>You're against immigration? Who puts the veggies on your table miho?
What do you say?
>You're against immigration? Who puts the veggies on your table miho?
What do you say?
Mu gusto te culo, pinche puta.
Thanks for staying poor and working the fields,wetback.
Season laborers.
They fuck off back to Poland once the harvest is in instead of demanding benefits.
Who employs you jose? A white man. He may do the labor, but he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the farmer
The veggies picked themselves just fine before they were here. If you spics are so good at it go back to Mexico and start your own farms since you have experience. The maybe you country can export something that isn't fucking drugs. The massive price change on the produce is a fucking meme. If it wasn't it would be good to make my fellow Americans do without. Take your pick. Plenty more also.
Judging by her size there werent any fucking vegetables
Im American vegetables have no place on my table dumb spic.
Me? I don't see how imported food, or food farmed by Finnish farmers are relevant to immigration.
>why can't they pick fruits and vegetables in Mehico?
I'm white ad I live in th Central Valley, picked grapes and rolled raisin trays sense I was 10 . Fuck offtomeheco bitch.
>who puts veggies on your table?
I do, because I work for my food
Do you get a designated immigrant to do household chores?
Portuguese, Spaniards and random goys from Eastern Europe.
Not fuck off but travel.
>live on a farm
>put my own vegetables on the table
Never change, Straya.
I buy from local farmers that don't use illegal labor.
>Who puts the veggies on your table miho?
I do.
I'm a farmer, I do....
>not raising animals and crops directly adjacent to a beautiful river nestled in a mountain range
I didn't know people were without vegetables before. But thanks for the knowledge, genius!
>People that still believe almost all of it isn't automated machines and season workers.
>Somehow the few farms Mexicans vacate will shut down our food supply, even though those farms are typically almond farms in California, which is the reason for the drought in the first place.
Stay mad, Tía.
Probably the best and most realistic response.
Side note, which farms actually use illegals to farm? Curious.
>why are you against minimum wage and worker protections?
I live in Fl and read a book about the tomato industry. Since it focuses on fresh off season tomatoes they NEED people to pick them, at just the right time, too green and they'll never ripen, too red and they'll ripen too fast on the truck. This requires people to go out every day and pick them up the vine as they ripen one at a time. Supposedly in Ca it's focused more on the processed tomato industry so they just use determinate tomatoes and then gas the field or something and let the plants dry and use machines to harvest. Florida is too humid and requires some hilariously harmful fungicide that's banned in every state unless it's and emergency, and it's "always an emergency" here. Idk about strawberries, think they have higher value per acre though so they can afford the labor?. Other than that I think most things are mech harvest.
ftfy bud
Those are fucking corporate farms from america that expanded into mexico for its appealing produce climate. Its like asking if I want replacement parts for Caterpillar equipment because the operation resides in mexico. Get the fuck out of here