My neighbours are smoking weed right now which is illegal in my country and punishable by upto 5 years in prison.
Give me one good reason why smoking weed is not degenerate and why I shouldn't call the cops on them RIGHT NOW
My neighbours are smoking weed right now which is illegal in my country and punishable by upto 5 years in prison.
Give me one good reason why smoking weed is not degenerate and why I shouldn't call the cops on them RIGHT NOW
Because you're a faggot who needs to say his prayers first inshallah
Give me a reason why it is degenerate
You should call the cops faggot. Start doing your civic duty and uphold the laws of your country.
Once they get out of prison they'll know it was you and come after you
Call the cops. Now.
Uhm it's fun?
Hahahah, your neighbors are having a great time while you get mad about it and post about it on a anime forum full of virgins on a Saturday night. How fucking beta are you?
>Be a snitch
>my country
call the rozzers on you for not upholding the queens English
ask first why homosexuality is degenerate.
>5 years.
What planet are you on you retard.
Would you rather them get drunk and get all loud and obnoxious? Or drive drunk and injure or kill someone on the way home?
it's sunday retard
only call them if you are offering a livestream.
>Calling the cops for recreational use
Has autism gone too far?
call the cops, I hate dudeweeds
You're clearly a virgin, only a virgin would think like this.
they wouldn't give a shit
tell them your a muslim and its disturbing your mecca time or whatever and the fumes are polluting your baby's lungs
be round before you know it
Do it for the lulz
It's still Saturday here. lrn2timezones
don't call them because they won't care... the UK is lax as hell on drugs
call the police, itll be funny, record it and then pop out of your apt. screaming GROOVY BABY GROOVYYY
Because it's not harming anyone, it doesn't cause anti-social behavior (in whites anyway), and has the medical uniqueness of being the strongest, fastest anti-emetic known to man. So it's useful for any medical condition that causes vomiting. Honestly, with all the problems in this world, don't you have something better to morally preen about than weed?
>grab some chips and beer
>go knocking the door
>sosial life
I just called the cops. Smoking weed is against the law and degenerate and any decent citizen with a sense of moral duty will show ZERO tolerance to degeneracy.
I will not be terrorized with threats. You sir, America, should know better.
And all those defending this degeneracy, you call yourselves redpilled?
Call them, but if you think they are going to get 5 years, or any prison time at all, you're going to be greatly disappointed. They wont even be taken to the police station.
I bet you don't even have the balls to call the police, faggot.
Is free will degenerate?
>my country is being overrun by Muslims
>better stop these dudeweeds that aren't harming anyone
Get your priorities straight faggot.
Good job user. Weed is for degenerates
Pakis and niggers smoke a lot of weed. His neighbours are probably pakis or niggers.
Ironically I'm pretty baked right now, you bastards got me so excited for a moment.
ye you did the right thing my boy
(((free will)))
One does not snitch, shitcunt, never.
You are too drunk to dial number?
How did you help this man? How did you help society? Think he will quit smoking because of a ticket/sentence? You fool yourself more than anyone in this threat friend.
Idk dude if they aren't harming anyone than who cares. OP should be more worried about the Sharia patrols and things of that nature.
You are fucking retarded.
It is your freedom to do so so do it
Do it for him
Teach those normalfags a lesson, OP.
Film it, put video in dropbox, and post dropbox link here.
You can call the cops user, it is illegal
But you better watch out
You step out of line even just a little and kek will make sure YOU face the law
If you drink or use any substance at all than you have no ground to stand on. What people put into their bodies is their business.
Literally everyone smokes a lot of weed if they can dumbass.
Prohibition was a feminist movement, good job being a useful idiot.
The sweet stench of DUDE WEED LMAO is more than enough justifaction to rat those hippies out.
Call the cops then faggot
I'm proud of you. You did the right thing my man. That should teach your piece of shit neighbors not to be crackheads in the future.
Weed is shit and degenerate. Fucking pot head.
He already did. See
tell the address?
good job autist
Achmed you're worried about the stench of dude weed but you probably spent the first part of your life surronded by the stench of rotting corpses.
go be a faggot somewhere else.
