OH BOY pastor Anderson FINALLY name the NEET. He also talk japan, video games and anime. Yes he literally says the word ''NEET''and ''anime'' during the sermon. He laugh at you during the entire time.

maybe you dirty good for nothing sinners should listen to the man instead of masturbating to cartoons for once.

You should listen to the whole sermon but,

41:40 - He shames people with anime girlfriends
58:42 - He names the eternal NEET

Other urls found in this thread:

Neat. My waifu and I will give it a watch.

bump. Come here and learn something for once

Stupid leafposter

Can you explain to me why NEETS prefer the damp existence of living vicariously through anime characters instead of actually striving to become cool themselves? Why do NEETS avoid hard work and discomfort like the plague and ignore how much improvement needs to be done to them for them to become self-actualized individuals? Don't they at least have it buried somewhere in their psyche that taking full control of their life will be worth the struggle?

Why have waifus and jerk off to tentacle rape when you can get fit and dominate an actually beautiful real Jap girl? If you command respect by virtue of your self-development then you can convince girls to do anything you want to them - you could even find a jap girl to dress like a schoolgirl and violate her in all the perverse ways you wish you could if you took the hard route of becoming self-determined. I don't get it. It's like smoking crack every day to feel good instead of developing a group of friends and traveling the world together. What a waste of an existence.


>have a fucking pixel girlfriend
>calls other cucks

you cant make this up

I can't explain jack, buster. I suggest you find a NEET forum or something and ask them.

Pastor Anderson rocks

Isn't this the guy with the based video explaining that "Left Behind" is totally un-Biblical and that the whole point of the Tribulation is that Christians suffer in it?

If you have a problem with people being NEETs and loving anime with their waifus, maybe you should be posting on a site more appropriate for you like facebook or reddit?

kiss my toes cuck


They found out

He looks like a jew.

>implying Sup Forums isn't a Cantonese NEET forum

gtfo nigger

>some brainwashed christcuck

Am I supposed to care?

There's a new breed of comedian men who know it's all a fucking joke. I personally want to work and have nice things to retire into, find a wife, etc. I know it's hard but I'll do it.

I can understand how some people look around and just say "fuck this," and choose to selfishly anesthetize themselves. Most everyone in the world is out to get you, get something from you, use you, hurt you in some way, I think it's a natural reaction to look outside, see the lions and vultures, and then choose to stay inside, jack off, and watch anime instead.

Bear in mind the world is so shitty to a great many people that they honestly say "I didn't ask to be born," and it's a legitimate comment from them.

For some reason Sup Forums is infested with newfags, normalfags, and redditors who don't understand that Sup Forums is an anime+politics board on an anime website.

Make me, ditch pig.

>"We're all people"
>"Humans are humans"

It's ok to like anime. It's not ok to be a shut-in NEET who masturbates to anime all day long and accomplish nothing

>watches Re:Zero
>thinking his shit opinions matter

Neets are subhuman, but why should anyone care what a christcuck preacher thinks?


That man is nothing more than a bully! I will not have him tell me my love is anything other than pure.

user, the time you have with your waifu is too precious to watch this type of filth. She deserves something better than that and perhaps a good dinner tonight to complement it! Prepared by you of course.

Compares to being a stupid brainwashed pastor who is a slave to ancient sandnigger writings and goes around brainwashing others and spreading myths and superstition?

Don't get mad, user, I'm only expressing my own ignorance as to the wise and noble ways of the basement dweller. I come not to condemn, but to seek enlightenment from the masters of wasting life. Please teach me about the path of the NEET so I may be taught a lesson in humility by those who've conquered and subdued their waifus.

So, what's this guy's real job?

Where do you think you are?


the link is down. what was the name of ther sermon

On the same weeb site I've been on for nearly a decade. I love anime and all that happy horseshit, but neets disgust me. You don't get a pass on living as a government leech just for liking Jap shit.

Society has never regressed this far in so short a time

It needs to collapse before existence is worthwhile again

its ok.

it's this sunday's sermon

Go away, shrimp dick. I hope a father of one of the girls you molest blows you away.

The thing is, why would anyone care what anyone thinks?

The world just looks so shitty sometimes. You can't really fault neets for choosing to drop out, that's what their shitty hippy boomer parents all did, now millennials are shit on for doing the same thing.

I think millennial depression stems from the way they were bred to "drop out" just like mom and dad, but they recognize cultural Marxism and globalism and that there will be no neo 80s where money falls from the sky to line the pockets of every barely reformed hippy with a factory job.

