFO kaffir
hope you're hanged soon
>inb4 religion of peace
we're not a religion of peace we're a religion of peace AND war


how many suicide bombings did you do?

Your question should go to

Lmao this nigger
Stay dumb my friend.

you fucking disgusting shit. gtfo.


How you doing today?

the bellcurves intersect
sowell was a better person than a lot of white treasonous shitlibs
idk where you fit monkey
you found this place
but can't into bellcurves

How do you do it brah, closet ex muslim here, how does one come out and live with it?

Have you lost friends and has it affected relationships with family?

>Stay dumb
I'm sure you're enlightened now Mr. Fedora
are you too cool for school user ?

Do consider this OP

Every living living creature is an incarnation of existence.

It may not be a bad idea for you to check out zen buddhism or taoism.

Also buy silver as much you can.

A FUCKING ROACH calling me disgusting

you mean murtadd

arabs are the disgusting race. sorry shit. this is the truth.


whenever I see a arab in streets, you guy's skin disgust me. at least secular turks looks decent.

well I think he is kurd or arab.

you know all arabs watching our tv shows. egypt is literally wannabe turkey.

>le fedora meme
Kill yourself my dude. How does it feel being this fucking stupid?
Wew laddie, you know about that? Especially women are crazy about that shit.

Yes but i don't care because if they are stupid enough to cut me off over religion it's their loss and i'd be better anyways

What flag is that?

you aint very good at war lol

I mean..i'm blond blue eyed etc and the only thing i hate is islam.
everything else we can speak about.
I know guys like you from here ..atheistic tunisians,as an example one is a hiphop dj and the other one works at porsche. I was in amsterdam on my birthday with the porsche guy chemsedin*? and we did everything there..
we smoked weed together did coke had bitches drank alcohol etc in our youth and we never had a stupid problem about anything..
also../pol is many... Doesn't change the fact that without a religion like islam living together is not a problem..
We are all little racists..since i was young everyone knew the stories about "die stange" a place in the city where the groups of drunk tunisians,brits who were in their military bases over the week,germans, turks and polish groups came together to kick each others asses :D but over the week everyone had something to do with everyone..
it was not about allah or whatever just men and testosterone..
What I'm trying to say is..if you are a good guy who just does the same mistakes as everyone else we are the last who would act as stupid as muslims..
Nationalism is not Supremacism..

Yea we only had a 900 year empire that spanned 3 continents

Tunisia desu.

Thanks user

You know what's wirde than a mudslim shitskin ? An atheist shitskin
Also pay jizya

Get complete independence from anyone who you think might shun you, make different friends and live your own life if your own people won't accept you.

and then got raped by austria poland and hungary..europes suburbs..we know the story...islam is not on our level and everyone knows it

historical drama's not that bad. but I still don't watch. pic related.

Bad decision.

Is there anyways in which I can convince you to convert back?

turks are arab tho

If you can be my guest.

>turks are arab tho

When is your execution due?

>it's impossible to nitpick here
Hardly. It would, however, be political suicide to even suggest such a thing in Sweden or similar countries.

I knew you guys were like animal. you proved it again. go read some history shitface.

How does it feel knowing that you will burn in hellfire for all eternity you fucking murta'd?

Why'd you leave?

I am very sure that you didn't stay a Muslim because there were not enough "evidences" that proved to you that Islam is the right way.
you see,if everything was as clear as crystal then that would make things too easy for us humans.
Why shouldn't they be too easy? that is because Allah is fair equally to all of his creations because ; it wasn't just us who got offered our current physical form and free will. The mountains,the sky and several others of Allah's creations refused because they were too afraid that this would doom them instead of bring them as high as the angels,us humans accepted the offer,however. Had things been too easy,god's other creations would see this as unfair as they could've accepted the offer and became as blessed as the angels. and from what almost all Muslims know,Allah isnot an unfair person.

Wrong, i didn't stay a muslim because some parts of the qura'an is false and god is a perfect being and making a mistake makes him flawed aka a normal human

So did the Mongols, where are they now?

>The mountains,the sky and several others of Allah's creations.
how can you be sure that thing is ''allah'' but not ''zeus'' or another god.

yes, you were great once. but dont you guys sometimes talk about what went wrong?

some do and the reason is obvious: islam is completely unable to adapt to the modern world because the prophet forbade to change anything. islam is a bizarre phase-out model, its political core (a relentless fascism) just doesnt work anymore in a globalized, connected world. and its suffocating rules about each and every aspect of everyday life will keep muslims from achieving greatness ever again, forever.

the only question is: how many people will have to die horribly until muslims begin to reject their false prophet, whose opportunism and brutal infantility can be felt throughout the holy texts? i read a lot of those text and i just DONT GET IT. did noone in muhammads vicinity notice that this guy was inventing shit to grant himself everything he wanted?

dont anyone notice today??

That ended somewhere around the time Christianity stopped be intransigent, perhaps you should take a hint 500 years later?

In his early life people was treating him like he was crazy, in 10 years only the very poor and his first inner circle believed him.

There is a lot of scripture of people making fun of him at that time, its only when he got a military advantage that things changed

yeah i guess - fear on the one hand and the prospect of quick wealth on the other hand.

Im euphoric because im chock a block full of codeine.

>5 Mins after thread archive
>user stoned and burnt alive in the streets of Tunis

kek, hope not

Seriously though, how is life in there?

did the jews do 9/11

Do you believe black magic exist?


the only reason the government did not find who did it, is because the government did it, duhh