>all these degenerate weed smokers pretending that it is a healthy and widespread habit
Country known for WEED LMAO here. Never smoked weed, because I'm not a degenerate like you.
because it is harming no one
Weed smells like a hobo who hasn't showered in 6 months who has been sitting in a damp sewer dips his sweaty stank-filled balls in powdered sugar.
>My neighbours are posting on Sup Forums right now which is illegal in my country and punishable by upto 5 years in prison.
>Give me one good reason why shitposting on Sup Forums is not degenerate and why I shouldn't call the cops on them RIGHT NOW
You should have already
I haven't smoked weed in 3 years.
Just kill yourself idiot.
Is it harming you in any way? Is it any of your business what people do in their own homes?
Fuck off, snitches. If Muhammed is next door making bombs you do nothing, but someone burning a plant is a problem worthy of alerting authorities.
>Worried about others' degeneracy
>British flag
>pic contains a firearm, WHICH IS ILLEGAL IN BRITAIN
Maybe you should go ask for a hit, sit down, and think about what real crimes are happening that you do nothing about.
Go ahead, Superman Churchill, we're waiting.
*tips fedora*
The government is your friend.
You're pathetic
>call the cops
You gave yourself away there American.. Next time you don a proxy, learn British slang.
Nice try though you got lots of bites.
Ahh yes because the government helping always turns out well for everyone involved.
Don't be an asshole. They're on their own property, right? Who cares. I could understand the smell but it'll be gone when they're done smoking. Let them relax. How aggy can you be
guys relax.
i have seen moralfags put away because they get drugs planted on them and the police called on them.
its the best revenge.
It's so nice being able to blaze wherever and whenever I want to.
Get on my level fucks.
>Admits to bring a SJW
>Dude, second hand weed smoke from next next door is like soo rad.
>t. college student Chad
this is why I don't date, you can't trust anyone
And yet, you're probably a NEET which is far more degenerate.
If they were white and you called the cops on them you deserve death.
ITT Weed fags BTFO'd by a upstanding britishman
Do you sperg out when you walk down the street and smell someone smoking a cigarette? We inhabit a planet with 6.5 billion other people, you're gonna smell some things you don't like every once and a while.
Answer for question 1
It's a half decent drug with therapeutic uses and not controlled by big pharma.
A little tip for you. LSD is fantastic against depression. Won't see a prescription written for a guided LSD trip though anytime soon. You are a faggot which segues into answer 2.
Answer for 2
Because secretly YOU want to be the one going to jail and taking Jamal's BBC up you poopchute for 5 years which explains your jail fixation
Snitches get stitches.
If you were my neighbour, and called the cops I first off wouldn't go to jail because it's just fucking weed and 2 I would legally make your life fucking miserable afterwards. I lived for years in a place that has a word that translates to neighbour-war.
As usually OP is a faggot.
I always got the vibe that majority of you here are losers, r9k tier losers. You guys feel like you're morally superior when in reality you're pissed you can't have fun the way people your age are.
>go to party
>Some clearly underage people are drinking alcohol
>go to bathroom
>call cops pretend to be the neighbors making noise complaint
>"ok sir we'll drive by and look into it"
>40 minutes later, no cops show up
>drinking water
>talking to qt
>a bunch of people start shooting glances around the room and start entering a door near me
>qt grabs my arm
>"Hey user, do you want to smoke?"
>"Wtf no I don't poison my body"
>go to bathroom
>call police and tell them people are smoking weed
>10 minutes later cops knock on the door
>no one answers
>cops leave
hmmm truly a bastion of civilization
You're Being a dick right now
Stop being a dick
Let people smoke their delicious kushh
>Do you sperg out when you walk down the street and smell someone smoking a cigarette?
Actually, smoking in public is not even allowed in germany, so yeah. I get mad and yell at them in my mind.
I love powdered sugar.
This. For once a fucking leaf isn't shitposting.
lol, they won't get 5 years in bongistan. hell on my visit in london people were smoking weed near bus stations and shit.
t.degenerate weed smoker
go hot box moms car, Kim
Still no proper explanation as to why weed's degenerate.
Why didn't you shoot them?
Well keep on being a bootlicker Achmed. I'm sure mama Merkel is proud of you.
Do it
I kinda agree with this dude. If I don't want to smell that shit I shouldn't have to.