Millenials are NOT having kids

Why aren't these new generations millenials breeding white babies?

The new generation either does not have kids or they race mix!!!!

Hispanics pop out kids like rats!

Blacks have kids by the litter!

Mixed people have like 4 kids

Whites have almost zero!!!

What's going on??? REEEEE

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Because having a kid means growing up and taking responsability over something. They don't have the capability nor resources for that. Also they want to behave like teenagers until they are forced to have kids by biological means or just skip it. Having a kid would end the fun, no more netflix and chill with strangers every weekend, no more smoking weed, no more going to an exotic country for 1 year for cultural dick.

M-Maybe i dont wanna waste $250k+ on a kid and i have a hobby to keep me happy.

S-Sorry i used my frontal lobe and used some common sense to determine kids weren't right for me and i'd rather have the cash and my freedom.

>be hispanic or black
>literally no one gives two fucks if you get pregnant
>everyone around you had kids at 14
>no careers prospects anyway
>don't use birth control cuz you're a moron or muh religion
>stupid enough to believe the father will stay and life will work out
>government gives you gibs for being a minority

>be white
>have more interesting prospects
>have a career
>parents pressure you to not have kids
>have loans and debts that need to be repaid because you're responsible
>have higher standards in a partner
>government laughs at you if you ask for gibs cuz your a fucking white male

Blacks and Hispanics aren't held to the same standard as white families. Whites are normally more responsible with their money because they do not receive a lot of incentives to have children, in comparison with blacks and hispanics who receive large handouts of free shit.

Theres more that is involved with this but I believe Blacks and Hispanics actually have a lot more privilage than whites. Not to mention having kids is expensive but when the government is paying for them, who cares?

because of feminism.



there is literally no other biological purpose in life than having offspring. I do think you shouldn't have kids if you can't financially afford it.

yes smart guy, you think you're cheating the system, but what you're really cheating is your nature and some way or another you will suffer from it.

Nice. In exchange for that you will lose your culture, country, race, and freedom. sounds like you really thought this through. My excuse for not having children? modern women are fucking shallow as fuck and just want to have fun. I lived with a woman for a year and tried everything to convince her to get pregnant with my seed. She kept going "MUH SECURITY FINANCIALLY, MUH FREEDOM, etc."

modern women are fucking shit, and so are the men. its over.

>I lived with a woman for a year and tried everything to convince her to get pregnant with my seed. She kept going "MUH SECURITY FINANCIALLY, MUH FREEDOM, etc."
Most likely she was cucking you.

Why doesnt Sup Forums have kids themselves? Truly, I'm sure the white supremacists on this board are capable of having sexual relations with a women. Right?

>white supremacists

its white nationalists


Previously, people just had children to occupy their time. Raising children is essentially a hobby. Now video games and anime exists, and I find that a much more enjoyable way to pass my time than paying money to take care of a crying shit.

Who the fuck cares. The worlds overpopulated anyways. I hope this zika virus shit sterilizes a shit ton of people. Most aren't fit to have kids anyway.

>Having 4 kids on 45k a year
I hope they have fun with their shit life, and even more fun when their (((wife))) leaves them for tyrone, taking what little money he even has.

I'm 23 if it were up to me I'd have 4 children by now. I would teach to play violin and piano. We could create this next Mozart, but feminism killed western genius. What can we do lads? How can we do this once more

>le overpupulation meme
>meanwhile africa will quadruple in the next 50 years and the west will drop by 15%

About half the world's population is either white or a white mix. White genes are safe.

Apart from that we need to hold onto Europe. White Europeans need more kids.

Yes I should only do what natures tell me to! Let's go back to caves and throw shit at eachother.

>What can we do lads? How can we do this once more

Let the left eat itself and push more people to the right. We'll be waiting here with open arms and when ppl get comfy, we redpill them all. No turning back after that

Oh for God's sake,what's so great about this?

it sets up the chill

Whites are going extinct.
You brought this on yourselves for being slaves to the jew.
Don't worry, the world will fall shortly after since there will be no more whites to act as atlas holding it up.

>Hispanics pop out kids like rats!
Since they're the closest thing to whites, you should be glad they're not only outbreeding you, but the other races as well. Plus they're catholic, what more do you want?

Paco is your salvation.

Hispanics aren't having many kids

Mestizos are!

Don't lump Spaniards into this ya asshole


having a wife is basically just spending a metric fuckton of money and time on a permanent and risky obligation solely for social status

I've seen friends have accident babies in their early 20s and get stuck in shitty factory jobs to pay for their shitty apartment and their couchbound daily takeout ordering wife's disposable spending habits and honestly I'd rather just stay single

Hispanic isn't a race of only brown indian people you fucking idiot

You have a low IQ

Fucking hell, they said the same of boomers in the 70s. This is nothing new.

