How the fuck is this not Sup Forums related? Why the fuck do we have the shittiest mods on the site...

How the fuck is this not Sup Forums related? Why the fuck do we have the shittiest mods on the site? You don't like yugioh? then dont fucking read it mods. But you dont fucking have to go around deleting threads just because you dont like shit

honestly how do i report the fucking asshole nazi's in charge of this board? anyone remember that board where you can talk directly to the admins or the higher ups on this site? I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit that has completely chased off half the board

Other urls found in this thread:


You want to talk about cartoons You want to talk about trading cards Fucking neck yourself you plebe thats only on Sup Forums because of star wars and capeshit

I tried talking about how much I like Ghost in the Shell's Arise and that got deleted. I guess anime isn't allowed

Fuck you if you think Major from Complex is better. She dresses like a slut whilst Arise Major is modest.

>tfw I want to discuss 1900 - 1940's films
This is why we need /film/

Go to you fucking basement dwelling weeb


this board was killed by baneposting and star wars. Go search something better.

>I guess anime isn't allowed
No, it isn't you retarded Summerfaggot. That's what Sup Forums is for, a containment board for weeb bullshit.

you can't just come here and throw around hypotheticals unless they are popular, nobody in the mainstream gives a fuck about poogioh, mabye if you had started a thread about the yugioh movie it wouldn't have been shitcanned.

t.tranny janny

>trying to talk about Arise on anime
That's like trying to talk about the DCEU on Sup Forums

>That's what Sup Forums is for, a containment board for weeb bullshit.
How do you explain Sup Forums allowing circlejerk threads about kpop singers?

wait does this mean the tasteless fucking Sup Forums janitor that was doing it for free all last week is finally gone??
thank god

Noticed they seem to be deleting anything they don't like. Some stuff used to be fine too. Like discussing tv tropes even though its a meme, but its also tv discussion. waifu threads probably get deleted too even though sometimes they address acting careers. this thread wont last longer either. I'm not even sure what's Sup Forums related anymore.

Discuss them here. Go on, make a thread. People will ignore you because nobody gives a fuck about films from 1900. A /film/ board is a stupid idea if that's what you want it for. It would have 1 user (you) and be a huge waste of 4chans resources.

The only way Sup Forums makes money is from advertising and selling passes. Since everyone with a brain uses ublock/adblock, that leaves passes. How many passes do you think they sell a day? I bet it's less than 50... nay... less than 20.

You mean KOREANpop you fucking idiot? Why would that go on /jp/ or even Sup Forums

>He doesn't want to discuss what is possibly the very first Mummy movie

>A /film/ board is a stupid idea if that's what you want it for. It would have 1 user (you) and be a huge waste of 4chans resources.
Stop trying to make it sound like Sup Forums is this big business website.

btw are you a newfag? /film/ did exist for a couple days about 2 years ago but was deleted.

We had comfy threads such as a Doctor Who /film/ general.


weebs cucked again!!!
Based mods!!!!!

>post yfw this thread is ironically the best thread on Sup Forums at the moment
WOW we are actually discussing things and not just bitching about "MUH DC AND MARVEL"

Is there a sub for kpop? No? But there is a sub for shitty children anime. Get the fuck out of here with your extra chromosomes.

lmao what a fucking idiot. this is proof that this board is being invaded

>Discuss them here
k. I have recently began watching the classic Monster movies, getting ready for the remakes. I have been watching them in order of how the remakes will be made so that means after the Mummy it's Bride of Frankenstein, Invisible Man, Creature from Black Lagoon, Van Helsing, Wolfman.

Bride of Frankenstein was a really interesting movie. Would you believe the Bride only had 2 minutes of screen time at the end? Most of the movie was Frankenstein's Monster roaming around looking for help (funny enough, Frankenstein's Monster reminded me of Dougie from Twin Peaks especially when he drank the coffee).

>not allowed to discuss an actress' looks on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is allowed to circlejerk over kpop singers
Doesn't make sense

overpolicing shit is the dumbest thing i ever heard

>Noticed they seem to be deleting anything they don't like.

This is one of the biggest problems on this site. Mods deleting threads that are okay, simply because they don't like the thread.

Also I'm invoking Hiro's one thread about board quality, which means this thread should be allowed, and it will get deleted obviously

reminder that Kaiba is the good guy, and Yugi is a cheating ass motherfucker.

It does if were here when they decided to force that rule. Sup Forumsedditors, redditors and ginger hated the waifu posters and did everything to make them leave

the whole point of the thread was about a movie you dumb hick

Stay away, you shit mods

you can if its Sup Forums pandering shit

>tfw my Nickelback thread got deleted
I was only trying to get people to listen to a new instrumental song they made, stating how if a biopic was made about this band going from grunge, to selling out to realizing that they want to leave the pop blend (as their new album is very heavy compared to their last release), it would make a great film.

Also, have you tried discussing rock or metal on Sup Forums? You will literally get no replies. The only stuff Sup Forums talk about is kpop singers, shitty rap no one has heard of and a couple overrrated albums that they love the cover art of.

not creating a kik group so we can all join and discuss movies that no one talks about on here
nah... that would probably get out of hand

remember when he actually made that post and every single board except for Sup Forums got 1 thing they wanted


WHY doesn't Nickelback make more music like this and leave their pop ballad sound?

>you don't remember those handful of days from two fucking years ago where they had a board for just a little while



>ywn watch a Nickelback movie, detailing how the band wrestles with what songs they want to write as some want more heavier songs and others want more pop songs with some members wanting the fame and money and others the art. The end of the film shows them release a new album: it being full on metal and no pop ballads in sight as the world gets shocked.

10/10 would see

It just wouldn't work. I can't see any actor being able to pull of the dialogue without being cringe, and the duels themselves rely on anime cinematography.

I'm just here to post cute girls. This thread is retarded.

this board was false flagged so hard back in the day with 100x100 images of actresses to make it looks like it was a problem so they pretty much banned actress discussion on Sup Forums after that point, and make it so you can only talk about her 'body of work'

friendly reminder that at one point in time, it was against the rules to post ASR in general

i laughed but it hurt a little

appreciate the bump though

Have two!

>left up for hours
How do we report this to hiro?? its clear that the mods are paid off by these companies and hiro doesn't know