Get a load of this newcuck

>Baiting the bait this hard

I know a people like this, but they can never answer my questions about what influences them to do this to my satisfaction. It usually comes down to making some laughable concession that they're "just lazy" and "don't give a shit", then I hear them complain about how much life sucks. Go figure.

I don't agree that being a submissive bitch is the natural response to danger and distress - many people are instead inclined to face threats head-on. Gives them a thrill.

Sup Forums has deviated from the anime scene in a really big way. Few Sup Forumsfags are openly NEET or post about anime at this point.

>I'm an inexcusably pathetic faggot
>you've pointed that out
>I'll just be defiant so it seems like I am in control of my life

I agree.

>The thing is, why would anyone care what anyone thinks?
People seek consensus in order to validate their reality. If you did not care about people living in your realty then that breaks the need for consensus. That leads a person down the road to living alone innawoods, or just gaining a waifu.

>Can you explain to me why NEETS prefer the damp existence of living vicariously through anime characters instead of actually striving to become cool themselves?

Shit parenting, being a bubble child, bullied at school etc. made them insecure.Until recently all they could do was either become part of society or hang themselves, now they can waste taxpayers/parents money on jerking off to anime in their room

Aren't priests basically just NEETs? What valuable services do they provide? They just talk shit and molest children. It's not like they would repair your toilet or repair your car.

Worlds oldest hucksters and schemers

everything is better than being a neet

Why are you so salty just because I can't tell you what goes on in the minds of NEETs? Do you want me to just make something up?

This Pastor needs to get with the times and see the light.

Wageslavery is far worse

lmao at all the triggered NEETs in this thread.

anime is degenerate.

They save you and help you through your life. Much more valuable than repairing a toilet. Maybe if you listened you would have a birth rate over 1,3 and wouldnt be forced to import migrants non-stop to make up for your godless lifestyle

Fucking protescuck

Because we watched our parents try the hard work and nuclear family bullshit and end up miserable and working a 9-5 perpetually and saw our friends get cheated on and taken advantage of and retreated into escapism and other dumb shit to get away from how shit reality is

> he "raff" at you during entire time

How many Chinese/Koreans now live in Canada?

I hope you mean the actual definition of wageslavery and not the meme definition that any work of any kind is wageslavery.


I don't think it's so much "danger" as it is futility. I mean there's no real "challenge" to making it, unless you count losing everything at age 30 when you're replaced at your stem job by some Indian fellow, and then left by your woman for some tanned immigrant.

I feel like that's the "challenge" most young people see, putting themselves out there and risking 90% failure in a world that wants to literally eat you, and it's not something you don't face because you're a coward, it's something you don't face because it's a fucking retarded game to play. To them, at least.

I understand there's no joy for some in taking the "safe" options, no risk, no rewards, right?

However it's like if I "challenged" you to go to the park and cut down a tree with a spoon, if you succeed your rent is paid for this month. It's fucking futile, you're going to break your spoon, people will humiliate you for trying, then you get arrested for trying it anyways and not only is the rent not paid but I'm kicking you out for getting arrested doing the thing I challenged you to do. That's the closest analogy I can equate to making it as a man today.

So neets think, "I can try to cut the tree down, or enjoy ramen and video games," it's no wonder they dgaf.

>He who is without sin cast the first stone!
>. . . Pass the collection plates around one more time.
>Quantum hypocrisy

Literally who?

>Why are you so salty just because I can't tell you what goes on in the minds of NEETs?

Yeah, my response was to this
>Make me, ditch pig.

Not your failure to explain anything. Eat my dick you fat lard.

>Pastor Anderson
Literally WHO?

And let me tell you something. You know what's worse than NEETs? People complaining about NEETs.
Of all the fucking people in this world to complain about, this stupid faggot chose the most harmless and pointless group.

There are still a small but obnoxiously loud minority that spams anime though. The general consensus I get is that most people find it really fucking annoying. It's why they have to create so many new trump generals because the thread fills up with images of the "awoo" freak and no real discussion

I'm looking forward to the next video of this guy getting his ass handed to him by police. Hopefully he'll get shot.

Jesus look at all these beta cucks triggered over this, this is beautiful. Anime is degerate as fuck

Most jobs today won't support an independent life, and they absolutely wont support the raising of a family without EBT or other programs

Okay, homo bitch. I can tell you're special.