Those indians in your pic are not hispanic

They are mestizo latinos

>implying I meant anything other than mexibrown

>Oh for God's sake,what's so great about this?
Making tv closer to youtube

Why would I want to have children and raise them in the hell we currently live in?

There is nothing going on that is worthy of mention. All this PC bullshit is self destructive.

>russians and muricans high-fiving all day

Kids make your life miserable for decades.

It's shit for retards; millennials are too smart to conscript themselves to 20 years of uhappiness.

Yeah, but unlike the 70s we have readily available data on this.

>wanting SJWs to breed and teach their offspring that they are oppressors for having penises

that honestly sounds more fun than anything else i did today

Im a hispanic and there are already too many short brown people on this planet.

Literally, the only race that should be procreating is white people. Every other race's population size is over one billion.

>millennials aren't having enough kids
>millennials aren't watching enough movies
>millennials aren't buying houses
>millennials aren't consuming enough _____


You don't need babies to spread meme Just no resistance.
Even if POC don't agree with the inane sjw madness they must comply with liberal privilege on the surface.

>conflating buying homes and having children with watching the silverstien screen and mindlessly consuming

Well meme'd.

You mean white millenials, right? Because young people are having kids, alright. Loved seeing strollers to the daycare in my high school.

My older sister became super conservative, married at 21. Hasn't had kids yet, but a number of her very conservative couple friends have all had one or more kids by their mid 20s after buying a small house. Anecdotes don't mean much, especially since super-traditional millenials are such a small group, but it does happen.

Because married couples tend to date other people. Also married life results in people forgetting about you like as if they never knew you, a shift in personality.

Id love to be a dad, but unfortunately you need a wife to have children in my country.
A couple creepy old gay men have a better chance of adopting than a single straight man.

It isnt as easy as it was in the 1800's when you could just walk up to an orphanage, pick one out of the litter, pay your 50 bucks and go.

Millennials arent against having kids, they just cant get married, or dont want to.

white people would have more kids if it wasn't for (((feminism)))

Dating changed over the decades and most women are brainwashed or stupid to find that perfect man. Childhood friends never happen. Military wives cheat and go. Rich people spoil. You have to know about how many guys she's been with.

heres the scenarios the boomers/media/feminism wants me to take

>start dating
>girl regrets sex
>woman: hello officers? my bf/husband raped me

>get her pregnant
>she wants to abort
>me: no, its my child too
>her: hello officers? my husband just said i cant kill his child

>woman gets bored with me
>woman: hello lawyer? im kinda bored with my husband, i dont want to be with him anymore, can you help?
>lawyer Goldstein: sure can mam! do you have kids too? cause then we can REALLY take him to the cleaners, most likely keep the kids, AND you get to keep his house!
>her: :)

fuck you, i aint getting into that trap unless laws are SERIOUSLY changed. I know TOO MANY guys that have been DESTROYED by this shit

imma keep truckin on, making money, maybe move to a conservative country where this shit doesnt happen and try there

Why does everyone say we're not. I got a friend 23, white collar job, stay at home wife and 3 kids; go fuck yourself.

they'd have more if it wasn't such a crushing financial burden in an age where women will pack their bags and make off with your money if they get slightly annoyed. Hispanics and niggers don't suffer that because they are already bottom of the barrel poor and don't really care about raising kids in a positive manner.

>The worlds overpopulated anyways
This is the dumbest fucking argument made by retards who have no clue what they are talking about.

The world is only overpopulated by third worlders with IQs less than 80. First world countries are becoming underpopulated due to lack of births. So yes, if you want the world to become more third world and more literally retarded (lower IQ) keep on thinking "The world is too overpopulated for white people to have kids".

I have never met any still married parents who regret having kids. I'm guessing you grew up with a single mom who just wanted to have "fun" every weekend.

Whites have higher standards for childrearing. They want to raise their children in good neighborhoods with excellent schools. They want to have the money to provide beyond just the very basics for a child. They want to have the resources to be able to provide the very best possible to their kid to give them the best chance at success.

Blacks and hispanics seem fine with stuffing 8 kids in a one bedroom apartment and making sure they eat twice a week or so. They see that as "good" parenting.

This is why the "AMURICA WILL SOON MY MINORITY-MAJORITY meme is just that - a meme. One day soon, the government will either stop giving them free shit or won't be able to continue giving them free shit.

Then minority birthrates will collapse and white birthrates will skyrocket, because whites will have more incentives to have children.

I'm not dragging more souls to this shitheap fuck you

ill have 3 white kids in about 2.5 years. this is my plan