What would Sup Forums do if you were from a Muslim country?
Leave Islam, or embrace it? Support someone like Erdogan?
I have the feeling you tards would actually join ISIS if you were Muslim.
What would Sup Forums do if you were from a Muslim country?
Leave Islam, or embrace it? Support someone like Erdogan?
I have the feeling you tards would actually join ISIS if you were Muslim.
Also for what it's worth pic is young Marine Le Pen.
>What would Sup Forums do if you were from a Muslim country?
Which one? A cool one like Yemen or a shit one like Turkey?
>embrace it?
Yeah, I'd get me a loli wife and live the life.
Fuck these mudshit treads.
>I have the feeling you tards would actually join ISIS if you were Muslim.
If I sincerely believed that Islam is the word of God, then yes. Of course I would join ISIS, as the most faithful adherents of that creed.
But I like to believe that being born in a Muslim country wouldn't automatically make me a retard.
Emigrate to Sweden and give them the d.
-if pol was muslim
people from a 'Muslim" world are retarded mentally...(60% of muslim immigrants to England are FIRST cousins)
on top of that, they are cultural morons that believe fags should be killed publicly...
I like living too much to join ISIS but I would probably be a rapefugee desu.
>But I like to believe that being born in a Muslim country wouldn't automatically make me a retard.
Came here to post this.
Same as those "what if you were born black" threads. Well then I would be a dumb nigger who wouldn't know any better.
^(60% of married muslims)^
>Unironically drinking camel urine,eating flies wings and believing some bedouin mounted a pegasus with the head of a woman.
I would quit the instant i can use my mind.
>>But I like to believe that being born in a Muslim country wouldn't automatically make me a retard.
Oh nevermind, this is what I actually came to post
>But I like to believe that being born in a Muslim country would automatically make me a retard.
Sorry, read that wrong.
If I was Muslim I'd probably kill myself.
^remarks correctly about criminal negroes(offends no1 in the real world)^
>would hate Jews
>and gays
>and women
>and multiculturalism
Im guessing not much would change
There are plenty of closeted dissidents in the Ummah. Since here we are dissenting from mainstream Western culture, why wouldn't we retain the property of dissent?
I'd have a blast
If I were muslim I'd move to France to fuck some white bitches
>hating Jews is like hating air moron
>hating gays is like hating dick sucking moron
>and women(no argument women are stupid and awful)
>and hating multiculturalism is like hating Japanese women moron
i mean...since islam is a complete system - religion,state/caliphate (sharia) and military..you can see isis as islams army..you can't compare their ideology with 1 to 1 but to say it easy..it is the same as if when we sign up for our military..obviously the war tactics and everything are completely different but thats not the points.
As i said you can't compete cultist savages with a real first world military structure we fight for different things with different weapons and methods.
I would be the exact same person except muslim instead of Christian.
you would be the ONLY muslim in your nederlander neighborhood...
Theres two mudslimes in my area, Ive bought bacon and put it on their porch once but theyre not getting the hint, I live in a place where people still wear wooden shoes by the way.
I'd just email the CIA.
You can't be born Muslim. You are indoctrinated into the religion. What are you, retarded?
One plane as been added to your account.
you obviously aren't trying hard enuff to get EVIL out of your neighborhood
no choice but to embrace it unless you want to be disowned and disdained by most people.
it's not really that bad but it's still has more cons than pros really.
at least we still value our eastern culture more than ayyrab culture.
heres something western culture reserves for muslims...
I have muslim background, but both my grandfathers were atheists, grandmothers on other hand were dumber. I´m atheist and live in minority majority muslim country
but that is not REAL cute!
Bosnia is terrible having been there last week, mudslime invested poor shithole.
Atleast you're white though.
so since you're a muslim all "western" cultures can rest believing you are just a lil girl with flowers in her gun...
this Is what the west has for you...
I'm Bosnian as well
Something I find crazy is just how unreligious Bosnia is, none of the "Muslims" there pray, or fast, or do anything remotely religious
I don't know what I would do. I don't really care for hypothetical situations because I'd be answering for what I'd do based on my existing knowledge of world affairs - knowledge I wouldn't be guaranteed to have if I was born a mudshit.
I was born in a catholic country and went to private catholic school my entire life yet I'm an atheist.
op is full of shit
It is a shithole but it has nice places but most of these places were disrupted during the war when serbs lef Zenica, Sarajevo and Tuzla and there came hicks from Zvornik, Srebrenica, Bratunac and shit, and Muslims left Banja Luka nad hicks from Vukovar and other shitholes, almost iliterate people.
>Belgian atheist
Cannonfodder during the Flemmish reunion.
Yeah but they talk about religion all the time, some feast during ramadan, but get shit drunk for Eid, and they all say shit like u cant be atheist and act worse than whores of Babylon. Being
>implying the Flemish catholics will put up with you protestant cunts
Also, Ik ben Vlaming, niet Belg.
What a stupid question. Every side is brainwashed from birth. I don't think I'll do anything differently. I may not even discover Sup Forums just like the billions out there.
Look for any way out.
Oh wait I already am in a muslim country and I'm almost definitely stuck.
you live a GOD-LESS life and wish all humans were as GOD-LESS as you
here's something 4 you
The serbs didnt have any rights to kill fellow Europeans I must admit, but then again theres nothing more cucked than bowing to the religion of your occupants.
Bosnia was really poor, lots of people literally begging me for money, plenty of yugos and very little to do or see and what I did see was depressing as fuck.
Don't worry brah. We Europeans face the same shit already.
Never said it should be a peaceful reunion, its about the clay, not the people on it.
Become atheist and pretend i'm Italian.
Few of bigger towns are doing fine even hogh they are deep in shit, like Tuzla, Mostar, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, but smaller are really fucked up, and there isnt too much Yugos i dont know where you were, but most common is Golf II i think
id be blood mist on a wall somewhere already for no goddamn reason at all
I would join Isis to fight for my people
all of a sudden the WORLD needs to pay attention to stupid fux in Serbia...
^moronic dumb whore thinks Serbia drives world vagina concerns^
Relatively few French muslims get to live that dream.
Most of them are illiterate, unemployable, manlet boorish losers who have to ask Mommy and Daddy to get them a wife in Algeria (probably a cousin).
Only muslims who make something of themselves get the white women.
I don't know. What you did?
I'd do whatever I was taught to do, just like in my current life.
^check it out...a French girl is talking^
I would commit haram
What's wrong with joining Isis if you're a Muslim? I'd be invading Sweden and raping their beautiful women. I'd be going to war for my race against the rest of the world. Just like I want to do now. Most whites just can't see reality. Muslims are playing to win and I would be doing the same.
when you say "haram" you mean you would shove a fist full of mustard into your pee-hole as a faggot...
I so hope you die soon in a prison...