>tfw christian and love 2D girls

>help you through life

Yeah right. What has a priest ever told you that actually helped? Remind you that rape is bad or how you shouldn't kick grandma in the teeth. All priests preach are platitudes to partially lobotomized farmers who need skydaddy to tell them stealing is bad.

Better pay donor some money to his child diddling fond or you go to hell.

>yes lets blame the NEETS instead of the jews who are responsible for it and all of the world's ills
Meanwhile, they still don't get why not only will we never BE cuckstains, but why we're going to systematicaly eradicate all cuckstains when the shit goes down.
You drew your lines, now you will lie dead within them.

>complaining about anime on an anime website

>There are still a small but obnoxiously loud minority that spams anime though

Same with /k/ and the furries.

This much I agree with. Anime is degenerate, and AWOO posters are going to yiff in Hell. Not a NEET, literally just got home from work thirty minutes ago and have been a taxpayer my whole life, but that's also why I don't much care for pastors. They're basically NEETs, themselves, but more successful and uninhibited when speaking in public. The crippling social anxiety is all that separates basement dwellers from Bible thumpers. It's gross, really.

t. Alienated Christian

>the political board of what started as mostly an anime website a long ass time ago that now has boards for all different things

>implying the jews would have power over you or your country if you listened to the bible

- no usury
- no degeneracy
- no feminism
- no need to import massive amount of immigrants

The jews don't own armies they are very few and are very weak. Follow the bible and they will be automatically neutered.

>Furries will never die out
Some day, we as a society will look back at the cancer that is furrydom and scoff.

the mascot of the site is literally a greenhaired loli

You're on an anime website you stupid cancerous mobilefag. Go shitpost on or something.

Nigger we're so Japanese now we're literally owned by a fucking gook.

Kek, the irony of this cognitive dissonance.

>I don't think it's so much "danger" as it is futility. I mean there's no real "challenge" to making it, unless you count losing everything at age 30 when you're replaced at your stem job by some Indian fellow, and then left by your woman for some tanned immigrant.

You'd need to have a shitty imagination and understanding of history and human nature if you think the pursuit of happiness is this level of futile. There are millions of people living very happily because they developed a plan to get what they wanted and carried it out effectively. Apart from the heroes of history, just look at today's upper-middle and elite classes. Many of them began with wealth, yeah, but more of them actually started with nothing and found a way up the ladder. If someone can't do the same, it's not because it's impossible or even implausible. It's because they lack the drive and insight they need to form a working objective for becoming happy.

>I feel like that's the "challenge" most young people see, putting themselves out there and risking 90% failure in a world that wants to literally eat you, and it's not something you don't face because you're a coward, it's something you don't face because it's a fucking retarded game to play. To them, at least.

Then they ought to see what real struggle is like. This tends to wake people up. If you suffer for long enough, not only does it take a lot less to make you happy or comfortable, but it also makes you very angry and driven to finally fucking change this bullshit situation they're in.

>I understand there's no joy for some in taking the "safe" options, no risk, no rewards, right?


>However it's like if I "challenged" you to go to the park and cut down a tree with a spoon

No. If it were that hard, literally no one would be happy. It may feel that hard for someone with no drive or capability, but that can be gained as well.

Someone (likely a male) was paid to photograph pic related. That's his job. I'd be happy.

>not following national socialism instead

Hitler was a christian you idiot.

>avoid hard work
It's not the hard work, it's not knowing what is worth working hard at
>just get fit bra
getting fit only helps marginally, personality is much more important and infinitely harder to fix

Hiroyuki was educated in America and also lives here. He's also such a betafaggot that the board of directors at 2 channel cucked him out of his own business. Nothing to brag about.

It's not even about justifying NEETs, I'm triggered by some closet homosexual pointing fingers at lonely losers who basically don't hurt anybody but their parents maybe, just because he feels guilty for some shit and has to prove something.

Meanwhile that fucking moron lives of the collective delusion of a whole community, contributes nothing really besides telling people what to think, and turns an blind eye to shit that actually matters.

He's still a gook.
Go complain about animu and mangoes someplace else.
Shit don't fly here unless it looks like a lump from Dr.Slump.

He and cuckstains only makes me want to be NEET and inspire others to be NEET and reject cuckstainity.

>It's not the hard work, it's not knowing what is worth working hard at

Okay, does it take a whole fucking lifetime to figure this out?

