So it would appear Black Manta had an accomplice in his murder of Aquababy

>tfw you're reading Aquaman volume 1 #42 and find the true culprit responsible for the death of Arthur Jr.

In the letter pages no less, we have James H. Shull responsible for the dismantling of the Aquafamily.

Read it and weep here, folks in the final letter at the bottom right.

I wonder what became of him now.

So who wants to form a mob?
I git the torches

Until he's back!!
We won't be silenced!!

Finally, a cause I can get behind of.

Is it wrong that I want the baby to come back so manta gets the satisfaction of killing it twice.
Just imagine, instead of always bragging about the time that he murdered aquaman's son, he can alternate bragging about the one of TWO times that he murdered aquaman's son.

Probably living under a new name and hideout in secrecy.

Can't Manta just go to an alternate dimension and kill the baby in there?

What if James H. Shull is Black Manta's real name?

Yes, we shall assemble a mob, hunt this man down, and thank him for what he has done!

>an entire series dedicated to Manta's attempts at aqua-infanticide across the multiverse

What a twist!

We'll always be caught in the dance of "Introduce legacy, kill legacy, reintroduce legacy" won't we?

Truly, he was a hero for an entire generation.

It's weird to think that the lose of a character was made all worth it by a single page

I'll get the pitchforks. We can paint them gold to look like tridents.

Did the baby come back in Blackest Night? That would've been fucked up.

Letter pages clearly had quite the influence back in the day.

I wish DC would bring back letter pages like Marvel did.

Anyone else think this arc is going to end with Mera doing something Arthur wouldn't enjoy all that much? She was basically ready to kill Black Manta when AM wasn't and now we've got this new threat who I think Mera might just kill rather than letting go which will unnerve Arthur a lot.

>Bruce gets his family brought back countless times meanwhile Arthur has to suffer for all eternity
It isn't fair

Eh, I kind of hope not. One of my favorite things about Aquaman is his stability with Mera.


Mera took care of it.

go away Slott

His only mistake was wishing it upon a monkey's paw.