>getting fit only helps marginally, personality is much more important and infinitely harder to fix

Yeah, I agree. I was making an argument of emotional appeal - if you want to sit and jerk off all day, having an attractive body will allow you sexually please yourself with actual women instead. However, in order to develop the drive to get fit brah, you need to see a good reason for it and be sick of not being fit. So it definitely starts with personality, yeah, but since most NEETS also can't be bothered to read a book or pursue ideals, they're pretty notably lacking in that department as well. Known for their poor social skills.

I don't give a shit about the rest of the site

Posting anything contributing to bump and image limit with no contribution to discussion is fucking stupid and 99% of the time that's what animepostets are doing.
Most people come here for Sup Forums or Sup Forums now. It's no longer the purely anime site it once was. Get over it or go to Sup Forums or something where you can pretend it's still the "good ol days" when it was a 100% anime website

THIS is the point.
Right here.
Self-righteousness is pride.
Pride is a sin.
The Christfaggot should know better.


He denies the holocaust and blames the Jews for everything, so I don't think he is one or he is really self loathing

Don't listen to these try-hard faggots. The problem with NEETS isn't their inability to succeed socially, or make money; that's environmental and genetic. The problem is absurd expectations.

Sure, try your best to improve yourself, but don't get upset when you never become 10k a day Chad, with a hot GF. You can't have that.

The trick is realizing that you don't need that to be happy. Ignore the societal brainwashing that tells you how to rate yourself. It's all bullshit. A millionaire with a hot wife is not better than a neet in his basement. Saying otherwise is just consumerist brainwashing. Live your life on your own terms, and stop letting yourself slide into depression because of things you can't change.

To attain happiness, you must exist with meaning

Our current existence is devoid of any intrinsic meaning, requiring every individual to cobble together some means of tolerating the exceptionally greater proportion of suffering to pleasure ratio that encompasses human lives.

For most people this means getting drunk and fucking as many holes as you possibly can whenever you can.

For social outcasts this route requires exceptionally greater effort which has generated volumes of "alpha-emulation" rhetoric witnessed mostly online but also in a number of magazines and broadcast media. More on the topic of the thread, there are many who simply say its for the birds and settle into sedentary passionless lives that are at least tolerable.

However, all paths are eventually unfulfilling and create nothing but a yearning to see what lies beyond the veil of death.

What the fuck does that mean you serial loser?

Pastor Anderson is an awesome dude.

Fuck off


Shut in isolationism is dangerous.

Most neets on here are more than likely shut-ins that never show their face to the world.

Being a shut-in cuts you off from vital information about people, the world, and other random items.

What a naive, norrow-minded, arrogant view to take of humanity. Just because YOU feel existence is without intrinsic meaning doesn''t mean this applies to everyone.

>However, all paths are eventually unfulfilling and create nothing but a yearning to see what lies beyond the veil of death.

Again, you're projecting. For instance, millions upon millions of theists disagree. They feel their current life is very worth living and are satisfied with their perceived self-growth even if they can't attain perfection in their lifetime.

You speak in such a way as to distance yourself from the NEETS but all these assertions you're laying out suggest that you're just a NEET apologist.

Yeah, I know, NEETS aren't hurting anyone blah blah fucking blah, that doesn't mean I can't ridicule them for expressing the most pathetic rationalizations for wasting their lives that I've ever seen.

You think I was the popular jock kid in high school who just went with the flow and did hella sports? No, I was the outcast ultragoth who no one liked and I still lost my virginity at age 14 and was having sex virtually every day while my more popular peers were blueballed because they spent more time doing homework and practicing football that finding their own way in life. I was that creepy edgelord who dabbled in the occult (still am) and yet I'm shocked to see how socially stunted these NEETS on the internet are. I wasted a lot of time on vidya but then I #woke and started like, reading books and trying to mold myself into my own ideals that I had developed from the books and self-reflection. So don't give me this shit about how things are pointless and hopeless and only the normies think things can be okay while all the outcasts simply "realize the futility". No, I'm a former outcast and still a weird mf who completely disagrees.

Suck my stinky neet dick!

>wasting their lives
What does this mean? Is this some sort of a race?

All these things (career, relationships, etc.) are just games. It's only because of society that a lot of neets are convinced to feel bad about themselves when they can't compete.

I guess everybody should step into the light and become a christian then. You know, learn about the vital information that's provided by the bibel. Meet the world, get to know random items.